Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 443 Flesh competition

Chapter 443 Flesh competition
Hmm. In an instant, the space shattered like glass. The sharp sword light tore through the space, and then tore apart the Blood Sea Queen's body, causing the Blood Sea Queen's body to collapse and turn into a ball of blood-red liquid.

But then, the blood-red liquid solidified again and became the Blood Sea Queen, but the Blood Sea Queen's face was already a little pale, her eyes were staring at the 'Duan Kong' in Dico's hand, her face was full of Incredulous: "A first-class Hongmeng spiritual treasure? Another first-class Hongmeng spiritual treasure?"

"How about it, do you still want to fight?" Diko, who was holding the 'Duan Kong', looked at the Blood Sea Queen with a half-smile. Although the Blood Sea Queen's body is very strong, even a first-class Hongmeng Lingbao can't deal with it. Regardless of causing any substantial damage, Duan Kong, which has the 'shattering' effect, has also absorbed the Xuanhuang Qi, and its power is comparable to the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao. However, the destructive power of the attack is also very terrifying, and it can still destroy his body.

But that's all. It can only force the Blood Sea Queen to use her immortality. It is impossible to really hurt the Blood Sea Queen, let alone kill her.

"You are just relying on the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao," the Blood Sea Queen gritted her teeth and was a little resentful. If she had the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao to attack like Shura God King, how could she be afraid of Diko?
"Oh? It seems you are still unconvinced! Then, I won't use weapons, let's just fight with our bodies," Diko, who raised his eyebrows and smiled, also had some skills when facing a rare good opponent like the Queen of Blood Sea. Feeling itchy, he directly put away Duan Kong, moved his body and limbs and waved slightly to the Blood Sea Queen.

"Seeking death!" The Queen of the Blood Sea, whose face darkened, gave a sweet shout, and then she approached Diko like a spinning figure. Her right leg was like a long whip, and she smashed hard at Diko with endless power.

Peng... who also didn't dodge or dodge, kicked out Diko hard. The moment he collided with the Blood Sea Queen's long leg, the low impact sound made the frozen space around him tremble. If the space hadn't been blocked by It's frozen, and I'm afraid it will break apart.

The Queen of the Blood Sea, who was shaken all over, stepped back and stopped. She couldn't help but look at Diko in surprise and said, "Your body is so tough?"

"People from the Di family are good at refining the body, don't you know?" Di Ke asked with a smile. The Queen of Blood Sea snorted coldly after hearing this: "Those god kings from the Di family are also very strong physically. "

"Di Qing? Isn't it called Di Feng? I didn't expect that the Di family actually has a god king who has a first-class Hongmeng spirit treasure to protect his body." Di Ke, who also knew the name of another Di family god king, couldn't help but be secretly surprised and curious: "Will the God Kings of the Di family in this God Realm all have first-rate Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures?"

"Even if he has a first-class Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure to protect him, he can only be beaten by me. As for you, I want to see how strong your body is," the Blood Sea Queen said with a sneer and disdain. It was the figure that disappeared and killed Di Ke again.

Then the sword kick, jab, knee... The Blood Sea Queen's savage and fierce close attack moves suddenly poured towards Diko like a violent storm.
But when it came to close combat, how could Diko be afraid of her?Compared to the fierce and fierce attacks of the Blood Sea Queen, Diko's attacks were simpler, more direct, beautiful and efficient. As the figures of the two changed, Diko, who struck casually, easily withstood the Blood Sea. The queen's long legs and jade arms, which were like mutton-fat jade under her bloody robe, attacked.

It seems that Diko is like a boxing master who instructs his disciples. Despite the violent attacks of the Blood Sea Queen, he is still unable to break through his defense.With only defensive methods, Dicko was already in an invincible position.

"Take action! Diko, do you look down on me?" The Blood Sea Queen was a little angry, and her attacks became more and more crazy and fierce. Finally, Diko was forced to feel helpless and punched out like a sudden explosion, directly crushing the pieces. Like a frozen space, the Blood Sea Queen's body collapsed.

This punch was so terrifying that it was like an extremely heavy neutron star hitting the Blood Sea Queen. Even though she used time acceleration to block Dico's punch, the moment the fists collided, her fists and arms were already It exploded into a ball of blood mist.

The Queen of the Blood Sea, whose body collapsed and turned into a ball of bloody water, condensed into a human form again. Seeing the black-yellow light looming all over her body, Diko's body was still intact, and she couldn't help frowning: "Your body is actually worse than mine." Want to be stronger?"

"Don't be surprised! You must know that there are people outside the world, there is a sky outside the sky, and the strongest among the strongest are the strongest. Is it weird that my body is stronger than yours?" Diko shrugged and said noncommittally: "How about it, are you convinced now? Do you still want to fight? ?" "Diko, you deserve my admiration. I admit that I can't do anything to you." The Blood Sea Queen looked at Dico calmly and suddenly laughed: "Haha, very good. I haven't met such an interesting person in a long time. . You can destroy my blood fork and make me unable to do anything to you. You are indeed very strong. However, when I become Tianzun, I don’t believe that I can’t do anything to you."

"Tianzun? Haha, Tianzun is indeed much stronger than the God King, but after you become Tianzun, maybe I will already be stronger than Tianzun. But, do you think you can become Tianzun? Since the birth of the God Realm, you have realized that time has stopped. There should be more than one or two, but none of them finally realize that time goes backwards, right? Therefore, if you want to become a Tianzun, it seems that you still have to rely on luck at the moment," Diko shook his head and smiled.

"Stronger than Tianzun? You really dare to think that!" The Queen of the Blood Sea frowned slightly as the smile on her face faded after hearing this.

"You have to have some dreams, and you will have unlimited possibilities in the future. If you don't even dare to think about it, you are just a useless waste," Diko said with a noncommittal smile: "I look forward to the day when you become a Heavenly Lord. You are also welcome to come to me again to discuss and compete."

"Sparring and fighting..." Looking at Dico, the Blood Sea Queen's eyes flashed and she fell silent for a moment before disappearing in an instant.Dicko's punch just now broke the frozen space, and the Blood Sea Queen was naturally able to teleport.

"What a proud woman!" Diko shook his head and smiled when he saw this, and teleported away before the other god kings arrived.

Due to Diko's previous use of space freezing, even if the god kings of the god world wanted to show up to watch the battle, they could not appear directly around them.

After Diko left and the God-Kings appeared one after another curiously talking about the identity of Diko and the Blood Sea Queen, in the depths of the distant East China Sea, a completely hidden island with a radius of tens of thousands of miles like a vast continent stood suspended in the air. The four figures also watched the entire battle between Diko and the Blood Sea Queen.

The figure at the head was none other than the handsome man in green robes who appeared after Di Ke recognized the mysterious Source God Armor at the origin of Di's Secret Land in the world of immortals, demons and monsters.The other three figures on both sides behind him were two men and one woman. They were a majestic middle-aged man wearing dark cyan armor, a sturdy man with bronze skin, and a slim red-haired woman in a red brocade robe.

"You are physically stronger than me, what a pervert!" The bronze-skinned man said in a depressed voice.

"Although I have a first-class Hongmeng Lingbao armor to protect me, I'm afraid I won't be able to gain any advantage if I fight with him," the majestic middle-aged man in dark blue armor said helplessly.

"Haha... As expected of a person valued by our ancestors, I, Di, finally gave birth to a real evildoer," the handsome young man in green robes smiled.

But the pretty red-haired woman in the scarlet brocade robe couldn't help but frowned and said in confusion: "The Queen of the Blood Sea can cast time to stop, and she is definitely the most perverted and difficult existence among the God-Kings. How can this Diko resist? What about the one where time stands still? How strange! He has just understood the laws of space, could it be that he has already realized that time stands still?"

(End of this chapter)

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