Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 445 Di Gu and Zhou Tong

Chapter 445 Di Gu and Zhou Tong

Time passed, while Qin Yu in the God Realm was working hard to marry Jiang Li, Di Ke had quietly left the God Realm and returned to the Fairy and Demon Realm.
However, Di Ke only spent decades of peaceful life with his wife, children, juniors, relatives and friends in the world of immortals, demons and demons. However, his peace was broken again, because Qin Yu brought people back to the world of immortals, demons and demons.

It may be because Qin Yu's relatives and Di Ke's relatives and friends have a closer relationship and have more contact. In order to find Qin Yu's whereabouts, a squadron of elite gods sent by Lei Punishment City not only secretly investigated Qin Yu's relatives. He even sent a team of gods to Blue Mars to take action against Di Yun and others who had moved to Blue Mars to settle and operate.
As you can imagine, they were just about to take action when they were discovered by Dico. Naturally, they had no mercy and directly killed all the God's team in Thunder Punishment City.

"Thunder Punishment City is really unscrupulous!" With a thought, Dike killed the team of gods consisting of a middle god and nine lower gods. At the same time, he also discovered the thunder punishment on the life planet where the Qin family was located. The other 90 people in the city's elite squadron of gods are headed by the upper god Liu Shan, including the other eight middle gods and 81 lower gods.

Only the eight holy emperors and the three ascended forces of the God Realm can easily dispatch such an elite army.But coming to the world of immortals, demons and monsters with such a big fanfare to investigate some immortals who are not even gods is really too disrespectful of status.

Just when Diko was about to continue taking action to deal with the remaining members of the elite Celestial Squadron of Thunder Punishment City, he suddenly sensed something and stopped.

At the same time, a figure suddenly appeared in mid-air in front of him, it was Moller.Looking at the chaotic recovering space in mid-air, as well as the artifacts and artifact armors suspended in the air, Moller couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then quickly saluted Diko respectfully and said: "Master Diko, this happened. What's going on?"

"It's nothing, I just killed some gods who came down from the God Realm who didn't know whether to live or die," Diko said casually, shaking his head, but Moller stared at him, "God?"And killed some gods?
"It's that kid Qin Yu who caused the trouble, huh? Gu Emperor, he..." Then he raised his eyebrows and looked at Dike in the distance, but his expression became strange. Then he shook his head dumbly and muttered with a smile: "What a good guy. Waste utilization, I didn’t expect this guy to be quite soft-hearted.”

Immediately afterwards, a burly figure appeared in mid-air in front of him. He was dressed in dark cyan armor, with a cold face as sharp as a knife, and a somewhat familiar aura. It was none other than Di Gu, the patriarch of the lineage of ancient emperors in the world of immortals, demons, and monsters. .

"Lord Gu Gu Emperor?" As an extremely outstanding rising star in the Gu Emperor's lineage, Moller had naturally seen the Ancient Emperor, but he had never seen the Ancient Emperor's true face. He couldn't help but be a little surprised and uncertain for a moment.

Diko looked at Moller calmly and smiled: "I didn't expect that your talent is not bad. You could understand the laws of space and become the God King so quickly. Congratulations! It's just that you conquered those in Thunder Punishment City." What does a god do? With your status, are you afraid that after becoming a god-king, there will be no one available to you?"

"Thank you!" A rare and slightly stiff sincere smile appeared on Di Gu's cold face: "The background of the ancient emperor's lineage is a bit lacking, and I don't want to use the masters of gods from Di's family in the divine world, so naturally I need to recruit some people for myself. Moreover, it is safest and safest to control their souls with the help of the Fu Shen Ring. In this way, no matter what their previous identities were, they will be loyal to me in the future and will not disobey me in any way."

"Haha... That makes sense," Dicko, who nodded and smiled, was about to say something more, but suddenly looked into the distance with a change of expression, and saw a tall and thin man appearing in the dark void in the distance at some unknown time.

Di Gu, who was also aware of it, turned around and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smiled inexplicably: "Zhou Tong? Unexpectedly, even you, the 'Thunder God King', came to the world of immortals, demons and monsters. It seems that For that Qin Yu, your Lei Pun City is really making a big show of it. It seems that your Lei Pun City hasn't been so embarrassed for a long time, right? Think about it, it's really refreshing! Haha..." "Di Gu, I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed. You are really lucky to be able to cultivate and become a god king!" Zhou Tong, the Thunder God King, frowned at Di Gu and was obviously unhappy. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Di Gu: "So, you really He is the God King of the Di family! The Di family is really full of talents!"

"Haha...Zhou Tong, you don't need to tell me this. In the God Realm, my Di family is better than your Zhou family!" Di Gu grinned, which immediately made Zhou Tong glare at him with anger and gritted his teeth: "Di Gu. .”

Di Ke couldn't help but look at Di Gu with a little surprise. He obviously didn't expect that the dignified ancient emperor, who had always been relatively indifferent before, would have such a "little man succeeds" side after meeting Zhou Tong.With such a tit-for-tat confrontation, could it be that they had some sort of feud in the past?
"What, do you want to fight me? Do you think I will still be afraid of you now?" Di Gu sneered and looked at Zhou Tongtong: "Among the three of you brothers, you are the worst in terms of talent. Even if you have knowledge of the law of time, Do you think you can defeat me after what you have learned? You seem to have forgotten how badly you were beaten by me before you became the God King, right?"

Di Gu's words immediately made Zhou Tong's face turn red, his hands clenched with anger raging in his heart, and his violent aura caused the surrounding space to collapse.
However, what surprised Diko was that Zhou Tong, who was so stimulated, did not take action directly. Instead, he glanced at him to let him react. It turned out that this guy was afraid of him.If he hadn't been there, Zhou Tong, who had a bad temper, would have already taken action against Di Gu.

"Why, are you afraid of Dike? When did you, Zhou Tong, become afraid of a junior?" Di Gu also started to sneer when he saw this, which made Diko's brows jump. Is this guy really a junior?Who is the junior?No matter how big or small!

"You can take action, but I won't interfere. However, don't take action next to the blue Mars. Find a place with no living planets around, or go to the space turbulence to have a good fight," Diko said. , Di Gu glanced at him helplessly, then smiled at Zhou Tong and said: "Let's go, find a place to have a good fight, it's been a long time since I've done anything, I've long wanted to beat you up again."

"Want to beat me? With your strength as you just became the God King?" Zhou Tong sneered and followed Di Gu away without hesitation. Even if his strength among the God Kings was only average, how could he be afraid of him who had just broken through and become the God King? Di Gu, the soon-to-be God King.Likewise, he had long thought of beating Di Gu to vent his anger.

Di Ke, who was also curious and followed him, tore apart the space and came to the chaotic space outside the world of immortals, demons and demons. When he found that Zhou Tong and Di Gu were already fighting fiercely together, they were fighting like mad dogs and they were inseparable.

"What kind of hatred do these two guys have?" Looking at their desperate postures, Di Ke couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "Good guys, they are indeed the sons of Tianzun. The armor on Di Gu is indeed the Hongmeng Lingbao, and It’s not a mid-grade divine weapon. I asked you how you absorbed so much power from the origin of the universe before..."

"Moreover, within a short period of time after becoming the God King, Di Gu actually understood the laws of time. With the armor protecting him, he could barely fight with Zhou Tong. The auxiliary effect of the Origin Spiritual Treasure in understanding the laws is really great. "Hey, why didn't Luo Meng get one for Di Gu before? Want to sharpen him? Look at how he tortured this kid. He's almost going crazy." He looked at Di Gu who was madly attacking Di Gu, who was protected by the Hongmeng Lingbao armor. , Dico, who shook his head slightly, also sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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