Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 447 Dicko’s Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 447 Dicko’s Meeting Ceremony
Di Wei, who glared at him with beautiful eyes, turned to Di Ke and smiled: "Dike, I heard that you have a very good relationship with the new craftsman god Qin Yu. I still need a magic weapon to attack Hongmeng. , can you introduce me to Qin Yu, I would like to ask him to refine one for me?"

"Attack the Hongmeng Lingbao at random? Do you want a top-notch Hongmeng Lingbao?" Di Ke asked with raised eyebrows. Upon hearing this, Di Shi couldn't help waving his hands and said: "That's not necessary, there is a top-notch one suitable for me. A second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao will suffice.”

"Second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao, there's no need to go to Qin Yu specifically. I have one here. Let's see if it's suitable." Dike, who was thinking deeply, turned over his hand and took out a fiery red spirit bead. He handed it to Di Shi, and the heat wave instantly caused the surrounding space to distort.

"Is this? Fire Origin Spirit Pearl?" Di Feng was surprised when he saw this, but then he couldn't help frowning and said: "The aura seems to be weaker..."

"It's the second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao I made by imitating the Fire Origin Lingzhu. Since Di Bai is good at controlling flames, this Fire Lingzhu should be suitable for her. In her hands, the power is comparable to the top second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao," Danxiao As Di Ke said this, Di Bai, who looked at the Fire Spirit Pearl in his hand with shining eyes, said, "Take it! Just treat it as a meeting gift from me."

Meeting gift?When Di Feng and Di Qing heard this, they both looked at Di Ke with a little surprise. In their opinion, although Di Ke was amazingly talented and his cultivation level was not inferior to them, in their eyes, he was still a general. Diko regarded him as a 'junior' who was valued by his ancestor Romon.

Now, a junior wants to give Di Shi a greeting gift. Not only Di Feng and the others, this sounds like Di Shi and Di Gu were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but feel a little awkward when they realized it.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to know how to refine weapons and be able to refine a second-rate Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure. Could it be that in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, you also obtained Che Houyuan's formation and weapon refining inheritance in the Mystic Temple?" Di Gu looked at Dico curiously and asked.

Seeing Di Ke's noncommittal smile, Di Gu didn't ask any more questions, and turned to smile at Di Bai and said, "Since he is so willing, just accept it. Go back and give him some weapon refining materials and the like. As compensation, I asked him to refine Hongmeng Lingbao at that time."

"Okay, then I'll accept it," Di Hao, who hesitated slightly after hearing this, smiled and took the fire spirit bead from Di Ke's hand, and then directly recognized the owner with a drop of blood, but then he sensed the fire spirit bead. Seeing the information contained in the bead, she couldn't help but look at Di Ke with her beautiful eyes: "This fire spirit bead"

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Seeing Di Mei's big reaction, Di Feng couldn't help but asked with a slight frown.

"Clan leader, this fire spirit bead not only integrates offense and defense, but can also be transformed into a battle suit for body protection. It actually has the same ability to freeze space as the original spirit beads of the eight holy royal families," Di Wei continued.

Upon hearing her words, not only Di Feng, but also Di Qing, Di Gu and Di Wu on the side also changed their expressions and looked at Di Ke subconsciously.In fact, the reason why Di Feng felt that the breath of the fire spirit bead was very similar to that of the fire source spirit bead was because when Diko injected the original energy of the universe into the fire spirit bead, he intentionally injected more power of the fire source.

The reason why Di Ke gave this fire spirit bead to Di Shi was actually just a simple test to see how much Di Feng and the others knew about the original spirit treasure.

Now looking at their reactions, Dico knew what was going on.Obviously, in the God Realm, the original spiritual treasures containing the original power of the universe should be very rare and extremely rare.It seems that in the original work, apart from the eight origin spirit beads, only the Tianzun Lingbao contains the original energy of the universe. Therefore, when the Thunder Punishment Tianzun takes action, the Tianzun Lingbao Original Sin Sword can directly mobilize the power of the eight origins to attack.

"Dike, was this fire spirit bead given to you by Patriarch Tianzun?" Di Feng asked seriously. Hearing this, he glanced at Di Gu, who seemed to have thought of something and had a slightly surprised look on his face. Ke Ze smiled casually and said: "No, I refined it myself. However, during the refining process, due to some unexpected circumstances, the Fire Spirit Bead looked a bit like the Fire Origin Spirit Bead. However, after all, it is not The fire source spirit beads are a bit less powerful."

"An unexpected situation?" Di Feng frowned when he heard it, and Di Ke nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, as for what exactly happened, I can't tell for a while. You will understand in the future." "Yes." Yes, I have refined some second-rate Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures before. If you have a share, I will give you one each." Di Ke said and took out three second-rate Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures and handed them to Di Feng respectively. , Di Qing and Di Wu are all attack Hongmeng Lingbao with good quality and special attack effects.

Looking at the three second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao handed over by Di Ke, the three people who looked at each other didn't know what to say.But facing Di Ke looking at him with a smile, and seeing Di Gu nodding at the side, he still did not refuse after all, and reached out to take it with different emotions.

"Did you refine these Hongmeng spiritual treasures? Where did you get so many spiritual materials and Hongmeng spiritual energy?" But Di Gu still couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and asked Diko.

"This, let's keep it a secret for the time being," Diko, with a slightly mysterious smile, said randomly: "I still have some Hongmeng Lingbao in my hand, and it is useless to keep it. If some of the powerful gods of my Di family need it, I will We can provide some backup for the clan.”

"That's great. Although our Di clan also has a master of weapon refining, we are still good at refining some heavenly artifacts, but the level of refining Hongmeng Lingbao is still a bit low. Now that you are here, Di Ke, you don't have to worry about not having Hongmeng. The Lingbao is used," Di Wu laughed in surprise when he heard this.

Di Feng also smiled and nodded: "Dike, since your weapon refining level is so good, I can provide you with some of the weapon refining spiritual materials collected by the clan in exchange for some Hongmeng spiritual treasures."

"Okay, if there are excellent refining materials in the clan, then I can try to refine a few first-class Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures," Di Ke's eyes also lit up.

First-class Hongmeng Lingbao?Di Feng and the others were slightly stunned when they heard this, and looked at Di Ke with moved and surprised expressions: "Can you refine a first-rate Hongmeng spiritual treasure?"

"Almost, you can give it a try! After all, not only does it require a high level of weapon refining and materials, but luck is also very important." Di Ke smiled noncommittally: "That kid Qin Yu can refine a first-class Hongmeng Lingbao. There is no reason why I can't. Worse than him."

While talking, under the warm and polite greetings of Di Feng and the others, Di Ke and Di Gu soon arrived at a simple palace located on a continent-like island. Sat down on the chair.

After Di Ke, Di Qing, Di Wu, and Di Shi also sat down on both sides, they glanced at Di Gu's Di Feng, then walked up to the main seat and sat down, and then ordered the people to set up wine and banquets for Di. Ke and Di Gu celebrate the cleansing.

During the chat, after drinking for three times, Di Ke couldn't help but asked curiously: "I see that there are many gods and goddesses on the island who are descendants of my Di family. Are we really the only god kings of my Di family? "

"This... I am afraid that even the eight holy emperors and the ascended god kings such as Luo Fan don't know exactly how many god-kings my Di family has. So, keep it secret for the time being. You will naturally know it later," "Don't wait. Di Feng, the leader of the clan, spoke up, and Di Gu looked at Di Ke with a smile.

Diko couldn't help but feel depressed and speechless after hearing this. Is this Digu using what he said before to block him?However, listening to Di Gu's words, it is obvious that the Di family is not the only one with these few god kings. So where are the other god kings?Why hide your identity and strength?Keeping a low profile?Is this necessary for Di?

(End of this chapter)

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