Chapter 453 Space Collapse
At the same time, since Qin Yu and Jiang Li were not in a hurry to leave, they discovered that six of their eight holy emperors had teleported over.

Buzz.. The moment he appeared, Zhou Huo appeared with a sparkling spirit bead above his head. With a thought, he directly used the thunder source spirit bead to freeze the space within tens of thousands of miles around him, and the space fluctuations disappeared. Even the God-King who has understood the laws of space cannot teleport.

"The space was frozen as soon as he took action. It seems that Zhou Huo and the others are full of murderous intent and want to eradicate the threat of Qin Yu as soon as possible!" Di Gu, who was observing with his spiritual sense, couldn't help but glance at Di Ke: "If it weren't for Qin Yu, Yu’s relationship with you is unusual, I’m afraid the Eight Saint Emperors’ murderous intention towards him will not be so strong.”

"He took the initiative to provoke Zhou Huo and others, and also showed the strength and means that made the eight major protoss fearful. What does it have to do with me?" Di Ke rolled his eyes in frustration.

However, Qin Yu's reaction to Zhou Huo and others next surprised Di Gu and others. Di Qing couldn't help but frowned and said: "This Qin Yu can still laugh at such a juncture, doesn't he? Can you tell that Zhou Huo and others have murderous intentions towards him?"

"Obviously, he is confident. It seems that he still has some reservations about the strength and means he showed before!" Di Feng, who said with a squinted smile, looked at Dico curiously: "Dico, do you know this? What trump card does Qin Yu have?"

"Haha, if you keep reading, you will find out soon," Di Ke smiled noncommittally, and while they were talking, over the East China Sea, Qin Yu, Zhou Huo and the other six Holy Emperors had already started to take action.

Zhou Huo couldn't help but attack first. Although the thunder attack, which contained the original power of thunder and lightning, could barely hurt Qin Yu, it couldn't help Qin Yu's clone, which was comparable to the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan actually wanted to take action against Jiang Li, causing Qin Yu to stab him with a spear in anger. The power was so powerful that it almost broke through the defense of Jiang Fan's dark source spirit bead. Di Gu and Di also let their spiritual senses watch the battle. Feng and others looked moved and surprised.

"What a powerful divine spear, first-class Hongmeng Lingbao? It seems that the attack power is stronger than ordinary first-class Hongmeng Lingbao! Where did this Qin Yu get such a sharp divine spear?" Di Gu was amazed again and again, Even Di Qing, who had always been calm, couldn't help but look solemn: "The frozen space is about to collapse. The power of Qin Yu's shot can be imagined. Ordinary god kings cannot resist it."

"It's very strong! Jiang Fan relied on the dark source spirit beads to defend himself, and he was actually injured." Di Feng also frowned and said: "Moreover, the defense power of Qin Yu's clone is too terrible. Such a powerful clone How did he cultivate it?"

"It seems that this battle is getting more and more interesting!" Di Gu said with interest, and couldn't help but look at Di Ke curiously: "Dike, is the magic gun in Qin Yu's hand? Did you give it to him?"

"He should have refined it himself. As for how it was refined, there are some secrets involved, so I can't tell you directly." Di Gu shook his head and said mysteriously. Di Gu was immediately speechless. Rolled his eyes.

Over the East China Sea, the battle was still going on. After seeing Qin Yu's strength, the six Holy Emperors secretly communicated with each other through spiritual consciousness, and then they used the power of the original spirit beads to perform a joint attack like a tacit understanding. This was a unique move. The Eight Saint Emperors' trump card method is also the basis for the Eight Saint Emperors to defeat the three ascendant forces and remain unshakable in the God Realm.

"No, the six Holy Emperors have joined forces, and even God King Shura Luo Fan doesn't dare to resist." Divine consciousness inspection found that Zhou Huo and the other six Holy Emperors had already formed a formation, with the light of the six original spirit beads emerging above their heads. With great success, Di Gu's expression suddenly changed.

The six Holy Emperors, whose powers complemented each other, joined forces, and the power of the six original spiritual treasures also merged into one, and soon turned into a six-color long dragon, swaying its head and tail, causing the space to twist and sweep towards Qin Yu. go
However, when the six-colored long dragon approached Qin Yu, Qin Yu, who was still as gentle as the clouds, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then softly said the word "break" with the corners of his mouth moving slightly.

Boom...In an instant, the surrounding space within tens of thousands of miles suddenly collapsed and collapsed. For a time, space turbulence was filled, and the freezing of space naturally had no effect. Space fluctuations appeared again in the chaotic space turbulence, which also caused those caught in it. The expressions of the six holy emperors changed.The space freeze was broken, and Qin Yu could naturally teleport away calmly. "How is this possible? How did Qin Yu break the freezing of space?" The sudden change not only made Zhou Huo and the others full of surprise and confusion, but even the god kings such as Di Gu who were secretly watching the battle were in disbelief.

"How is it impossible? Any upper god can control the power of space to cause it to collapse," Diko said casually.

"But the space has been frozen, and there is no way to control the power of the space. How can we make the space collapse?" Di Feng frowned and said in confusion: "Besides, only attacks with sufficient power can break the frozen space. It caused the space to collapse. However, the six holy emperors joined forces to freeze the space with the power of the original spirit beads. Even their unique skill 'One Qi Six Elements' could not break the frozen space. No matter how strong Qin Yu's attack was, it was impossible to do so. Yes. If his attack can really exceed the 'One Qi Six Elements', he will directly counterattack instead of relying on this method to avoid Zhou Huo's attacks."

"Qin Yu's attack naturally cannot be so strong, so there is only one possibility, which is to directly manipulate the power of space to cause the space to collapse," Di Ke said.

"You mean, he can still control the space power of the God Realm when space is frozen. How is this possible?" Di Gu also frowned and asked in confusion.

"Of course it's impossible, but can't he control other spatial powers?" Diko asked with a meaningful smile.

Other space powers?Di Gu and Di Feng were shocked when they heard this. The power of space in this divine world is unique. How can there be any other power of space?
"Hey, I said, Diko, please stop playing riddles for us. What other spatial powers are you talking about?" Digulian asked.

"Watch it," Diko said without explaining anything directly. With a thought, he directly used the original power of the universe to easily freeze the space within tens of thousands of miles around him. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed a little ahead, and suddenly the space within a few feet in front of him was frozen. They all collapsed directly.

"This" Diko was able to freeze space. Except for Di Gu, Di Feng and others were all surprised. When they saw Diko causing the space to collapse while freezing space, they were even more astonished. Eye.This situation is completely beyond their understanding!

"Did you see it? Collapse of the frozen space is nothing more than a small trick." Di Ke said with a slight smile. Facing the slowly heated gazes of Di Feng and the others, he immediately said: "However, although it is a small trick, The method is somewhat tricky, I can do it, Qin Yu can do it, but you can't learn it."

"But don't be too disappointed. Although I can't give you the means to deal with space freezing, I can give you the ability to freeze space." Di Ke's next words immediately made the somewhat disappointed Di Feng and others look at each other. Liang's breathing became a little heavy.

Di Gu's expression changed slightly: "Dico, that Origin Spiritual Treasure is not an ordinary thing, you..."

"Don't worry! Although Origin Spiritual Treasures are rare, I can still come up with a few." Before Di Gu finished speaking, Diko smiled and said, "Of course, if you have a first-class Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, I will It will be even better if your first-class Hongmeng spiritual treasures become original spiritual treasures. By then, the power of your spiritual treasures will not be weaker than the eight original spiritual treasures in the hands of the Holy Emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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