Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 455 Men and women in the South China Sea

Chapter 455 Men and women in the South China Sea
Diko, who had just come out of the universe inside his body, happened to sense the violent energy fluctuations in the direction of the misty swamp of the God Realm. It was the sound of Zhou Wulian, the Thunder Nightmare God King who had the deepest understanding of law among the four god kings in Thunder Punishment City, being forced by Qin Yu to self-destruct. ..
"I didn't expect that Zhou Wulian died like this. It's really a bit frustrating to die!" In a simple temple on Di's island, Di Gu, who was talking about the battle with Di Feng and other Di's god kings, couldn't help but Shake his head slightly.

"It's a pity Zhou Wulian, I don't have the chance to have a good fight with him again," Di Qing also sighed with some regret, while Di Feng on the side laughed a little: "A good fight? Di Qing, if you didn't rely on the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao Qinglong As for the divine armor, how can we compete with him? The last time you fought with him, you still got beaten, right?"

"Hmph, if he hadn't died and we had another fight, it would be hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker! His understanding of time acceleration is very powerful, but I am not necessarily much weaker than him now. Even if he is good at fighting, he is not first-rate. After all, the Hongmeng Lingbao can't do anything to me," Di Qing snorted and said with some displeasure: "With my Di family's Clan-Suppressing Lingbao, aren't you still unable to do anything to Zhou Huo?"

"You guys, you're still taking me seriously, right?" Di Feng scolded with an angry smile, and then Di Ke's clear laughter came from outside: "Haha... why are you arguing? What if it's not easy to verify each other's strength? Di Qing, the Azure Dragon Divine Armor has become the original spiritual treasure. Put it on and have a good fight with Di Feng. I'm a little curious about what level of strength you two have reached. .”

Di Qing's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he looked at Di Ke who came in from the outside with a smile. Just when he was about to speak, suddenly, with the rumbling sound that shook the entire God Realm, red clouds surged in the sky, causing Di Ke and others, as well as Everyone in the God Realm subconsciously looked up at the sky and saw a huge suspended mountain peak slowly falling downwards from above the red clouds.

"Tianzun Mountain? It's Tianzun Mountain! After 6000 trillion years, Tianzun Mountain has arrived again!" Di Feng and Di Qing were a little excited at first. Although Di Wu, Di Wei and the five newly promoted god kings of the Di family had not experienced When Tianzun Mountain came 6000 trillion years ago, everyone couldn't help but be full of curiosity.

At the same time, deep in the South China Sea of ​​the God Realm, on an island with beautiful scenery, on a white beach, a handsome young man with silver hair wearing a white robe and stepping barefoot on the crystal clear jade sand was also squinting in the direction of the God Realm Continent. : "Zhou Wulian died in the hands of a junior like this? I originally wanted to kill you with my own hands. After all, since the end of Tianzun Mountain last time, you have been so sad that you have no hope for life. These 6000 trillion years The long years must have been difficult, right? Originally, I planned to give you a ride myself. Unfortunately... the young people today are really amazing!"

"Tianzun Mountain has arrived," accompanied by a soft and melodious voice, a blue figure appeared behind a handsome young man with silver hair. She had blue hair and blue eyes, and a beautiful appearance. Her whole body exuded an aura as pure and clear as water. As if it were really made of water.

"I saw it," the silver-haired handsome young man said with an indifferent expression: "However, I am not very interested in becoming a Heavenly Lord. However, the eight Holy Emperors in the God Realm have no hope of becoming a Heavenly Lord. This time, the Heavenly Lord When the mountain comes, they will definitely try their best to seize the opportunity to become Tianzun. It will be difficult for them to concentrate, and they will even be on guard against each other. This is also a good opportunity for us to kill them one by one."

"Kill the eight Holy Emperors? Since the birth of the God Realm, none of the Holy Emperors have died. How easy is it to kill them? Besides, even if you kill one Holy Emperor, another one will be born soon. Unless , and killed all the God-Kings of the Holy Emperor's bloodline. Are you really ready to take action?" The blue-haired and blue-eyed woman frowned and shook her head.

"Can't the Holy Emperor be killed? Even if the Nine Nether God King who realized that time is still has been killed, why won't the Holy Emperor die?" The silver-haired handsome young man sneered, his eyes as sharp as lightning: "I really want to Try to see how difficult it is to kill this Holy Emperor."

As he spoke, he suddenly heard a faint noise coming from the island. The silver-haired handsome young man couldn't help but frowned and said with a helpless expression: "These old guys all choose to remain anonymous and pretend to be dead, and they can still make such a fuss. The whole time Are they tired of arguing every day?"

"Perhaps, it's just too boring!" The woman with blue hair and blue eyes said with a dumb smile: "But I'm afraid they don't want to join in the excitement of Tianzun Mountain this time."

"Huh, everyone is greedy for life and afraid of death. Even if they have the cultivation of a god king, they are still just wasting their time." As soon as the silver-haired handsome young man finished these words, an old shout came from the island: "Smelly boy, say What nonsense? You’re the only one who can, you’re the only one who’s great, you’re the only one who’s not afraid of death, right? You don’t want to be Tianzun, but you want to kill people in Tianzun Mountain. You’re just an elm-headed fool.” “What elm-headed person? That’s a wooden fish head. , I can’t understand it no matter how hard I knock it.” Then there was another hoarse old man’s voice, and then some harsh laughter sounded: “Haha... It’s not that I can’t understand it, it’s that I’m stupid! Those bald heads in the Buddha Realm on Shuangyu Island , they are all stupid donkeys!"

Immediately afterwards, the old voices became chaotic again, and they seemed to be arguing again. They also heard the silver-haired handsome young man shaking his head in silence with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Zhou Wulian was Lei Punishing Tianzun's favorite child. He died, and Lei Punishing Tianzun was indifferent?" The blue-haired and blue-eyed woman pursed her lips and smiled, and suddenly her beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and she said in surprise.

The silver-haired handsome young man said noncommittally: "Perhaps because of the arrival of Tianzun Mountain, several Tianzun should also have a tacit understanding and cannot casually interfere in the battle between the god kings during the arrival of Tianzun Mountain. After all, these god kings now have There is a chance that he can become a Heavenly Lord. Especially that Qin Yu, who is so evil and special, maybe he will have a chance to become a new Heavenly Lord this time!"

"Qin Yu? It would be interesting if he became a Heavenly Lord!" Upon hearing this, the blue-haired and blue-eyed woman revealed an inexplicable smile at the corner of her mouth with her beautiful eyes twinkling.

"By the way, not only Qin Yu, the new God of Craftsmanship in the God Realm, but the Di family seems to have also given birth to a monstrous young man. Several god kings have been born in the Di family before, and it is probably related to him," he said. The blue-haired and blue-eyed woman looked at the silver-haired handsome young man with a different meaning.

The silver-haired handsome young man was silent for a moment before saying: "Dico... this name is really surprising. Even Lord Luo Meng will probably be surprised when he hears it. However, he cannot be..."

"What can't it be?" Seeing the silver-haired handsome young man pause for a moment when he said this, the blue-haired and blue-eyed woman couldn't help but curiously asked.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something. Maybe I'm overthinking it," the silver-haired handsome young man shook his head and then a complex look appeared on his face: "It's good that the Di family can give birth to such a monster genius."

The blue-haired and blue-eyed woman heard what he was whispering behind her, but her face changed slightly and she continued: "Promise me, this time it won't happen, don't take any more risks. You have already sacrificed too much for me, I won't I hope you will fight for me again."

"Haha... don't worry, I am no longer the same person I was back then, but the Eight Saint Emperors have not made much progress compared to back then. They couldn't do anything to me back then, let alone now!" The silver-haired handsome young man is calm. He smiled confidently and said: "This time, I will give them a surprise, a big surprise. When Tianzun Mountain comes, many divine kings will surely fall. If there are one or two holy emperors who can stain Tianzun Mountain with blood, it will definitely be even more... It will be exciting and more interesting.”

(End of this chapter)

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