Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 475 Phantom Spirit King

Chapter 475 Phantom Spirit King

In the virtual universe, on a huge island belonging to the Phantom King, the waves rumbled against the shore. A nine-story palace with a height of [-] kilometers was located on the seaside. In the square in front of the fifth-floor palace, a palace appeared out of thin air. Di Ke immediately saw Luo Feng, Hong, and a tall man wearing black armor with a pair of black wings on his back waiting nearby.

"Dike," Luo Feng and Hong Dang were the first to greet him when they saw him. The man with black wings also hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Bushela has met His Highness Dike!"

Bushela is not only a disciple of Phantom King, but also a powerful feudal lord and immortal. Of course, he doesn’t care about Hong, a small person in the universe, or even cares very little about Luo Feng, who is a disciple of King Zhenyan. But for Di Ke , but they dare not neglect it.

After all, Diko is the greatest being in the Universe Mercenary Alliance, a direct disciple of the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, Lord Huangjian, and the most evil genius in the Universe Mercenary Alliance.All in all, even his teacher, the Phantom King, wanted to call Dike "junior uncle."

"Okay, let's take us to see the Phantom King first!" Diko was too lazy to say anything more. After nodding slightly to Luo Feng and Hong, he said directly to the black winged man Bushela.

Bushela who responded took the lead, and soon the four of them arrived outside a quiet hall on the seventh floor of the temple. Standing at the door was a woman wearing a white veil that looked like mist. , their furry tails were swaying gently behind them, and they had breathtaking purple eyes. When they looked over, people would naturally feel the temptation of desire contained in their eyes.

However, these women from the Demon Tribe, who were only at the level of World Lords, their little temptation could not affect the three Dicos, who all had great minds and wills.

After entering the hall, all you can see are women from the Xiaomei tribe standing on both sides. Some are wearing white gauze, some are wearing black gauze, and some are wearing purple gauze.Along the way, many stunning women from the Charming Clan looked over, and an illusion was formed unknowingly, as if each of these women were approaching with various charming and sultry gestures.

But whether it was Di Ke, Luo Feng or Hong, they all turned a blind eye and followed Bushela with calm expressions, and finally reached the depths of the palace.

"Teacher!" Bushela stopped and saluted respectfully and shouted. The voice echoed in the vast hall, and the three Dicos also looked up slightly curiously, only to see the extremely complicated carvings in the distance ahead. On a huge throne with various charming female statues, a woman with long purple hair, purple eyes, and a purple furry tail is curled up. When her eyes look down, it seems that the entire hall has fallen into a decadent atmosphere. middle.

"Phantom Spirit King," Luo Feng and Hong held their breaths when they saw the woman, and then hurriedly saluted respectfully, but Phantom Spirit King didn't seem to see them, and looked at them with beautiful eyes in surprise, with a calm look on his face. She bowed slightly to signal Diko, and then stood up and walked down lightly: "Your Highness Diko, no wonder the master who has not accepted another disciple for a long time would value you and directly accept you as his direct disciple. You have such a strong will. , unexpectedly not affected by my charming illusion at all."

"The Phantom King has done a great job. In terms of illusion, you and I are still far behind," Diko said casually. At the same time, the Phantom King who had already walked in front of Diko also had a bigger smile on his face: "Your Highness You are humble. With your talent, I believe it won’t take long for you to surpass me and become a venerable person.”

As the powerful Immortal King of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, as the Phantom King, he naturally pays close attention to and understands Diko very well. Knowing that Dicko has great talent and potential, it is almost certain that he will become the Lord of the Universe in the future, and even There is hope to become the top being among the lords of the universe, and even becoming the master of the universe one day is not impossible.

But seeing how polite she was to Diko, and hearing her somewhat flattering words, Bushela, Luo Feng, and Hong on the side still couldn't help but look at Diko with a little surprise. Such a high evaluation ?
Especially Bushela, he knew how proud his teacher the Phantom King was. Even if some kings were granted immortality, the Phantom King didn't care. Apart from the Lord of the Universe, only King Zhenyan, the top of the immortals, was invincible. She will pay more attention to his existence.After all, the Phantom King is a terrifying illusionist, and among the servants of the immortal gods she controls, there are two princes and dozens of immortal princes! "You are Luo Feng, right?" The Phantom King turned to look at Luo Feng and said, "You are indeed a genius at the cosmic level who can break into the tenth island of the Illusion Sea. Your character is really firm. I like people with such a firm mind like yours." Little guy. Although your talent potential is not as good as His Highness Dike, it is still very good. Your teacher, King Zhenyan, is indeed very discerning. He trained the bloodthirsty king before, and looking at your information, you are also very killing. The lineage of King Zhenyan is really like this, the teacher is killing and crazy, and this apprentice is the same."

"Thank you Phantom King for the compliment," Luo Feng bowed slightly, and Phantom King finally looked at Hong: "Are you the 'Hong' that Qingqing said?"

"Yes," Hong bowed and responded, and the Phantom King continued: "You do have the courage to come to see me. Do you think that with His Highness Diko here, I won't let people kill you directly in reality? "

Hong was choked when he heard the words. He didn't know how to answer for a while. He glanced at Diko subconsciously, but Diko smiled casually and said: "Phantom King, I don't know if you know about the rise of our earthly lineage. If you If you know something, you should understand that if you were afraid of death, neither I nor Luo Feng or Hong would have a chance to stand here today."

"What His Highness said is that it is amazing to be able to lead an indigenous group to rise in the universe." The Phantom King nodded and smiled, then looked at Hong Dao: "Aren't you afraid of death? There are many people who are not afraid of death. On battlefields outside the territory, those who serve humans Many people who fight in the clan are not afraid of death. But based on this alone, you still can't convince me to allow you to be with Qingqing."

"Phantom King, if you want to see Hong's feelings and determination for Ji Qing, you can test him as follows. I think no matter how difficult the test is, he will be willing to try it," Di Ke said .

The Phantom King was noncommittal, silent for a moment before nodding: "Okay, Hong, I'll give you a chance, a chance to gamble your life!"

Bet on your life?Luo Feng's face changed when he heard this, and Di Ke also frowned slightly. Only Hong Pingping bowed and said: "Please give me a clear explanation from the Phantom King!"

"It's very simple. I'll give you two choices. One is to wait for you to go to the outer battlefield to participate in the cosmic war when you are the world master. If your military exploits can be accumulated to get a first-class medal, I will not hinder you and Qingqing's affairs. At the same time, I I also promise not to expel Qingqing from my sect," the Phantom King said with a smile: "The second option is for you to break into the eighteen love illusions I have set up. As long as you can break through, I will not stand in the way of anything between you and Qingqing. , and I promise not to expel Qingqing out of the house."

"What if he fails?" Diko asked. The Phantom King looked at Diko and said, "If he fails, then I will order the Universe Mercenary Alliance to send experts to kill him directly. This is a gamble. Life! If Hong fails, he will die! If he succeeds, he will have a chance to be with Qingqing. I won’t care whether they are in love, break up, or get married. "

Upon hearing the Phantom King's words, Di Ke frowned even more tightly. Luo Feng was also a little anxious. Before they could speak, Hong raised his head and looked at the Phantom King and said, "Okay, I agree! I choose the second one." Nijo, break into the fantasy of eighteen erotic desires arranged by you, Phantom King. If I fail, you don’t need to send people to kill me. I will go directly to a certain space mercenary alliance station, commit suicide in front of the station staff, and virtual The universe is synchronized to the Phantom King."

"Brother!" Luo Feng was really anxious. Even the Phantom King's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this, and he couldn't help asking: "Are you sure you really want to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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