Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 521 The response of the Demon God of False Truth

Chapter 521 The response of the Demon God of False Truth

Feeling the changes in the world of mountains and seas, Nuwa's expression suddenly changed, and the Lord of the mountains and seas couldn't help but look solemn: "What a powerful and precious armor, even the auxiliary attack of the boots is so terrifying. The strongest people in the universe who can unleash their strongest strength without any scruples in the universe sea are indeed terrifying!"

"After the efforts of the entire Mountain and Sea Realm, although this attack power is terrifying, it is difficult to cause real substantial damage to the Mountain and Sea Realm." The confident Dike thought, and suddenly the energy in the Mountain and Sea Realm surged, and the Mountain and Sea Realm shattered. The damage marks on the world's membrane wall and the inner mountain peaks were quickly repaired with the surge of energy.

In fact, the world of mountains and seas is really similar to the small universe. It is like a special energy body. The energy materializes and embodies everything in it. Any damage is just a consumption of energy. As long as the energy is replenished in time, it is not injured. When the source is reached, nature cannot be truly destroyed.

The small universe of the strongest person in the universe cannot be destroyed with material attacks even if the ordinary God of the Void attacks with all his strength. Although the Mountain and Sea Realm is not as good as a real small universe, it cannot be destroyed by just the strongest person in the universe.

"Damn it? What on earth is this? A special palace-type treasure? How can it absorb the energy of my small universe?" I found that the marble-sized mountain and sea world showed no obvious damage despite my full blow, and I became more and more worried. Surprised and angry, the Demon God of Xu Zhen hurriedly turned over his hands and took out a black sphere-like pinnacle sealing treasure.

Under the urging of the powerful divine power of the strongest person in the universe, the black sphere quickly turned into a huge black planet, and an abyss channel appeared at the bottom. The terrifying suction force acted on the mountains and seas the size of marbles. above.

Hum.. Faced with the suppressive and devouring force, the mountain and sea world trembled slightly. Under Diko's urging, it started to absorb the energy of the small universe like a whale. The energy light visible to the naked eye seemed to turn into a torrent, like a torrent. The energy is wrapped around the mountain and sea world, making it impossible for the pinnacle sealing treasure controlled by the Demon God of Xu Zhen to swallow and suppress it.

"How could there be such a treasure? It's so disgusting, so hateful!" Demon God Xu Zhen became irritated in his heart. Faced with the mountain and sea world that was unable to stop it and was still absorbing the energy of its small universe unscrupulously, he felt helpless for a while.

As the strongest person in the universe alone, the Demon God of Xu Zhen is almost fearless in the original universe. Protected by the most powerful and precious armor, he is capable of maneuvering in the universe. Since he became the strongest person in the universe, has he ever been so frustrated and helpless?

Looking at the mountain and sea world that was constantly sucking in energy from the outside like a black hole, the Demon God of Xu Zhen, who was gritting his teeth and discussing with each other, suddenly changed his expression. Then he took a step to the black sphere to seal the treasure, and then controlled the black sphere to shrink rapidly. In the blink of an eye, It became the size of a particle and came directly towards the mountain and sea world, easily breaking through the barrier of the mountain and sea world and breaking in...

"Huh? Is this... a world similar to the Kingdom of God? It's so powerful! But compared to my small universe, it's still far behind!" After entering the mountain and sea world, after the initial surprise, he felt a little... Demon God Xu Zhen stepped forward and took a fierce photo of one of the spaces.

The terrifying attack power of the boom caused the entire internal space of the Shanhai Realm to shake, and the space was distorted and shattered where the huge energy palm print fell...

A deep... deep collision sounded immediately, and a corner of the huge Fire Temple emerged. The terrifying blow of Demon God Xu Zhen only made the Fire Temple tremble, but the entire Fire Temple seemed to be rooted in the world of mountains and seas. The rocks in the sea are as hard to shake.

"The peak treasure palace?" Feeling the aura of the Fire Temple, the Demon God of Xu Zhen couldn't help but frowned: "Is this... that Diko's palace treasure? Could it be that the little guy came to trouble me? He is so bold ? A mere cosmic venerable dares to provoke the strongest person in the universe? Or is he the lord of the mountains and seas? Could it be that this is the mountain and sea realm that was once suppressed by the original will of the original universe?"    "The power of this mountain and sea realm is so terrifying, It is like a weakened version of the small universe, and it is mobile, comparable to the strongest treasure. It is so special that it can also swallow the original energy of the small universe. Could it have absorbed the original energy of the original universe? No wonder it was destroyed by the original The original will of the universe has been suppressed. But now that it has been suppressed, how do you get out of trouble? Is there any secret in this human race that I don't know about?" The Xu Zhen Demon God, whose mind was spinning, squinted at the rapidly recovering space. At the corner of the stretched out Fire Temple, there was a sudden guess: "It seems that this Fire Temple should protect the original space of the mountain and sea world, so that I cannot directly destroy the origin of the mountain and sea world. If I can't hurt its origin, naturally I can't." Really destroy the world of mountains and seas.”

"Unless my attack is powerful enough to cause the entire mountain and sea realm to collapse with one blow, causing its origin to tremble and collapse. But with the power of this mountain and sea realm, let alone me, I am afraid that the most powerful universe in the universe sea is the most powerful. Even a strong person would find it difficult to do this." Thinking of the Demon God of Xu Zhen here, he suddenly had a headache.

He can't do anything about the mountain and sea world, but the mountain and sea world is outside his small universe, but it can always swallow and absorb the original energy of his small universe. Little things add up, and over time, his small universe will be sucked dry sooner or later. By then, his small universe will be destroyed, and his future path of cultivation will also be cut off!

"I can't let him continue to absorb it like this, but how can I stop it? The peak-level sealing treasure can't suppress this mountain and sea world. Do we need to use the palace-type supreme treasure? Not to mention whether the palace-type supreme treasure can suppress this mountain and sea. Realm, even if it is possible, who will lend me the most powerful treasure of the palace type? Can I ask the strongest person in the universe who has the most powerful treasure of the palace type for help?" The Demon God of Xu Zhen, who was thinking about the world of mountains and seas, was thinking about how to deal with it. .

Soon, Demon God Xu Zhen, who had a plan in his mind, turned around and left the Mountain and Sea Realm. Dico, who was in the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm protected by the Fire Temple, was slightly surprised: "You didn't attack and destroy it wantonly?"

"He is very calm and knows that it is useless. I guess he went to ask the strongest person in the universe who has the most powerful palace-like treasure to help," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said.

Di Ke couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "The most powerful palace-type treasure? Can the mountain and sea world withstand the devouring and suppression of the palace-type supreme treasure controlled by the strongest person in the universe?"

"It's... hard to say," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said with a frown. Diko, whose eyes flashed as he listened, couldn't help but secretly said: "It seems that for the sake of safety, more preparations should be made."

The Demon God of Xu Zhen did not leave for too long. Diko then controlled the Shanhai Realm and absorbed the original energy of its small universe unscrupulously. Less than a day later, the Demon God of Xu Zhen met the most powerful woman in the universe with a beautiful woman. The killer is back, it is the Queen of the Zerg from the original universe.

"Did you actually invite the Queen of the Zerg? It seems that the Demon God of False Truth was invited to deal with me before, and it definitely has something to do with the Zerg." Diko, who discovered the appearance of the Queen of the Zerg, couldn't help but a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Humph, you are still here to provoke me. Me, do you think I don’t dare to go outside your Zerg Queen’s small universe and devour it wantonly?”

"Be careful," the Lord of the Mountains and Seas quickly warned as the Zerg Queen took out the most powerful palace-like treasure, the Queen's Palace, and Diko also directly used the innate secret method 'Original Advent', and at the same time burned his divine power to fully activate the power of the mountains and seas. , the increasingly terrifying swallowing power exploded. Before the Zerg Queen used the Queen's Palace to try to swallow and suppress the Mountain and Sea Realm, the Mountain and Sea Realm clinging to the membrane wall of the Xu Zhen Demon God's small universe had already caused a large area of ​​the membrane wall to light up. The surging small-scale cosmic energy mixed with the power of the cosmic origin poured out like a tide, wrapping the mountains and seas in it...

(End of this chapter)

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