Chapter 555 Winning over

Sikong Yang was pleasantly surprised. The aura of his whole body had undergone some changes, becoming more and more dazzling like the sun.

"To be able to understand something, it seems that the strongest extraordinary demigod knight of the Xia Clan in this era has some understanding. With time, it is not difficult to realize the true meaning of the sun and become a strong man in the Xia Clan world to suppress an era. "Feeling the change in Sikong Yang's aura, Diko couldn't help but raise his brows.

Ye Mei on the side was also surprised and happy. She was surprised that Diko had mastered such a powerful true meaning. Fortunately, she had not attacked him as soon as he showed up, otherwise she would definitely suffer. She was naturally happy about Sikong Yang's improved strength. Although she, Ye Mei, was the leader of the Blood Blade Tavern, she was also a member of the Xia Clan, so she naturally hoped that the Xia Clan could become stronger. As the Xia Clan's top demigod, Sikong Yang's strength is the Xia Clan's strongest level of combat power!

His heart was touched, and after some reflection and reflection, although he was eager to go back to practice in seclusion, Si Kongyang did not forget the purpose of his trip, so he looked at Di Ke with a bright smile and said, "Young man , you are already an extraordinary strong man, your strength is comparable to that of a demigod, you are extremely talented and have unlimited potential. You will definitely be the strongest demigod in our Xia tribe in the future. I wonder if you are interested in joining my Shuiyuan Taoist Temple?"

"Join Shuiyuan Taoist Temple?" Di Ke listened without comment. From his perspective, he naturally looked down on Shuiyuan Taoist Temple, an extraordinary organization in the material world, and did not think that Shuiyuan Taoist Temple and the Xinhuo Palace of the Xia clan behind it could provide him with any kind of spiritual practice. Resource treasures with auxiliary effects.

"You must have heard of Shuiyuan Taoist Temple. We, Shuiyuan Taoist Temple, are one of the four extraordinary organizations of the Xia Clan. We control the four major northern provinces. We have also cultivated the strongest saint-level extraordinary organizations who also master the third-level true meaning. Chi Qiu Bai, the Changfeng Knight, do you know about Changfeng Knight?" Seeing that Di Ke remained silent, Sikong Yang said: "Once you join the Shuiyuan Taoist Temple, you can go to the Xinhuo World of our Xia Clan to practice. With your Talents can definitely be cultivated by our Xia clan, various cultivation methods, resources and treasures to assist cultivation, etc.."

"Master Sikong, when it comes to cultivation methods, it seems that our Blood Blade Tavern is stronger, right? Our Blood Blade Tavern has god-level secrets," Ye Mei, who was standing aside, suddenly interrupted.

"Ye Mei, this kid is the most evil genius of our Xia Clan in this era, you..." Sikong Yang stared immediately upon hearing this. Although Chaofan of the Blood Blade Tavern is also a strong man in the Xia Clan, he is not completely loyal after all. Yu Xia clan.

The Xia Clan finally gave birth to a truly evil genius. If he was attracted by the Blood Blade Tavern, all the demigods of the Xia Clan would have to jump in.

Dike looked at Ye Mei and smiled. Interesting, so interesting! He had just killed a powerful saint-level transcendent in the Blood Blade Tavern, and now Ye Mei, the leader of the Blood Blade Tavern, wanted to recruit him to join the Blood Blade Tavern. It seemed that the charm of this evil genius was not small.

"Boy, you..." Seeing Di Ke's smiling face, Sikong Yang suddenly panicked and said quickly. Before he could finish speaking, Di Ke was already smiling and said: "Master Sikong, don't worry. , I have no intention of joining the Blood Blade Tavern. I am used to being at home, and I am not planning to join any organized force. And, by the way, my name is Dico."

Don't want to join any organization? Si Kong Yang couldn't help but said after hearing this: "Dike, almost all the extraordinary warriors of our Xia Clan have joined several extraordinary organizations and are also members of our Xia Clan's strong men. With the guidance and teachings of the Xia Clan , only then can we go further on the road of cultivation."

"Master Sikong, I understand what you mean, but I have always disliked being restrained, and I am too lazy to pay attention to some messy trivial matters. I just want to concentrate on cultivation. Only in this way can I realize the true meaning so quickly and efficiently. However, I am still The strong men of the Xia Clan will naturally advance and retreat with the entire Xia Clan in the future," Di Ke directly blocked Sikong Yang's words of persuasion.

Si Kong Yang was helpless, but he could only nod: "Okay! Since you think this way of cultivation is more suitable for you, I won't say anything more. But as a Xia Clan transcendent, my strength has reached this level and I haven't competed with other transcendent We have had any interactions, but it is really rare. In this way, I will first give you the communication object that every Xia clan extraordinary has, and then report it to Xinhuo Palace. I believe that if Palace Master Chen who is in charge of Xinhuo Palace knows about you I will definitely be very happy about your potential, and I will convene a meeting of elders soon to arrange some resources to assist you in your cultivation."

"Thank you so much, Master," Diko nodded slightly without comment. The Xia clan was willing to pay for him, so he couldn't refuse. At most, if the Xia clan is in trouble in the future, he can help. And in the future, once the Great Demon God and the Witch God launch a war against the Xia Clan world, he will also not be able to stay out of it.

In this way, Sikong Yang and Ye Mei left quickly... However, the matter about Dike also quickly caused a sensation among the top demigods of the Xia clan.

After all, the third-level true meaning is extraordinary. Once the god's heart is gathered in the future, he will be able to suppress the strong men of an era. The hope of becoming a god is also relatively high, so the Xia clan naturally attaches great importance to it. In the world of Xinhuo, the Xia clan spends resources cultivating extraordinary geniuses who have understood the mysteries of space and life. Isn’t that why they hope to cultivate extraordinary strong men who grasp the powerful true meaning? Perhaps in the world of gods and the abyss, the true meaning of the third level is nothing, but in the material world it is already rare.

As for the stronger second-grade true meaning and the legendary first-grade true meaning, even in the divine world and the abyss, there are relatively few, and it is even rarer to be born in the material world. They are absolutely rare existences, and even the high-level powerful people of the Xia clan dare not think of them. .

Di Ke, who watched Si Kong Yang and Ye Mei tear apart the space and leave, then turned to Lang Er and Long Xue: "Okay, it's okay, let's go back!"

"Master..." Long Xue looked at Diko with a different look. Although she knew that Diko had been reborn as a transcendent and his strength was unfathomable, she did not expect that Diko's strength had reached such a level. Enough to rival a demigod.

In just a few years, Long Xue has become such a powerful and extraordinary person. Thinking about it, Long Xue feels a little unreal. Compared with Dico, her little talent and potential are really not worth mentioning!

After returning to the Scarlet Flame Castle outside Qingwu City, Dike was not in a hurry to return to Wuya Volcano to practice. Instead, he stayed in the Scarlet Flame Castle, waiting for the powerful people from the top of the Xia clan to come. He was also waiting. Other strong men may come.

Di Ke has shown such potential. The Xia Clan wants to win over and train him. The Demon God Association and the Witch Temple, which have always been opposed to the Xia Clan, naturally want to win him over. If they cannot win over him, they will naturally find ways to bring him into the future. The threat will be removed as soon as possible.

On the afternoon of the second day after Dike returned to Scarlet Flame Castle, before he could wait for the people sent from the Xinhuo Palace of the Xia Clan, he first felt another powerful wave of aura, and then followed that aura to arrive. In a valley just dozens of miles away from Scarlet Flame Castle.

"The devil will do it?" Seeing the figure in the valley covered in black mist, exuding a dark and evil aura that made the surrounding space tremble, Dico couldn't help but look slightly moved.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am the high priest of the Demon God Guild." The black mist figure's voice was low and hoarse, but straightforward: "Dico, are you willing to join the Demon God Guild and serve the Great Demon God?"

"The information is quite good, oh, I forgot, the high priest of the Demon God Association must be a certain demigod of the Xia Clan, that is, the elder of the Xia Clan Elders Association. Regarding my matter, once the Xia Clan holds an elders meeting to discuss, Naturally, this matter is not a secret." Diko looked at the black mist figure in the valley with a faint smile with interest: "The dignified high priest came to invite me personally, which is really enough to give me face."

"So, are you willing to join the Demon God Guild?" the black mist figure seemed to be a little surprised and asked, but there was no hint of joy that the invitation would be successful.

(End of this chapter)

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