Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 566: Burning Soul Explosion

Chapter 566: Burning Soul Explosion

"Dike..." Not only Master Meishan, but also Palace Master Chen, Master Heshan, Sikong Yang and other Xia Clan demigods all changed their expressions when they felt the violent and terrifying aura on Dike's body. , obviously they also discovered what Dico had done.

Burn the soul! It is something that ordinary extraordinary people dare not do. After all, the incarnation of mana and fighting energy contains a trace of the souls of extraordinary people. If they lose it, their vitality will be seriously damaged. Burning the soul is not a good idea for some powerful extraordinary or even god-level people. They are all desperate tricks, the kind that can injure the enemy a thousand times and cause eight hundred damage to oneself. They will not be used easily unless they are in a hurry.

But now, in order to save Dong Bo Xueying, Diko did not hesitate to burn his soul to burst out with stronger attack power. This was definitely beyond everyone's expectations.

Banglong's devastating punch suddenly broke through the last two layers of the magic circle, even affecting Elder Olan and other three powerful demigods of the Warcraft clan. Even with their powerful bodies of the Warcraft clan, they were not affected by this. , was also seriously injured in an instant.

Especially the Great Elder Oran, who is a mage, has long been immortal even if he cultivates the true meaning of life. Under the protection of the gods' soldiers, his face is pale and his aura is weak: "What a terrible attack power, this Dico is simply crazy! And his strength is indeed too terrifying. If it weren't for the protection of the magic circle, I would have been directly killed by his punch if we had a head-on confrontation. No, no He needs to burn his soul, even if it is just the power of the previous attack, even if he does not have the assistance of the Nine Dragons Fire God Armor, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist."

"Let's go, let's go!" The magic circle was broken. Although Dongbo Snow Eagle had not been killed yet, after realizing Diko's terrifying strength, Elder Oran decisively greeted his two companions, Green Nightmare King and Spider. The Queen is ready to leave.

Of course it's not that easy to escape if you leave directly. However, Elder Oran and the others had already made preparations. As Elder Oran waved his hand, a dark blue airship appeared out of thin air next to him.

At the same time, Elder Oran, who was moved by his thoughts, had just withdrawn the Witch God Sword from the virtual world, and was about to put away the Witch God Sword. When he left in the dark blue flying boat, he was accompanied by a violent and terrifying attack power, and his aura was violent. The confused Diko appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Facing Dico's terrifying punch that seemed to be able to destroy everything, Elder Oran barely waved the Witch God Sword to block. He felt that the Witch God Sword in his hand seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and was being hit by violent and terrifying energy. Next, when it finally collided with Dico's fist, most of its power had been weakened, and the remaining power was only left on Dico's fist that seemed to be turned into dark red crystal stone. Just a white seal.

But receiving Diko's punch head-on, even with the obstruction of the Witch God Sword, Elder Oran was still shaken and flew backwards. While quickly distanced himself from the dark blue flying boat, the weakened Oran The great elder's body actually burned with dark red flames...

Ah... Amid the shrill screams, Elder Oran's body quickly melted into ashes in the dark red flames. The Green Nightmare King and Spider Queen were also frightened so that their expressions changed greatly, and they hurriedly flew into the dark green airship. I want to control the flying boat to escape from here quickly.

However, they had just entered the airship, and they had just sealed the airship. As the space was distorted, and the aura became more chaotic and violent, Dico appeared out of thin air behind them.

Under the horrified gazes of the Blue Nightmare King and the Spider Queen, Dicko punched out with two fists, as if he had detonated two small stars in the airship. The terrifying power was restrained by the extremely defensive airship. Directly drowning the Blue Nightmare King, Spider Queen and even Diko.

However, at the moment when the violent and terrifying power exploded, Diko's body had blurred, as if it had merged with the surrounding space, greatly weakening the impact of the violent energy on him. With his current physical strength, he can naturally resist easily.

But the Blue Nightmare King and Spider Queen are in tragedy! If they were in the outside world, they could still try their best to dodge and resist, but in the small space inside the airship cabin, they couldn't hide. They could only make the final desperate struggle with grief, anger and despair.

The two poor demigods of the Warcraft clan were facing a death crisis. Because the space in the spaceship cabin was too small, they could not even transform into their own bodies to resist the attack. "No" knew that the Blue Nightmare King and the Spider Queen were probably unable to resist. In the roars of grief, anger and despair, their bodies shattered violently, and then the Spider Queen's body turned into powder first, followed by the Green Nightmare King. The body also collapsed directly..

The violent and terrifying attack power raged in the cabin of the airship, and the entire airship trembled violently, even causing the surrounding space to vibrate. As for Diko, who was in the airship but was not damaged at all, with a wave of his hand, the treasures that sealed the isolated space left behind by the death of Great Oran Elder passed through space and fell into his hands.

Among them, the Witch God's sword, the Witch God Sword, was naturally included. In terms of attack power, it is not inferior to the Xia Clan's strongest attack artifact, 'Senior Snow'. The treasure that seals and isolates space can seal and isolate even the virtual world, and its value is no less than that of the Witch God Sword.

In order to deal with Dong Bo Snow Eagle, the Great Demon God and the Witch God just gave away these two treasures, and the price they paid was already higher than the Witch God Sword. It can be said that just to kill Dongbo Snow Eagle, the Great Demon God and the Witch God at least paid the price of several artifacts.

But compared to the value of Hongshi Mountain, as long as the potential threat of Dongbo Snow Eagle can be killed, the effort is worth it. It's a pity that they underestimated Diko's strength and methods after all. In the end, not only did they lose the Witch God Sword and the treasure that sealed the isolated space, but also Oran, the Green Nightmare King, and the Spider Queen, the three powerful demigods of the Warcraft clan. It fell into the hands of Dicko.

"Huh? It can't be a deep sea monster, life is really hard!" Inside the dark green flying boat, the Spider Queen did turn into fly ash and completely perished, but the tenacious Green Nightmare King condensed again. It's just that the aura is much weaker, at most comparable to the peak level of the Saint level.

"In order to kill us, you are really crazy!" The Blue Nightmare King looked at Diko with an ugly expression. Feeling the aura of Diko's much weaker soul, he knew that it would be difficult to survive. He couldn't help but said with ferocious eyes: "Burn the soul. , it is absolutely impossible to recover in a short period of time, and there are no treasures in the material world that can allow demigods to quickly recover from soul injuries. I am afraid that the efficiency of your spiritual cultivation will be greatly affected, is it worth it?"

"You are going to die, so you don't need to worry about it so much," Diko said coldly, then pointed out, and the invisible fluctuations caused the Green Nightmare King's body to twist and shrink, and instantly collapsed into nothingness.

The next moment, Di Ke suddenly appeared outside the dark blue flying boat. He saw a group of Xia Clan demigods surrounding him, as well as Dong Bo Snow Eagle, who appeared and flew down from the sky with a pained look on his face.

"Are you still poisoned by voodoo?" Di Ke, who frowned slightly when he saw Dong Bo Snow Eagle's appearance, couldn't help but sigh inwardly, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. As the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. In fact, this pair of Dong Bo Snow Eagles It's not necessarily all bad.

"Dike, are you okay?" When Palace Master Chen and Master He Shan asked about Dongbo Snow Eagle's situation and went to investigate for Dongbo Snow Eagle, Master Sikong Yang looked at Dike with a frown and some eagerness. He asked worriedly: "Why are you so reckless? It burns your soul, this injury"

"I'm anxious too! It doesn't matter, I can recover slowly by taking some more rest. At least, if I do this, I can save Dongbo Snow Eagle as soon as possible, and I can also have a few god-level scrolls left in my Xia clan," Di Ke Ze shook his head and smiled indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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