Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 568: Red Earth Island

Chapter 568: Red Earth Island

Among several elite demigod teams, those from the God Realm can still respect their status, but the three members of the Dark Abyss Team are actually demigod-level demons, and the leader among them has god-level strength.

They were used to acting unscrupulously in the Dark Abyss. Now that they have arrived in the Xia Clan World, they are naturally even more arrogant. They completely slaughter the people in the Xia Clan World like pigs and dogs to collect souls.

The demigod team in the Dark Abyss slaughtered wantonly in the world of the Xia Clan, even directly killing the Black and White Mountain, leaving the Xia Clan completely unable to resist. When they wanted to threaten and force the Xia Clan to hand over thirty god-level scrolls to apologize, in the Red Stone Mountain , on the edge of the Red Earth Island above the Tianlian Vine, a slightly tired-looking Dico stood with his hands behind his back, looking down at the endless land below.

There are a billion miles of vast land, countless creatures, and over 100 million Light God-level experts. The world of Hongshi Mountain is definitely a holy land for cultivation that is much broader and more prosperous than the Xia Clan world.

It is a pity that under the influence and restrictions of the rules of the material world, all the powerful men above the god level in the Hongshi Mountain world cannot leave the Hongshi Mountain world.

Being able to stay on Hongchen Island, it is obvious that Dike has already passed the many tests in Hongshi Mountain and became the protector disciple of Hongshi Mountain.

Although the test in Hongshi Mountain is relatively difficult, as long as you can master the second-grade divine heart and your luck is not too bad, you can basically pass it. With Diko's innate understanding, although he did not deliberately cultivate some kind of true meaning to condense his divine heart, but the combination of many true meanings, the real strength and means are more than the extraordinary ability to master the second-grade divine heart, so it is naturally easier to pass. test.

Even within just three years of becoming a disciple of the Dharma Protector, with the help of various cultivation resources on the Red Stone Mountain, Dike realized the Sun God's Heart, the Great Destruction God's Heart and the Space God's Heart one after another, and easily passed through the world of mortals. After being tested on the island to ask Xinlu and Dengyun Pagoda, he became an inner disciple of Hongshi Mountain.

Dike's talent and potential even impressed the two second-level heavenly realm god brothers who were both inner disciples in the world of Red Rock Mountain.

Next, in addition to practicing hard and pondering the world god-level secrets, Diko also spent a lot of time learning the knowledge of magic circles from his second senior brother Ge Bai who was good at magic circles.

At the beginning, I learned that Di Ke wanted to learn about magic circles. Whether it was Xi Wei, the world god-level plant life, or the weapon spirit Hongshi from Hongshi Mountain, or even the two world god-level senior brothers. opposing.

After all, Dico is not a mage, but a supernatural knight. He is already a demigod. To distract himself from thinking about the magic circle is really putting the cart before the horse. If you have the time and effort to understand the true meaning, you may still have some hope of realizing the true meaning of the first grade.

But as Diko came into contact with the knowledge of the magic circle, his efficiency in learning and understanding the magic circle once again shocked Xi Wei and the others.

Since Diko has more or less understanding of many true meanings and mysteries, it is much easier to comprehend various magic circles. And as he pondered the magic circle more and more deeply, Dicko also gained insights, and his understanding of various true meanings improved faster.

Discovering that Di Ke had unknowingly mastered one kind of third-level true meaning and even second-level true meaning, and even continued to have true meanings after cultivating to the Divine Mind Mirror, Xi Wei and others were amazed, and they also became more optimistic about Di Ke, thinking that he was such a good person. Waiting for the terrifying understanding, as the second-level true meaning is mastered more and more, it is only a matter of course to further master the first-level true meaning.

In addition, Diko's training time is so short, such a speed of progress, it is completely a seedling of extraordinary first-grade true meaning. Even if you are unlucky enough to be unable to become a first-level true meaning transcendent, there is no problem in mastering a first-level divine heart within ten thousand years and becoming a world god.

Such a monster genius, even in the abyss of the God Realm, is enough to attract many powerful people to rush to recruit disciples. Because of such talent, as long as he does not perish, it will be very easy to become a third-level or fourth-level world god in the future, and he is even expected to grow into a powerful person. "Dico, what a rare day today! I didn't practice or study the magic circle." With a clear laugh, a man in gorgeous clothes walked over.

"Senior Hongshi!" Dicko reacted and turned around to salute the visitor politely. This handsome man was Hongshi, the weapon spirit of Hongshi Mountain.

"Are you worried about the Xia Clan?" Hongshi asked with a smile and then said: "Ever since I learned that an elite demigod team came to the Xia Clan world in the abyss of the God Realm, I can see that your heart is a little confused. . If you are worried, just go out. Although cultivation is important, there is no need to rush it. The true meaning of the first grade is not easy to grasp. "

"The reason why I came to Red Rock Mountain alone and didn't go out after I succeeded is to avoid being discovered by the Great Demon God and the Witch God. They don't know that my trump card is more useful. Once they know it, they will have more Prepare, it will be even more difficult for our Xia clan to win the final battle," Di Ke shook his head slightly and said, "So, I don't want to do it until it is absolutely necessary, or when I am absolutely sure to deal with the Great Demon God and the Witch God. Easily expose your own strength."

"But now, I'm afraid I can't take action, because the Xia Clan has already encountered big trouble," Hongshi said and waved his hand, and suddenly there were slight ripples in the void in front of him, and then a picture of the black and white sacred mountain in the Xia Clan world appeared.

In the picture, among the three people from the Dark Abyss Demigod Team, the leader, Lord Youlan, a dark-skinned young man with bare feet and a white cloth wrapped around his body like a mummy, caught the ghost knight Feng Dong as soon as he made a move.

However, after he easily crushed the ghost knight Fengdong to death, Fengdong's figure condensed again in the distance as the dark light flickered. Lord Youlan was stunned for a moment: "Immortal body? Such a special immortality. The body! It was actually able to hide the aura, so that I didn’t notice it for a while.”

"Immortal? It seems that the secret technique of stimulating bloodline that I passed on to Palace Master Chen before coming to Hongshi Mountain. Palace Master Chen has already taught it to some of the extraordinary strong men of my Xia clan to practice. This Fengdong should have borrowed it from me." The immortal body that was cultivated this time is quite lucky," Diko breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing this.

"This Lord Yolan from the Dark Abyss is definitely a god-level person. He has actually understood the true meaning of time deceleration, which is not easy to deal with. Those demigods of your Xia tribe, even with the help of powerful artifacts, can slow down time. Under the influence, it is difficult to hurt him," Qi Ling Hongshi said.

Di Ke was silent after hearing this, just silently watching the scene in mid-air in front of him. Soon, the Dingjiu warship tore through the space and arrived. Guanzhu Sikongyang, who put on the Nine Dragons Fire God Armor, took the initiative to talk to Lord Youlan. During the fight, Master He Shan, who had already entered the Dingjiu warship, was preparing to seize the opportunity to consume the divine crystal and use the Dingjiu warship to deliver a fatal attack to Lord Youlan.

Seeing that Sikong Yang's unparalleled power with the Nine Dragons Fire God Armor made it difficult for Lord Youlan's weak Nonoan to resist, forcing Lord Youlan to take action himself, Diko couldn't help but his eyes brightened: "Sikong Guan Lord, he has condensed the third-grade divine heart and the sun divine heart?”

However, the fatal blow that Master He Shan suddenly unleashed on Lord Youlan by consuming the divine crystal was easily dodged by Lord Youlan's true intention of slowing down time.

Although the attack power of the Dingjiu warship was strong enough that Lord Youlan did not dare to resist, the attack was too stupid. If it cannot attack Lord Youlan, no matter how powerful it is, it will be useless.

(End of this chapter)

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