Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 570 Level 1 True Meaning

Chapter 570: First Grade True Meaning

"The secret technique is different from the secret technique. It is not an immutable divine seal, but an extremely complex combination of a large number of rules and mysteries. It is changing. You can't learn it, you can only create it yourself." Hong Shi, who had reacted, couldn't help but look more and more excited. Xiang Diko said: "Did he create this secret skill by himself? Does he really have such understanding?"

Diko smiled noncommittally and said: "It's also luck! If he hadn't been poisoned by voodoo, it would be more difficult to realize the true meaning of practice, and he wouldn't have put more thought into marksmanship to pursue purer marksmanship skills, and it would be difficult to understand the secret skills. "

After listening to Diko's explanation, Hongshi nodded slightly, but still couldn't help but admired: "What a talent, what a comprehension! It is indeed a piece of rough jade, what a young man! Since he has such strength, even if he kills Even Lord Youlan is enough to frighten him. When he came to Hongshi Mountain, he also hoped that he could pass the test and become my Hongshi Mountain Protector Disciple."

Although the number of second-grade true meaning extraordinary is small, there are still a lot of them in the abyss of the divine world plus the large amount of material world. However, among tens of thousands of second-grade true meanings, it is difficult to give birth to a genius who understands the secret skills. This shows that Dongbo Xueying's talent potential is high.

Ordinary second-grade true meaning and extraordinary Hongshi would not look down upon him, but a young guy like Dong Bo Xueying, who was young, had potential and understanding, would have to take a high look even with the eyes of Hongshi.

Without mastering the second-grade divine heart, Di Ke was able to easily pass the test of Red Rock Mountain. Naturally, it was because he understood the secret technique. With the help of the secret technique, the different true powers he understood could be superimposed more perfectly and exploded. The power far exceeds any realm of true meaning.

In the Black and White Sacred Mountain, the battle is still going on. Dongbo Snow Eagle relies on the secret skill of fusing the stars and the ultimate true meaning. Although his strength has reached the level of a true god, he is enough to fight with Lord Youlan, and even gain some advantages with the help of virtual world means, but For a while, there was still nothing that could be done to Lord Youlan.

However, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. You can't find Dongbo Snow Eagle hidden in the virtual world. Lord Youlan, who is also unable to do anything to Dongbo Snow Eagle, must always be wary of Dongbo Snow Eagle's sudden attack.

In addition, the attack of the Dingjiu warship without warning immediately shocked Lord Youlan. After trying his best to dodge, Dongbo Snow Eagle saw the opportunity and stabbed him into the body.

At the same time, Lord Youlan was poisoned by voodoo because Dongbo Xueying smeared his own blood on the tip of the spear. Although the voodoo contained in Dong Bo Xueying's blood is not as terrible as the voodoo carried in the Wushen Sword, it is enough to affect Lord Youlan and make him howl in pain. It is difficult to maintain concentration and fight with Dong Bo Xue again. Eagle would only suffer losses if he continued to fight, so he quickly decisively used a god-level scroll to tear apart the space in order to escape.

In this way, under the pursuit of Dong Bo Snow Eagle, Lord Youlan quickly fled to the Red Stone Mountain in the depths of the Xia Clan world. He fled directly to the Red Stone Mountain and entered the Red Stone Mountain.

"This Lord Youlan is considered to be the top among the second-grade True Intention Extraordinary. Unexpectedly, he was forced to be like this. This little guy Dongbo Snow Eagle who is poisoned by voodoo in your Xia clan is really calm! Diko, you It is true that the voodoo of the 'Six Resentments of Ghosts' has indeed made him successful. As long as he can come to Hongshi Mountain and pass the test to become the guardian disciple of Hongshi Mountain, after he is free from the voodoo, he will have unlimited potential in the future." Hongshi, who personally investigated and watched the battle, praised Lian Dao.

Seeing that Diko had turned around to leave, Hongshi couldn't help but said: "Then Lord Youlan has arrived at Hongshi Mountain, aren't you ready to deal with him?"

"After all, he is here to break into Red Rock Mountain, and I can't break the rules of Red Rock Mountain casually," Diko shook his head slightly.

"It's okay! There are many extraordinary and powerful people who have come to Hongshi Mountain, and he is not missing. Moreover, I don't like his temperament, and I don't hope that he can become the protector disciple of Hongshi Mountain, even if he can pass the test. There's not much hope," Hongshi said. "Let's leave it to Dongbo Snow Eagle to solve! Anyway, Dongbo Snow Eagle and those demigod teams will come to Red Rock Mountain soon. I won't bother with that. I have to practice quickly!" He said noncommittally. Diko shook his head and walked away: "Hey, the true meaning of Yipin is really not easy to understand."

"This kid!" Listening to Diko's helpless muttering, Hongshi couldn't help but shake his head and smile: "If the first-level true meaning is so easy to realize, it will not be so rare in the entire abyss of the God Realm and countless material worlds. !”

"However, Dicko has quite a lot of insights into the first-level true meanings of Hun Cave, Extreme Point, Time and Space, Kaitian, World, and Infinite. There is still great hope of mastering the first-level true meaning, and he is expected to become a fourth-level true meaning at a faster speed in the future. Chongtian Realm God, and even become a powerful person," Hongshi said and couldn't help but look forward to it.

It is precisely because Diko has a lot of insights into many first-grade true meanings. Although he has not yet truly mastered the first-grade true meanings, it has allowed Hongshi and others to see his potential.

A moment later, in the expensive cave meditation room belonging to Di Ke on Hongchen Island, Di Ke practiced his boxing skills slowly as if doing Tai Chi, his eyebrows flashing with thought, and he adjusted his movements from time to time. The seemingly random move caused ripples in the surrounding space, or directly distorted and blurred the space.

Immersed in thinking and understanding, I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly Dico punched down seemingly casually, and the space instantly collapsed and turned into a black hole. The scope of the black hole was still expanding, and for a while, the entire space in the quiet room was filled with Twisted..

"The true meaning of this mixed hole? I have actually grasped the true meaning of this mixed hole?" After reacting, Diko looked at his fist and was stunned for a moment.

In fact, he had only watched Dongbo Snow Eagle perform his secret skills before, and saw the scene of the stars collapsing to form the apex. His heart was slightly touched, so he hurriedly came back to ponder it, but he did not expect that he would naturally realize the true meaning of the Hungry Cave.

"First-grade true meaning! I finally mastered a first-grade true meaning," then Diko's eyes sparkled with surprise.

For first-level true meaning extraordinary people, they can grasp the first-level true meaning when they are extraordinary, and with their understanding, they can condense the first-level divine heart and become a world god, which is a matter of course.

In fact, it is normal for Diko to realize the true meaning of the first grade so quickly. After all, when he first understood the mystery of the rules of this world, he consciously understood the true meaning of the mixed hole, the true meaning of fire refining, the true meaning of the sun, and the true meaning of the great destruction, and they continued to evolve and develop towards the true meaning of the mixed hole. In terms of the true meaning of the mixed hole, Di Ke spent more time and energy, and accumulated enough knowledge to be able to touch upon it by analogy and master it smoothly.

Buzz... Invisible energy gathered in the quiet room and turned into a red stone for a man in rich clothes. At this time, he was also staring at the black hole vortex that was slowly shrinking and recovering with a look of surprise and excitement: "First-grade true meaning? Hungry hole true meaning? You have mastered the first-level true meaning so quickly, and you have only been practicing for less than two hundred years! With such understanding, even among the extraordinary first-level true meaning, you can rank at the forefront."

"I didn't expect that it is so rare in the abyss of the God Realm. The powerful ones can't help but snatch it. I met one while waiting in the mortal world. Such luck..." Hongshi looked at Diko, Still a little unbelievable.

"Luck? Senior Hongshi, the birth of the extraordinary first-grade true meaning is not just a simple luck, right?" Diko said with a smile.

Hong Shi shook his head and said: "Of course it can't be just luck! The birth of any first-level true meaning extraordinary person, in addition to chance and luck plus their experience, is mainly related to understanding. Being able to realize the first-level true meaning while being extraordinary is the key to understanding. Gao, it will be easy to become a third-level or fourth-level heavenly world god in the future, and there are still a few who can transcend and become powerful. In other words, a first-level true meaning extraordinary is almost destined to become the overlord of the abyss of the divine world in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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