Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 575: Trump card, sleepy!

Chapter 575: Trump card, sleepy!

In this way, in the stalemate between each other, day by day passed, and Dongbo Snow Eagle, who temporarily stopped attacking for the day and returned to the star tower to rest, couldn't help but said to Di Ke with some worry: "Brother Di, I always feel something is wrong! The Great Demon God and the Witch God have been struggling with each other these days, and it seems that there is no other way out. But if they really have no other trump card, what is the use of continuing this stalemate? How long can they hold on? "

"Obviously, they are stalling for time, probably to prepare some special tricks. So next, we must be more careful and vigilant," Diko also nodded in agreement and said sternly: "There are countless powerful people in the abyss of the God Realm. There are some powerful treasures that we may have never heard of. If the Great Demon God and the Witch God really want to do it at any cost, they may be able to find a way to specifically target you."

"However, they have a unique trick, and we also have enough confidence. Even if something happens and this battle is defeated, as long as we can refine the Xia Clan's world within ten thousand years, we can still turn defeat into victory," followed by Di Ke He said calmly and confidently: "Besides, it's not that easy for the Great Demon God and the Witch God to push us to that point."

Dongbo Xueying nodded lightly and then said: "Brother Di, I think it is better to be cautious. It is best for us not to act together next time. In this way, even if the Great Demon God and the Witch God have any tricks, they can at most be dealt with at once. We are alone, and we still have a chance to turn defeat into victory.”

A few days later, late at night, Dongbo Snow Eagle was sitting cross-legged and resting in the desert. Diko also returned to the Star Tower to replace Yu Jingqiu and continue to control the Star Tower. After all, with Diko's current level and attainments in the magic circle, the efficiency of controlling the Star Tower is far superior to that of other Xia Clan demigods such as Yu Jingqiu. Therefore, as long as they were not out fighting, Dico would personally control the star tower most of the time.

"Huh?" Both Dico and Dongbo Snow Eagle, who was resting in the desert outside the Star Tower and staring at the fortress, discovered the great demon's clone that suddenly came out of the fortress.

The sudden appearance of the Great Demon God's clone, which had been without a spearhead since the beginning of the war, made Dongbo Snow Eagle wary. At the same time, he also couldn't help but wonder, what other methods does this Great Demon God have?

"The Witch God fought with you, but unfortunately his level is still low and he couldn't kill you." The Great Demon God was covered in blood-red flames, wearing ferocious black armor, and the surroundings were as dark as a hole: "For you, I am preparing This special armor contains the most terrifying curse of the dark abyss. This time, you will definitely die."

"Snow Eagle, be careful, he is just trying to confuse you," just as Diko warned Dongbo Snow Eagle through the Star Tower, the darkness around the Great Demon God expanded, turning the world into darkness.

"Hundong Divine Heart?" With the help of the power of the Star Tower, Diko was able to easily sense the methods of the Great Demon God. At the same time, he also noticed the thousands of figures of the Great Demon God in the endless darkness: "Infinite Divine Heart? The second level God of Heaven, Sure enough, the method is better! Unfortunately, the cursed power on his armor is still unable to control Dongbo Snow Eagle, and in the end, he has to use methods to trap Dongbo Snow Eagle."

With his mind racing, Diko soon discovered that the power of the Star Tower could not spread the area around the Great Demon God. As if isolated by invisible power, thousands of figures of the Great Demon God disappeared, as did Dongbo Snow Eagle's figure. Disappeared into a blur of darkness.

Then, when the surrounding darkness dissipated and the power of the Star Tower enveloped the area again, Dongbo Snow Eagle was already trapped in a huge black flower.

Seeing this scene, the Xia tribe's demigods were immediately frightened and anxious. Yu Jingqiu even projected himself in the hall where Di Ke controlled the star tower and said urgently: "Brother Di, save Xue Ying quickly, save him!" "Don't be anxious! There's no point in being anxious," Diko frowned and shook his head: "Let Mr. Chao and the others pilot the warship to attack first, but it probably won't be of much use. Since the Great Demon God used these methods to trap Snow Eagle, It means that this strange flower must be harder to break than that fortress, otherwise it would not be able to trap Snow Eagle at all."

And then, as Dico expected, more than ten warships and the trapped Dongbo Snow Eagle attacked from inside and outside, but they still couldn't shake the flower. There was no other way, the demigods of the Xia tribe could only give up temporarily under the persuasion and orders of Dong Bo Snow Eagle and Di Ke.

"Dico, what should I do?" After returning to the Star Tower, a group of Xia Clan demigods hurriedly asked Diko for help, and Dongbo Snow Eagle's Dou Qi clone left in the Xinhuo World also quickly arrived and controlled A fusiform warship carried fourteen divine fire thunders to bombard the Holy Flower of Wudala. As can be imagined, this pure energy burst could not break through the defense of the Holy Flower of Wudala.

"If you want to destroy that flower, there is no trick except a powerful enough attack." After inspecting the star tower and seeing that the huge flower was not damaged at all, Dico's projection clone couldn't help but feel helpless. He said to Chao Qing and other Xia Clan demigods who were gathered in the main hall of the Star Tower: "Now, there are only two ways. Either, Snow Eagle can reach the God's Heart Mirror, and its strength will be greatly increased. Naturally, there is hope to break through it." Open that flower. Or, there will be a more powerful attack to break it open from the outside."

"A more powerful attack? What other attack methods can we use? Are you, Dicko, planning to take action personally?" Chao Qing asked eagerly.

"In my current state, even if my realm is not inferior to that of Snow Eagle, it will be difficult for me to help him get out of trouble." Di Ke shook his head and said, "Unless my realm can be further improved, then I can join forces with Snow Eagle." There is hope of breaking through that flower. So next, I will also focus on understanding and practicing, this matter of controlling the Star Tower..."

"Leave it to me! Brother Di, you can practice with peace of mind, and leave the control of the Star Tower to me in advance," Yu Jingqiu said hurriedly before Di Ke finished speaking.

"Okay! The Star Tower is temporarily under your control, but don't try too hard, and exchange it with Lord Heshan." Dike hesitated a little before he said to Yu Jingqiu: "In order to give me and him as much as possible. Xueying buys time. I will first teach you a secret method to stimulate the soul's potential. This secret method will also help to restore and improve your soul. But you must remember one thing, you must not catch all the benefits. Once you can't hold on, you must inform you in time. I."

The secret to unlocking the soul’s potential? Yu Jingqiu looked at Di Ke unexpectedly with some surprise, hesitated slightly and nodded. For the Xia Clan and Dong Bo Snow Eagle, she really had the idea of ​​persisting with all her strength.

However, seeing Diko's calm response to all changes, she and the other Xia Clan demigods couldn't help but feel more confident. After all, until now, Dicko seems to have not used any truly powerful tricks!

So next, Di Ke and Dongbo Xueying were immersed in cultivation and enlightenment. However, the Witch God and the Great Demon God were always influencing Dongbo Snow Eagle, preventing him from calmly comprehending and practicing.

Naturally, the reason why Di Ke practiced was not to really remember to practice and improve, but to put some pressure on Dong Bo Snow Eagle so that he could break through as soon as possible. In fact, in Diko's view, the war launched by the Great Demon God and the Witch God was a great training for Dongbo Snow Eagle, which undoubtedly stimulated Dongbo Snow Eagle's potential and accelerated his growth.

For this war with no suspense about the outcome, Dicko was naturally able to hold his own. Now, what he cares more about is when his blood sea clone can refine the mortal world occupied by the Witch God. After becoming the lord of the material world, he took the opportunity to go to the mortal world where the Witch God was refined to teach him how to behave...

(End of this chapter)

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