Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 578 The Supreme Treasure of the God King

Chapter 578 The Supreme Treasure of the God King

In fact, for many fourth-level heavenly gods, it is just a matter of how long it takes to understand the four first-grade divine hearts and the realm is high enough. By analogy, they can understand other first-grade divine hearts that are not very good at.

The most difficult thing is to integrate all the insights into one and realize the complete rules of heaven and earth. Only in this way can we truly transcend and become a true God and a powerful person. But it was this last step that trapped many fourth-level heavenly gods throughout the history of the God Realm Abyss, preventing them from truly transcending until they fell.

But for Dicko, now there is no need to worry about the problem of being unable to transcend. He has already opened up a path, and his realm has completely surpassed the level of a powerful person, and he can be regarded as a true god.

With Diko's level, it is not difficult to go back and understand various first-level divine minds and realize the complete rules of heaven and earth. With the guidance of Emperor Jiuyun's memory, and after continuing to comprehend and ascend to the realm of domination along the path of time and space, Diko can naturally transcend easily.

"Transcendence.. Those fourth-level heavenly gods in the abyss of the divine world are all eager to transcend and become true gods. But to me, the entire universe composed of the abyss of the divine realm and the material world is, after all, just an inconspicuous part of the source world of chaos and void. It’s just the universe, it’s too small,” Dico thought to himself.

With Dico's experience and vision, there are only a few masters in the abyss of the God Realm who can make him take a little more seriously. Even the most evil and powerful Blood Blade God Emperor is probably not as powerful as the original ancestor who was suppressed by the origin of the original universe in Devouring World, and his potential is even worse.

Therefore, for Diko, it is difficult for some battles in the abyss of the divine world to arouse his interest. On the contrary, now that his soul is powerful and he can vaguely have a telepathic connection with Devouring World, Dicko is more concerned about the opportunities and crises encountered by Devouring World's avatar in a dangerous place deep in the mountains of the cosmic sea. When can he get out of trouble?

"The chirping of the cicada seems to contain the means of attack by the soul's will." Through the invisible connection between souls, Diko sensed the situation of the clones in the dangerous places in the swallowing world universe sea, and couldn't help but curiously pondered: "Among them, it seems that Contains a secret technique of soul will... It seems that the inheritance information contained in the cicada's chirping should come from an ancient civilization strongman who is good at soul methods."

It's a pity that Diko, who can only vaguely sense across different worlds, cannot directly communicate with souls. I'm afraid that only after his level of strength reaches a high enough level can he hope to have soul contact.

At the same time, in the cosmic sea that swallows the world, deep in the Liuzhong Mountain, there is a dark mysterious space. The strange sound of cicadas has been ringing for thousands of years. The consciousness is affected by the sound of cicadas, and Di is trapped in the massive inherited memory information. Ke, his will has improved like a transformation, and his whole person has finally slowly regained some consciousness.

"The Cicada Ancestor? The mysterious powerful man in the legend of the Origin Continent, the God King? I didn't expect that his inheritance would appear in Liuzhong Mountain." After waking up, Dike looked through the palace treasures to the looming figure in the dark space ahead. The giant cicada's deep eyes flashed with blazing brilliance: "Could it be that this giant cicada is really the legendary treasure of the God King of the Cicada Ancestor? And it is also a soul treasure, which is extremely precious and rare among the God King treasures. Just possessing it How did such a treasured Cicada Ancestor fall? Could it be that he also tried to enter the endless cosmic sea to enslave the realm beasts?"

While Diko was thinking, the giant cicada, which was still making a weird chirping sound, suddenly flew towards the Fire Temple. At the same time, it shrank and became void. It actually ignored the obstruction of the Fire Temple and flew towards Diko inside.

"This" Diko, whose face changed slightly, had no time to react. He could only watch the giant cicada turn into a black light and sink into his body, and then he felt an invisible powerful and terrifying power that made his soul will... Zi has become so much stronger that his consciousness may be running at a speed that exceeds that of the Master of the Universe of the Machine Tribe. He has a powerful feeling that his soul cannot shake at all.

"Yuan Chan? Is this the name of this soul-like god-king treasure? Is this the power of the soul-like god-king treasure? It is in my body, and it feels like my soul has endless power and energy source. Incredible, It's incredible," Dicko said, completely stunned.

Although Luo Feng's Star Tower is also a treasure of the God King, it is a suppressive and sealing treasure after all. Although it contains the ability to attack and protect souls, the most terrifying thing is the sealing method, and its true power is difficult to sense intuitively. But this is extremely mysterious in the Origin Continent and belongs to the legendary mysterious God King Cicada. It is a truly pure soul treasure. Its protective and auxiliary effect on the soul's will is simply incredible. It is of great use even to the powerful God King. For Dicko, who is still just the master of the universe, even activating part of its power is enough for Dicko to not be afraid of any soul means in the cosmic sea.

"This kind of treasure, the origin of the original universe was able to bring it into being and let me get it. It seems that it really chose me to help it deal with the crisis of the world beasts. Even it feels that to solve the crisis of the world beasts, it can only rely on Soul means?" Dico thought to himself.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly lit up, and the endless golden light field spread like a tide in this dark space. At the same time, a sharp and cold voice came: "Master of the Fire Temple..."

"What a dog! He chased me into this place regardless of the danger. It seems that he was also affected by the sound of cicadas before." Diko came back to his senses with excitement, turned around and squinted at the darkness The dazzling golden light field in the space, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he directly controlled the Fire Temple to fly deeper into the dark space.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling golden light field chased after him. After a long time, some domain treasures swept past one after another, and it was obvious that more masters of the universe were chasing them.

However, not long after, a news spread that shocked all the forces in the universe sea and even the master group of the original universe... In the mysterious silent abyss deep in Liuzhong Mountain, the first and second era of reincarnation in the universe sea were for a certain Inherited by an ancient civilization, twenty or thirty masters of the universe joined forces to hunt down the master of the Fire Temple of the human race in the original universe. However, they were attracted by the strange chirping of cicadas, fell into the abyss of silence, and most of them perished.

Although there are dangers everywhere in the depths of the three Jedi in the Universe Sea. Lords of the universe will occasionally fall, and even some real Jedi and even the strongest men in the universe will fall. However, it is still very rare for more than a dozen Lords of the universe to fall at once, which is enough. It caused a huge sensation.

Naturally, this matter attracted the attention of almost all the forces and powerful people in the universe sea, especially the forces from the first and second reincarnation eras who were mainly involved in hunting down Diko. There were even the strongest people in the universe who went to the Silent Abyss to investigate. I searched, but found nothing.

There are rumors that the fall of the Lords of the Universe was due to Dico, and there are also rumors that Dicko fell together with the Lords of the Universe. In short, there are different opinions. Even the top leaders of the human race specially said after the clone of Dicko's original universe regained consciousness. asked him.

In this regard, Diko simply said that he encountered a crisis in the Silent Abyss deep in Liuzhong Mountain, and gained something as a blessing in disguise. As for what he experienced specifically, and whether the clone really fell into the Silent Abyss, he did not say clearly.

But as the news of the Silent Abyss spread in the cosmic sea, the universe masters from all the forces in the original universe became more and more afraid of Diko. After all, no matter what, being able to cause such a big disturbance under the pursuit of twenty or thirty universe masters from several forces in the universe sea is enough to show that the strength and means of Dico, the master of the Fire Temple, cannot be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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