Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 580 Suppression, Showing Power

Chapter 580 Suppression, Showing Power

The three-tribe alliance was furious, but for Diko, this was just an appetizer for his actions. How can he show off his abilities by just killing some of the Universe Lords from the alliance of the three tribes? How can he really make those three tribes feel so distressed that they vomit blood?

Next, amid the louder chirping of cicadas, the murderous Diko went straight towards the nearest Lord of the Universe of the Three Tribes Alliance.

This time, in order to be absolutely sure of surrounding Luo Feng, the alliance of the three tribes sent nine masters of the universe, and all of them have arrived on this primitive star. Six of them are scattered in various directions. The Lord of Banff is fighting with Luo Feng, and the two Lords of the Universe have also approached.

Not long after a lion-like alien beast with long golden hair and dark golden scales arrived on the primitive star, it was shocked by Dico's generosity. Seeing Dico coming towards him, it was almost... Instinctively chose to retreat.

The Lord of the Alien Beast Universe is not too strong, and his secret attack skills are just more powerful than the Lord of Banff. Otherwise, he would have killed him directly instead of staying here to contain him.

In fact, the nine Masters of the Universe sent by the three tribes alliance this time are not very strong in general, and they are only at an ordinary level among the Masters of the Universe. Most of them are better at containing and dealing with the weak.

After all, the truly powerful masters of the universe also have their own pride and will not join forces with others at will, let alone deal with Luo Feng, a newly rising junior of the human race.

Although the Lord of Tongling is the master of the pinnacle universe who has understood the most powerful secret method, he did not personally deal with Luo Feng. He only urged the top domain treasures to float around the mountains and seas to influence Luo Feng. He was also relying on his identity!

Boom.. Under the restraint of Jin Chihai, the supreme treasure in the peak field, Diko quickly caught up with the golden-haired lion-like alien beast and the master of the universe. He punched out, forming a miniature chaotic universe, and was directly crushed. The golden-haired lion-like beast flew away in embarrassment, its breath weak, and was easily suppressed by Dico out of the Fire Temple.

Immediately afterwards, Diko attacked the most powerful Lord of Tongling. Due to the pride of the Lord of Tongling, he did not choose to escape directly. However, it was precisely because of this pride that the Lord of Tongling came next. What a tragedy. First, he was affected by Dicko's soul will attack, and then was ravaged by Dicko's explosion with the terrifying Lord of the Universe fusion's strongest secret method. In the end, he did not escape the fate of being thrown into the Fire Temple and suppressed by Dicko. .

Facing the unbelievably powerful Diko, who was about to go on a killing spree, several other universe masters in the three-tribe alliance, including the Lord of Banff, panicked. They ignored Luo Feng and hurriedly approached those closest to him. escape through the space vortex channel

"This Dico's current strength and methods, especially in dealing with the weaker Lords of the Universe, are simply stronger than mine." The Lord of Chaos City, who did not intervene, watched from a distance and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, After all, although he is powerful in attacking secret arts, he is not good at souls either. He is not as comprehensive and powerful as Dicko.

Seeing the Lord of Banff escaping in a hurry, Luo Feng didn't know what to say. This was his battle to become famous, so why did it suddenly have nothing to do with him? Where is this, who am I, what am I going to do?

Diko took action quickly, sharply and decisively. Before long, there were nine Masters of the Universe from the three clans alliance. Except for the three Masters of the Universe who were relatively close to the vortex of the space channel, they escaped by chance. The remaining six Masters of the Universe, Including the Lord of Tongling, who was suppressed by Di Ke at the beginning, they were unable to escape in the end under the constraints of the golden Chihai, the supreme treasure in the peak domain.

Just when Dicko went deep into the primitive star and took action to deal with the slowest Lord of Banff who was trapped in the golden pool and escaped, suddenly a powerful binding power descended on the primitive star. It was the most primitive star in the universe. The strong control time and space in actual combat.

Immediately afterwards, dreamlike colorful threads instantly appeared around a space vortex channel in the distance, spreading out in all directions and quickly impacting the golden pool area of ​​​​Jinchihai.

"Dream Demon Ancestor? Dream Ancestor Realm?" He turned around and squinted at the silver snake deep in the endless colorful field in the distance, but Dico sneered in his heart. What can the strongest person in the universe do? In the original universe, only the top six levels of combat power could be unleashed, but there was nothing he could do to Diko.

"Dico, stop! Let Banff go! Let the other five universe masters from our three-race alliance also go free," the cold voice of the Dream Demon Ancestor came from the field of colorful silk threads. But what she responded to was a disdainful snort from Diko, and then the misty gray light spread instantly and merged with the Jinchihai. For a moment, the dimmed Jinchihai became more powerful, and in time and space With the help of the class treasure, he directly crushed the Dream Demon Ancestor's Dream Ancestor Domain.

"Damn..." The Dream Demon Ancestor was angry, and the struggling Lord of Banff collapsed a little in the face of Dicko's crushing attack, and was quickly killed by Dicko's punch.

As for the Lord of Banff who took the lead in dealing with Luo Feng but was not very strong, Dike didn't even bother to suppress him.

"Dico..." The Zerg Queen who then rushed to the primitive star found that the Lord of Banff was killed by Dicko, and she was completely angry.

But then, just when the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Zerg Queen were about to join forces to suppress Diko, the giant ax founder of the human race finally appeared.

With the protection of the founder of the giant axe, Diko, Chaos, Long Xing, and Luo Feng were naturally able to retreat calmly. As a result, a siege against Luo Feng ended with heavy losses for the three major ethnic groups. And this battle also completely established Dicko's terrifying reputation in the original universe as much as the Lord of Chaos City, making all forces in the universe remember this Lord of the Fire Temple of the human race.

Next, there will be a fight between the three tribes alliance and the human race. After all, Di Ke suppressed the five masters of the universe of the Three Clans Alliance in one fell swoop, including the Lord of Tongling. Although none of them were from the Three Clans Alliance, but because of this, if the three tribes refused to save them, It will inevitably cause disunity within the respective ethnic alliances.

But if you want to save him, how easy is it? They were all suppressed by the human race, and the human race was naturally like a lion. The key is, if these lords of the universe who are vassal forces of the three-race alliance fall into the hands of the human race, can they really still be of the same mind as the three races? Maybe they will bow to humans secretly, but it won't work if they don't save them, because that will definitely make these three masters of the universe of the three-race alliance surrender to the human race.

The three-community alliance was in a dilemma, and this time it was really painful and bleeding. After all, tens of thousands of Universe Lords from the alliance of the three tribes had been taken away by Diko's soul control before, plus these Lords of the Universe who were suppressed by Diko, the losses were really too great.

When Diko returned to the territory of the human race, he came directly to his Giant Ax Universe with the founder of the Giant Ax. With the help of the suppression of the Giant Ax Universe, Diko's powerful will and soul were transformed and improved after accepting the inheritance of the Chan Ancestor. With the help of the divine king's treasure, Yuan Chan, after some attempts, he soon succeeded in soul-controlling the Lord of Tongling.

On the contrary, Diko, who looked down upon the other four alien universe masters from the three-race alliance, did not control their souls. After all, the Lord of Tongling is a special being, with a powerful divine body, and is good at reversing time and space to resurrect. However, the Lords of the alien universe are relatively weak. With the strength of human beings, they can be forced to join the Hongmeng.

(End of this chapter)

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