Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 592 Tens of Thousands of Years

Chapter 592 Hundreds of Thousands of Years
Humanity's massive expansion in the primitive universe lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. The territory expanded more than ten times. The number of universe countries also increased from thousands to tens of thousands. The entire human race has thousands of universes. The Venerable One is no longer qualified to hold the position of Lord of the Universe.

However, this is only temporary. As humans inherit the Duandonghe lineage, and under the guidance and training of the ancient civilization system, the number of strong humans in the human race will grow explosively for a long time to come. I believe it won’t take too long to gather tens of thousands of universe kings.

So for the time being, most of those new cosmic countries are managed by the five major forces within humanity. The reproduction of humans, the selection of geniuses, and the cultivation of strong men in each cosmic country also take time.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Diko also used the Mountain and Sea Realm to devour the small universes of the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Zerg Queen, causing the Mountain and Sea Realm to transform and grow, and became more powerful than the small universe before using the Mountain and Sea Realm to refine and kill. The Dream Demon Ancestor and several other strongest people were dead and had no use value anymore.

Naturally, the most powerful treasures on their bodies also fell into the hands of humans, causing the top powerful men of the human race, Giant Axe, Diko, Luo Feng, Darkness and Peng Gong, as well as those who had not been killed after the war. How long did it take for the Chaos City Lord to break through and become the strongest person in the universe? All of them possess the most powerful treasures, and some have more than one supreme treasure.

Among them, I got the Queen's Palace, the Most Powerful Treasure, the Queen's Nest, and the founder of the Black Universe, the Most Powerful Armor, the Great Ax of the Black Universe Divine Armor. My confidence greatly increased. After spending hundreds of years to restore my true self, I pulled Diko. He and Luo Feng went directly to the core of the inner domain of Qingfeng Realm to seek revenge on Star Lord Haolei, King Zhenjia and Ancestral God Qiuyan.

In the waters of Ten Thousand Waves at the core of Qingfeng Realm, there was a great battle. Finally, with the assistance of Diko and Luo Feng, the giant ax successfully suppressed the Haolei Star Lord, while King Zhenjia and Qiuyan Ancestor God relied on the most powerful treasure. The ancient ship fled into the dark place in embarrassment, so that Diko and the others did not dare to pursue it.

However, the monk who could run away could not run away from the temple. Then Diko used the mountain and sea realm to devour and destroy the small universes of King Zhenjia and Qiuyan Ancestral God, destroying their tribes and taking away the treasures stored by the tribes in their small universes.

In addition to the Haolei Star Lord who was subsequently brought to his small universe by the giant ax to be killed, the three ancient and strongest men from the first reincarnation era who once planned to harm the giant ax paid a heavy price in the end. Not only did they completely lose their transcendence. The hope of reincarnation has also contributed a lot of treasures to mankind.

The treasures Dico and the others collected from those three small universes, in addition to the most powerful treasures, were even more harvested than the Lord of the Universe who killed a large number of coalition forces in the previous war, and far exceeded the treasures owned by the human race itself. quantity.

The foundation and fighting power displayed by human beings, whether in the original universe or in the cosmic sea, especially the way that Diko used the mountain and sea realm to destroy the strongest person in the universe, the small universe, also shocked all the ethnic groups in the cosmic sea and made them believe that The humans of the original universe must not be easily offended.

Otherwise, once Diko destroys their small universe, it will cut off their hope of transcending reincarnation, and their group living in the small universe will also be directly destroyed.

The ancestors of the monsters in the original universe, Ezhou, the Old Beast God, the Demon God of Xu Zhen, and the owner of Shihua Island, who were lucky enough to escape in the previous war, all took the initiative to ease the relationship with humans, and even did not hesitate to use the pinnacle treasure to make amends, lest Diko He took action to destroy their small universe and cut off their hope of transcendence in the future.

Especially the Demon God Xu Zhen, who had some issues with Diko, saw the Dream Demon Ancestor and their small universe collapse, and guessed their fate. They were a little humble in the face of the human race. Except for the most powerful and precious armor on their bodies, they were overwhelmed. Almost all the pinnacle treasures and top treasures at the bottom of the box were given to humans.

The owner of Shihua Island was even more outrageous. He directly stated that he wanted to join the Hongmeng and would only focus on following the humans from now on. After all, mankind has inherited the lineage of Duan Donghe and has become the overlord of the original universe. It is foreseeable that the human race will become stronger in the future. Maybe it will be able to transcend reincarnation in the future. Choosing to follow mankind early is undoubtedly a wise choice!
Even the ancestor of monsters, Ezhou, who has always been unruly and refused to deal with the monster ancestors and the Starry Sky Beast Alliance, has made a name for himself in the Hongmeng, and his intention to join the human race is obvious. If the Demon God of Xu Zhen hadn't had a problem with the human race before, he really couldn't clear his face, and he was afraid that Diko would hold a grudge, so he probably wanted to join the human race. After all, he and the coalition camp did not get any benefits from humans. After the island owner and the ancestor of the monster beasts took refuge in the human race, they both received some ancient civilization training from the strongest in the universe to the limit of the strongest in the universe. Guided by experience, how can the Demon God of Xu Zhen not be greedy?

In the end, it was Diko who took the initiative to win over Demon God Xu Zhen, which made Demon God Xu Zhen secretly relieved. He happily accepted the olive branch extended by Diko and became a member of the Hongmeng.

The joining of the three strongest men in the universe will undoubtedly make mankind more prestigious in the original universe and make its dominance more difficult to shake.

Although the Star Beast Alliance still maintains an independent status, the old beast god also took the initiative to ease the relationship with the human race through his relationship with Luo Feng, and has no intention of fighting with the human race at all.

In this way, even if the remaining forces of the coalition camp have been guided by the ancient civilization's training experience provided by the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, they will no longer have the strength to contain and fight against humans in the original universe. In the future, they are destined to only become the torment of the stronger generations of human beings. Knife stone.

Then, in the primitive universe, which was generally restored to peace, the human race was rapidly multiplying and developing, and the continuous expansion of territory also increased the efficiency of the birth of geniuses in the human race by ten times. Under the guidance of the cultivation experience of ancient civilizations, the strength of the immortal gods and cosmic lords accumulated by the human race over the past long years has also improved relatively quickly, and the entire human race has entered the fast lane of development and growth.

However, in the world of Lord Snow Eagle, Diko lived a very peaceful life in the lair of the Vulcan Tree in the God Realm. Apart from practicing in seclusion, he also came to some mortal worlds to travel around in life, and occasionally gave guidance to those with good talents in the mortal world. Little ones.

At the same time, Diko also imitated the approach of the powerful Holy Lord Hongchen who left behind the Red Stone Mountain. He set up a test place outside his old nest and left some chance treasures to attract some extraordinary demigods, gods and even realm gods from the God Realm. Those who liked it would occasionally accept named disciples, and before he knew it, his lair in the Vulcan Tree became lively.

But what really made Diko famous and remembered by the top powerhouses in the entire God Realm Abyss was the conflict that occurred during the banquet of Dongbo Snow Eagle's opening of the mansion.
Dongbo Snow Eagle, who became a third-level celestial god after practicing for tens of thousands of years, was a peerless evil genius who cultivated extremely quickly in the abyss of the divine world. After that, he only quietly cultivated for more than 100,000 years and became a fourth-level celestial god. His strength has surpassed that of many powerful men, and is close to the level of venerable combat power. He was officially arranged by the Blood Blade Divine Emperor to serve as the emperor of the five directions of the Blood Blade Divine Court. His mysterious and special degree in the territory of the Blood Blade Divine Court is comparable to that of the Vulcan Tree. The Black Mist Sea opens the mansion.

At the opening banquet, Dong Bo Snow Eagle's identity and strength naturally attracted many powerful people to come to congratulate him. Many powerful people and fourth-level heavenly gods from the Blood Blade Divine Court were invited, and Dong Bo Xueying was also invited. Some of the friends and brothers that Bo Xueying made after coming to the God Realm, such as Lord Huo Yue, Senior Brother Huiming from the Hongshi Mountain lineage, and one of the five evil spirits in the God Realm, who had previously forced Dong Bo Xueying's wife Yu Jingqiu’s previous life, Xingjian Xuannv, was reincarnated as Jin Xiao’s ancestor.

"Master of the Fire Temple..." Because he was worried about Dong Bo Xueying's current identity and strength, and also feared the Lord Huo Yue, Jin Xiao's ancestor did not directly embarrass Yu Jingqiu. After seeing Di Ke who appeared next, he But his eyes suddenly became sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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