Chapter 594 Defeat Qingjun

Qingjun also looked at Diko with bright eyes, grinned loudly and said: "Good method? Space One? I didn't expect that you actually realized this kind of defense method through Space One. It seems that if my attack cannot penetrate The deep space cannot help you."

"Small means are not worth mentioning!" Diko shook his head slightly, but his aura suddenly became hot. His whole body exuded a red-gold light, and instantly turned into a dazzling sun. He laughed loudly at Qingjun: "Qingjun, take a punch from me too!"

As he spoke, Diko suddenly clenched his fist, causing the space to tremble, and punched Qingjun. Instantly, a violent and terrifying punch erupted like a sun star. The power was no less powerful than Qingjun's punch just now. The power was even more violent and domineering, causing the space to collapse and twist.

Faced with this punch, Qingjun's face changed slightly, and he also rushed forward with a punch... In an instant, like a mountain facing a volcano, the power of the earth shattering caused a violent energy impact storm, scaring many powerful people watching the battle in the distance. Everyone hurriedly retreated and dodged for fear of being affected.

"The Way of Fire, such a terrifying Way of Fire! This Diko's understanding of the Way of Fire is already a bit like the explosion of a sun star. It's simply... it's incredible." He is a life-and-death acquaintance with the Holy Lord of Hongchen. Ancestor Chihuo, who naturally had a good relationship with Huiming, Dongbo Xueying and the others, saw the power of Dike's punch and was a little shocked. He felt as if he had found the direction of his future cultivation.

Not far away, Lord Huo Yue also had scorching eyes, staring at Diko, seriously feeling the mystery of the way of fire contained in Diko's punch. He found that the path Diko followed was very similar to his. If he had the opportunity to discuss and experience with Diko in the future, he might be able to make breakthroughs and improve in the flame path, and perhaps he would be able to find the path to mastery. direction.

"Okay! I didn't expect that in addition to space, you also opened up a way to attack such a terrifying fire. In the way of flames, you are no less than a fire axe, or even better." Caught off guard, he blocked Qing Jun, who was a little embarrassed after receiving Di Ke's punch, also looked at Di Ke with stern eyes and said: "You are really hiding something! It's worth my full strength to fight! Use whatever means you have!" Today, let us have a good fight!"

"If you want to force me to use real means, then you have to be capable enough." Dike smiled noncommittally, and his figure was blurred, and he was in front of Qingjun in an instant. Before Qingjun could take action, he turned directly Hundreds of figures surrounded Qingjun, causing the space around Qingjun to become distorted and blurred, and the spatial fluctuations became extremely chaotic.

Buzz... His whole body was exuding dazzling golden light, and invisible fluctuations filled the air. Then Qingjun's eyes flashed, and he instantly locked onto Dike's true body. He turned around suddenly and punched out. In an instant, the surrounding space was filled with As if frozen, the dazzling and mighty golden fist shadow instantly defeated a large number of Diko's figures and landed on the last remaining figure.

The terrifying roar of energy explosions echoed, and Diko's figure also collapsed, causing Qing Jun's eyes to shrink and his expression to change instantly.

Almost at the same time, the space behind Qingjun was distorted, forming a terrible binding and sucking force, causing Qingjun's figure to be sucked in uncontrollably, and then the violent red-gold fist shadow directly emerged from the twisted void, fiercely. It hit Qingjun's arm, who barely turned sideways and raised his hand to block.

Qingjun, who was shocked all over, flew backwards in a state of embarrassment. All the masters watching the battle were mesmerized and their eyes widened.

"How can the Space One be used like this? I didn't expect that your understanding of the Space One has reached such a level. I'm afraid that even the master of the Time and Space Island, when he was at the Venerable level, his understanding and utilization of space is not as good as yours." Although he suffered a loss and was even a little injured, Qingjun looked at Diko with brighter eyes and praised him.

It’s hard to find an opponent! In the entire abyss of the God Realm, even Pang Yi is not an enemy of Qingjun's punch, and no one else can really fight head-on with Qingjun. Suddenly encountering a good opponent like Di Ke, for Qingjun, was like a gourmet encountering delicious food! "Spatial One... I didn't expect that this Diko's understanding of Space One can be used so comprehensively, and that Space One's attacks can be used like this..." Not only Qingjun, but also the Master of Time and Space Island who was secretly watching the battle was a little surprised and shocked. , although he also practices Space One, he mainly uses Space One's movement and space detection and control methods. He is not good at Space One's attack methods, so his strength is somewhat weak among the masters.

The Lord of Time and Space Island realized that Dicko's understanding of the Space Path might be able to make up for his lack of understanding and let him understand the attack methods of the Space Path, so that his strength could be quickly improved.

For a moment, the eyes of the time and space island master who was paying close attention to Dico became a little hot. If he hadn't been concerned about his identity, he might have been tempted to come over and fight with Diko directly to experience Diko's understanding of space.

And then, after the previous trial confrontation, Diko and Qingjun became serious, and the fight became more intense and exciting. As if they were facing an opponent in chess, the two of them were able to use their respective understanding methods without any scruples. When they exploded, their fighting power reached the level of domination. While watching the crowd watching the battle became excited, it also made the dominations who were watching the battle secretly take it seriously. stand up.

"This guy's soul realm has reached that level, and his understanding of Tao is indeed not bad. But I don't know how many methods he has hidden. It shouldn't be difficult for him to become the master," said Blood Blade, who was also watching the battle. The God Emperor also became more and more curious about Diko's strength.

As for the other masters, while they were shocked and surprised, they were also a little jealous of the Blood Blade God Emperor. It was enough to teach such a powerful disciple as Qingjun. Dike, who had risen quickly and was so powerful, was also beaten by the Blood Blade God Emperor. After winning over him, his luck would be a little better.

After a hearty and exciting battle, faced with Qingjun's curiosity about his attack method that easily defeated the ancestor Jin Xiao, Dike had no choice but to let him experience his soul will attack method in person.

Under the attack of Diko's will, with Diko's soul realm and the terrifying power contained in the soul, even if Qingjun has the powerful soul of the void soul liquid given by the Blood Blade God Emperor, he is not even a master after all, and it is very easy to be caught off guard. He was in a state of embarrassment, with a splitting headache in an instant, and his consciousness was so dizzy that he lost the ability to resist.

"As expected of the third-level soul realm, I lost!" After stabilizing his figure in embarrassment, he looked at Diko with lingering fear. Qingjun, who looked a little pale, couldn't help but said with a complicated expression.

Although those powerful men and fourth-level heavenly gods who were watching the battle did not know how Diko defeated Qingjun, it was a fact that Qingjun had no power to resist in front of Diko. For a moment, they were shocked and gasped. Everyone was so angry that they looked at Dico differently. A guy who is even more powerful and perverted than Qingjun, even if Diko is not a master yet, he probably already has the strength of a master level.

This kind of strength is enough to make powerful people, even those true gods, fear and awe, and even the masters will attach great importance to him. He is already so powerful before he becomes a Dominator. It is not difficult to break through and become a Dominator. Once he becomes a Dominator, Diko's strength will probably be ranked above average among the Dominators.

(End of this chapter)

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