Chapter 596 A long time
Only more than 300,000 years after transcending to become a powerful person, Huiming, who was gifted with great understanding, opened up his own path and became the True God Venerable. This undoubtedly caused a huge sensation in the abyss of the God Realm. It made those powerful people and even the True Gods become more and more aware of the auxiliary effect of the soul-burning secret method on cultivation and enlightenment.

For a time, many powerful people, even the True God Venerable, and even the powerful men from the Dark Abyss took the initiative to visit Diko, hoping to have a good relationship with Diko and hopefully learn the soul-burning secret technique from Diko in the future. .

Not to mention the powerful people on the side of the Blood Blade Divine Court, almost all of them have to follow Di Ke. Even the third ancestor of the Blood Blade Divine Court, Pang Yi, the Lord of Destruction, and the Master of Zhushan Mansion, have rarely taken the initiative to come to peace. Dico was building friendships, and everyone was thinking about Dico's soul-burning secret!

But Diko looked down upon the Lord of Destruction, who came from the dark abyss and seemed smooth but was actually domineering. Even though he was the teacher of the Blood Blade God Emperor, Diko didn't give him any face.

On the contrary, Di Ke admired Pang Yi who created his own practice method. After some exchanges, he felt like old friends at first sight. He even made some suggestions for Pang Yi's practice method that had not been truly perfected, which made Pang Yi feel that he had benefited a lot. , I feel that I can perfect my practice faster.

Later, Di Ke also taught Pang Yi the Soul-Burning Secret Technique, because he felt that Pang Yi's practice method and the Soul-Burning Secret Technique were a perfect match, and the Soul-Burning Secret Technique he created was also of great help to Pang Yi.

At the same time, Huiming also became a disciple of Pang Yi under the introduction of Di Ke, because Pang Yi's practice method was really suitable for Huiming. Only by taking Pang Yi's path can Huiming have greater hope and opportunity to become the master.

But the subsequent exchange between Di Ke and the Master of Zhushan Palace caused quite a stir, because under the influence of Di Ke's soul illusion, the Master of Zhushan Palace exposed his identity from the Mother Ancestral Cult. Diko, who made a mental calculation but accidentally discovered the clue by accident, secretly informed the Blood Blade God Emperor. As several masters investigated the Lord of Zhushan Palace, they quickly determined that there was something wrong with the Lord of Zhushan Palace.

In this way, the Master of Zhushan Palace, who is famous throughout the abyss of the God Realm, has opened up the path to the fourth level of heavenly realm. The Master of Zhushan Palace, who is relatively top-notch among the True God Lords, was killed before he took the initiative to reveal his identity. Dicko was screwed.

As for the death of the Lord of Zhushan Palace, it also caused quite a stir of discussion in the abyss of the God Realm. Since the Blood Blade God Emperor and the others did not want to spread the information of the Mother Ancestral Religion at will, the real cause of death of the Master of Zhushan Palace could not be explained clearly, which naturally aroused some suspicions.

After the death of the Lord of Zhushan Palace, Dike handed over a certificate of surrender to the Blood Blade God Emperor and the others. He gained the trust of the Blood Blade God Emperor to a certain extent, and he naturally succeeded the Lord of Zhushan Palace and became the new leader of the Blood Blade God Palace. Third ancestor.

In fact, with Diko's ability to defeat Qingjun, he fully deserves to be the third ancestor of the Blood Blade Divine Court. However, due to the unexpected and mysterious death of the Lord of Zhushan Palace, some conspiracy theories about him, the newly ascended Third Patriarch of the Blood Blade Divine Court in the God Realm Abyss.

Of course, Dicko wouldn't care about this, because only the weak speak with their mouths, and the strong always speak with their strength. If you have strength, you have confidence. No matter what the outside world says, at least the top strong men in the abyss of the gods will support Diko.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed. With Dongbo Snow Eagle's innate understanding, although he has been practicing quietly and hard in the Emperor's Mansion in the Black Mist Sea, his strength has naturally been improving. After all, Di Ke had also taught Dongbo Snow Eagle the soul-burning secret method a long time ago, and even because of the secret battle with the Mother Ancestral Cult, Dongbo Snow Eagle entered the extremely mysterious initial place in this universe, directly surrounding it. At the Chongtian World God level, he had an epiphany and opened up the virtual world path.

Then, in the Six Paths of Reincarnation left by Demon Ancestor, the top powerhouse of the Third Universe Era at the bottom of the Dark Abyss, Dongbo Snow Eagle, who continued to fight against the Mother Ancestor Cult, fell into the mysterious three halls of the Six Paths of Reincarnation by chance. After passing the test over the years, I got the inheritance left by the Demon Ancestor. In the meantime, because the Yuanchu Master, the oldest master of the abyss of the God Realm, accidentally discovered a lair of the Mother Ancestral Cult, there was a big battle. Pang Yi, who acted with the masters, directly showed his strength at the master level, and even used secret methods to pass through The layers of defense killed the two guardians of the Mother Ancestral Cult who were hiding in the Mother Ancestral Sect's nest, so that the Mother Ancestral Sect's nest was quickly breached.

Pang Yi was able to break through and become a master so quickly, and he had powerful means of strength. He was stronger than the veteran masters such as the Master of Time and Space Island and the Master of Pantheon. Naturally, many strong men in the abyss of the God Realm thought of Diko's soul-burning secret method. .

Dico also couldn't laugh or cry about this. Pang Yi was able to perfect his cultivation method so quickly and break through to become a master. Maybe the communication with Diko helped, but the main reason is that Pang Yi has accumulated enough knowledge on his own, and breakthrough is just a matter of course.

After the breakthrough, Pang Yi will naturally not continue to serve as the third ancestor of the Blood Blade Divine Court. Gradually, because of the strength shown by Dongbo Xueying and the fact that he surpassed many true gods in the universe's list of gods and demons, it was gradually said that Dongbo Xueying was qualified to become the new third ancestor.

Time passes, and for the real strong men in the abyss of the God Realm, time seems to have no meaning. In the blink of an eye, eight million years have passed. For a strong man like Dong Bo Xueying who has been practicing for a short period of time, eight million years is a long time, but for those world gods and powerful people who have lived for hundreds of millions of years, Millions of years are really a short time.

Except for the previous battle that discovered the lair of the Mother Ancestral Cult, millions of years have passed and the entire abyss of the God Realm has hardly changed. However, three more fourth-level heavenly gods have broken through and become powerful beings.

One of them even came from the Dark Abyss, and there was no doubt that they had all received guidance from Dico, and they had all been taught the secret method of burning souls by Dico, and they had all become disciples of Dico, making Dico unknowingly. He has five powerful disciples.

At the same time, such a long period of time has also brought about the geniuses with real potential in the Dexia world, such as Chi Qiubai, who Dongbo Snow Eagle took the risk to rescue in the dark abyss when he was a third-level heavenly god, and the souls in Dike's Scarlet Flame Castle. Long Xue, who is pure, talented and understanding, has successively achieved breakthroughs to become a world god. Long Xue even burst out with stronger potential than Chi Qiubai, and became a fourth-level heavenly god after practicing for more than three million years.

After more than five million years of hard training, under the guidance of Diko, and with the assistance of the soul-burning secret method, Long Xue finally transcended and became a powerful person, and expressed his feelings to Diko. After a long time, he finally He renewed his fate with Dico and came together.

And the two soon had a son, who was named Di Kong by Di Ke. With the level of strength of Di Ke and Long Xue, their children are naturally extraordinary. Di Kong, who was born as a god, is also very talented and intelligent. However, he realized the heart of a first-level god in more than a thousand years and became a world god. Thousands of years later, he became a second-level god. The Celestial Realm God has reached the third level of Celestial Realm God in just over 30,000 years.

Such great understanding and potential also attracted the attention of the Blood Blade God Emperor and several other masters. The Blood Blade God Emperor even offered to accept a disciple, but in the end Di Kong chose to worship Pang Yi as his disciple.

After that, it only took Di Kong a little more than 100,000 years to become a fourth-level heavenly god. Whether he became a third-level heavenly god or a fourth-level heavenly god, the speed exceeded the record of the shortest cultivation speed in the history of the God Realm Abyss. The Master of Feixue Villa and the Master of Time and Space Island made many powerful people in the abyss of the God Realm marvel at them. They secretly thought that Di Kong would probably be at least a powerful person in the future, and maybe he could become a true god, or even a master!

(End of this chapter)

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