Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 599 Vision and Accepting Disciples

Chapter 599 Vision and Accepting Disciples

Next, Diko chatted with the Destruction Monarch and Dongbo Snow Eagle about other things, but the Blood Blade God Emperor and the other masters became somewhat quiet, obviously still thinking about the secret of the soul that Diko had mentioned before. ! With this thing on your mind, how can you think of anything else to talk about?

At the same time, slowly, the number of god-level masters who were fighting became fewer and fewer, and in the blink of an eye, there were only a few dozen left. Some of the powerful men of the Blood Blade Divine Court have already begun to give tokens and prepare to select disciples.

Those god-level experts who have been eliminated, whether they have entered the top 100 or not, are now full of expectations, eager to have the powerful ones take the initiative to accept them as disciples.

The Blood Blade God Emperor finally spoke: "Xue Ying, for this Ten Thousand Flowers Banquet, none of the three of you will take any disciples. I am just my master. As for Diko, I can't force him to take disciples. After all, they don't even have the ability to accept disciples." We have trained several of them. Snow Eagle, this is your first time sitting here, I won’t force you in the future, but this time you have to accept at least three disciples.”

"Okay, Master, I'll just accept the disciple," Dongbo Xueying felt a little helpless, but still responded obediently.

"This boy is still a little unwilling," the Blood Blade God Emperor laughed, and the Blood Lord Nero also laughed and said: "Dongbo Snow Eagle, your cultivation is so amazing, but it only takes a million years to kill the Mother Ancestral Cult. The two guardians have made great achievements, so of course they have to teach well. The disciples they teach will not be able to catch up with you. To be even a little bit as good as yours is to add a strength to our cultivator universe!"

Di Ke couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart after hearing this: "Speaking so contrary to one's will, Dong Bo Snow Eagle has already given your Mother Sect a headache. If the cultivator universe is stronger, I'm afraid your Mother Sect will gnash its teeth. I still think about it. It is pitiful and pathetic to occupy this part of the universe but not even know the details of this universe!"

"Haha... Nile, according to what you said, Dico should have recruited a few more disciples! His ability as a disciple would put even us masters to shame," the master of the Yuan Dynasty also laughed. Liandao.

"Master Yuanchu, where are you talking about Snow Eagle? Don't get involved with me." Di Ke shook his head and smiled: "Train a god-level strongman and wait until he grows up slowly to see if he can become a fourth-level heavenly person." It’s hard to tell the gods, and the hope of cultivating powerful ones is even slimmer. It’s better for me to directly point out the fourth-level heavenly gods! That way the efficiency of cultivating powerful people will be higher.”

"Haha, it turns out that this is the reason why you like to point out the fourth-level heavenly gods, Diko!" Pang Yi also smiled jokingly, and the Lord of the Abyss even praised him: "Dico, if you can cultivate more A few powerful people are indeed a big help to my cultivator universe. However, in the battle between us and the Mother Ancestral Sect, ordinary powerful people will not play any role after all. But there can be a few more If you are a true god, that will be of great help. Moreover, Diko, you can't discriminate against me, the strong man of the dark abyss. You should also give more guidance to me, the fourth-level celestial god of the dark abyss."

The words of the Abyss Ancestor immediately caused the Lord of Purgatory to nod in agreement. Although the Bloody Lord Nero agreed on the surface, he had already gritted his teeth and secretly hated it in his heart.

Diko's efficiency in cultivating powerful people is indeed too great. In just tens of millions of years, the Blood Blade Divine Court has gained several powerful people. But his strength and methods are too strong. Even if the leaders of the Mother Ancestor Sect take action in person, they may not be able to kill Diko. After all, Diko is very good at time and space methods, and he has the protection of the Blood Blade God Emperor. Otherwise, the Mother Ancestor Sect would have already thought of ways to eliminate this threat as soon as possible.

"Dike is famous for his good judgment. Most of the named disciples he accepted before were not well-known, but now three of them have become fourth-level heavenly gods. The other two-level and third-level heavenly gods are powerful. They are all extremely outstanding at the same level, and even have the strength to leapfrog the next level." Pang Yi continued: "Today, I want to see how Dong Bo Xueying's vision is?"

"In terms of vision and ability as a disciple, I am naturally not as good as Dike," Dongbo Xueying shook his head and smiled, and then began to think about which three disciples to accept.

While Dong Bo Snow Eagle was thinking about it, Di Ke smiled and said, "Xue Ying, if you want to recruit a disciple, you have to hurry up. Otherwise, all the good ones will be picked out by my few disciples. Now." Not only Di Ke's powerful disciples, but also Long Xue and Di Kong were interested in accepting disciples. In the past, they were all fourth-level heavenly gods, and they only wanted to transcend and become powerful beings. Naturally, they had little interest in recruiting disciples, and most of them had only a few disciples. Now that he has transcended and become a powerful person, it is rare to participate in the Ten Thousand Flowers Banquet in the Divine Court. Naturally, everyone is very happy to see it and wants to recruit a few disciples to teach him.

Although disciples will also choose teachers, most god-level experts can receive a token. It is good to be chosen by a powerful person and take the initiative to recruit disciples. There is no extra choice. What's more, with Dike, a master who is good at teaching disciples, in the Vulcan Tree lineage, those god-level masters who are favored by Dike's disciples will probably choose to join the Vulcan Tree lineage.

Dongbo Snow Eagle, who shook his head and smiled under Diko's joke, quickly determined the three disciples he wanted to accept, refined three tokens at once, and ordered the world god guards on the side to send the tokens.

"You have chosen so quickly, and you have to choose three at once?" The Destruction Monarch on the side said with a surprised smile, and the Blood Blade God Emperor couldn't help but said: "Xue Ying, when choosing a disciple, you must teach him well and not be too willful. .”

Dongbo Snow Eagle continued: "Master, don't worry, since they have chosen, as long as they accept me as their teacher, I will naturally teach them well. But master, I gave away these three tokens, if they don't choose me , you won’t let me accept any more disciples, will you?”

"Hahaha, let you go, I will never blame you, and I will not force you to accept any more disciples," the Blood Blade God Emperor laughed, and the other Lords and Destruction Monarchs, the mighty ones of the ruins, and the fourth-level heavenly gods also They all started to pay attention out of curiosity, wanting to see who the new Third Patriarch Dong Bo Xueying would accept as his disciple.

After Dong Bo Xueying selected his apprentice, other powerful people who wanted to take on disciples quickly gave away their tokens. Dike, who was smiling and drinking, suddenly turned over his hand and took out a token and handed it to the person next to him. A world god guard also immediately attracted the attention of all the lords, venerables and powerful ones.

"Haha, Diko, I didn't expect you to be planning to accept a disciple!" The Blood Blade God Emperor was slightly startled, and then laughed: "I thought you were not planning to accept a disciple!"

"Haha, I didn't plan to accept a disciple at first. I just saw a good one and the other powerful ones confiscated it. I couldn't bear the pearl to be dusted, so I accepted it," Diko said casually with a smile, but it made everyone more curious. stand up. The mighty ones are all very discerning, so who are the ones that the mighty ones have not taken a fancy to? How could Diko value him so much that he specifically recruits disciples?
Soon, after seeing the person to whom the world god guard sent the token, a group of powerful people immediately burst into an uproar, obviously surprised.

Even the master at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty couldn't help frowning and said: "Dike, this guy named Mo Chen, although he has mastered the first-grade Divine Heart Hudong Divine Heart, and also has some understanding of the Ultimate Divine Heart and the Infinite Divine Heart, but he cultivates But the time is too long, more than eight million years, almost tens of millions of years, do you think he has high potential?"

"Master Yuanchu, do you want to make a bet? I think he will be the best at this Ten Thousand Flowers Banquet. In the future, he will definitely achieve higher than all the other god-level masters at this Ten Thousand Flowers Banquet. Do you believe it?" "Dico asked with a noncommittal smile.

The master at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was silent when he heard this. After a moment, he raised his brows and said in surprise: "It turns out that this Mo Chen is actually Di Ke. Pang Yi is right. You really have good eyesight. Maybe your choice is right."

(End of this chapter)

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