Chapter 366: Peace and Chaos
Deep in the Dark Desert, as the scorching sun gradually sets towards the desolate horizon, the temperature of this barren land gradually becomes gentler.

But as the sky continued to darken, the desert became a bit "lively". Some hideous shadows that were rarely seen during the day began to emerge from the sand.

Wang Zhifan was aware of the changes happening around him, but he didn't care because he was now comfortably staying in his own dark tower.

As a legendary item, if a mere shadow monster could destroy it, then the level system of this extraordinary game would be a joke.

"Those monsters outside don't look very strong, but there are too many of them. I'd better stay here and continue practicing."

At this time, Wang Zhifan was holding a wine gourd in his right hand, which was filled with fine wine from the world of Wuji Sect. He walked slowly to a large arched window on the top floor of the dark tower, first took a sip of wine, and then looked at the situation in the desert outside to make his assessment.

In the luxurious room where he was, candles with flames that never went out in every corner provided ample light, making the tower look like a beacon in the desert at night, attracting many monsters around to approach and attack the only light source and the only building.

"Should we turn off the lights? This tower is probably the most conspicuous thing in this desert..."

Wang Zhifan was not worried that the large number of dark shadows outside would have any impact on his residence, but the current situation made him worry that it would attract other beings nearby, which might cause some trouble.

But after a little thought, he gave up controlling all the lights in the room and turned them off.

Because he was 100% sure that even if he turned off all the light sources in the tower, the monsters outside would continue to besiege it.

In order to avoid being seen by others, he voluntarily hid in the dark. Even though his perception was fully capable of adapting to complete darkness, he did not want to compromise like this.

After all, he didn't think it was worth going to this extent. There was a large area around here without even a trace of human presence.

So in the following time, Wang Zhifan first finished drinking the wine in the gourd, and then practiced his skills in the room on the top floor of the tower. He still chose to tackle the Wind and Thunder Treading Heaven Art, striving to enter the realm of being blessed with the power of wind and thunder as soon as possible.

While he was practicing peacefully, other players in the same dungeon at the edge of the desert were already feeling pressure from all sides.

In the dim afterglow of the setting sun, a tall young man from Xia country with a crew cut, wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker was standing on the sand, turning a black revolver in his hand.

The sunglasses he wore seemed to provide him with the ability to see in the dark, allowing him to calmly look at the scene in the distance ahead and listen to the constant gunfire and bomb roars coming from there.

Suddenly, he tilted his head slightly and looked at an empty space about ten meters away, and said to it, "What's the situation?"

A young man's voice soon came from the dim air, and judging from his accent, he was definitely from Xia.

"There is a gathering place of natives ahead of us. Several foreign players have arrived before us and are being besieged by the natives."

An invisible voice answered slowly.

"Haha... Don't those guys know any social skills? How can a survivalist get into conflict with the natives?"

The young man in the windbreaker from Xia Guo, who was most likely a gunner, laughed disdainfully, expressing his contempt for those foreign players.

But the other person hidden in the air did not respond to his words, but instead reminded:

"Something's coming from behind you."

"I know."

The man in the windbreaker responded calmly immediately, then he suddenly raised the revolver over his shoulder, pointed it behind his body, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A bullet instantly shot out of the muzzle of the revolver and hit him about thirty meters behind him with great speed and accuracy. There, a hideous black shadow that had just emerged from the desert was pierced by the bullet with mysterious power before it could get close to the target, and turned into a shattered bubble.

"This shadow monster is really annoying. I don't have much reserve of special ammunition."

The young man in the windbreaker complained and walked forward.

"Let's go ahead and take a look. I'd rather fight people than continue to fight shadow monsters."

It seems that he has decided to investigate the gathering place.

The sight shifted to the front. Just as described by someone who never showed up, four foreign players were relying on the cover of night to move through a group of simple iron houses and fighting a group of angry NPCs.

There were three men and one woman in total. Among them, two were white and one was black, and the woman was a strong white woman.

At this time, the thinnest white man among the four was arrogantly attracting the enemy's firepower output. Not only did he keep making loud mocking noises, he also used a luminous skill, making his entire body bright like a light bulb in the dark.

"Oh! You bastards! Is that all you have? You can't excite me at all! Just like you are powerless when facing your women in bed! Oh! Sorry! Maybe you don't have women..."

This thin white young man was wearing a white robe and his whole body was emitting bright light. A large number of bullets and even bombs were being attacked at him from all directions by the angry natives around him, but none of them could cause him any harm, and could not even make his thin body shake.

While this player was trying his best to attract the surrounding firepower, one of his companions, a black gunman dressed in black, was secretly and efficiently eliminating the enemy.

Due to his skin color and the clothes he is wearing, this black man seems to be invisible in the dark night. His agile body and silent pistol make it so that he will not attract attention even if he launches an attack. Almost every second, an NPC in an iron house is accurately killed by his bullets.

Another white male adopted a more insidious fighting method. His body had already used some means to secretly hide in the ground, and only occasionally emerged from the ground to observe the situation. Most of the time, he relied on controlling hundreds of tiny flying mosquitoes to attack the enemy.

The flying speed of his summoned creatures is ten times that of normal mosquitoes, and they make no sound at all when flying. Once any one of them successfully bites an enemy, that enemy will be poisoned to death in just a few seconds. Its killing efficiency is the best among the four.

On the contrary, the only white female among the four has the simplest and roughest fighting style. She seems to be a melee profession, holding two axes and moving like the wind. She wears heavy armor with good defensive capabilities. As long as the firepower is not too dense, she will choose to rush directly, chopping people into pieces under the bullets. With her strong physique, she gives people a more powerful feeling than the other three male players.

The natives in the gathering place were very tenacious in the face of the powerful offensive of the four men. Even though some of them fell and died one after another, no one chose to surrender or flee, and they continued to attack in their own way.

But their tenacity was the only thing they could say. So far, no one had been able to cause any effective damage to any of the players, causing the balance of victory in this melee to gradually tilt towards the side with fewer players. "Ah! Damn outsiders! I will tear you apart!"

At this moment, a white-looking aboriginal boy suddenly appeared on a tin roof. His muscles bulged all over his body. He suddenly jumped up from the roof and flew towards the thin white player who was still shouting trash on the ground dozens of meters away.

His jumping ability was so extraordinary, as if he was full of power like a high-energy spring. He smashed down the glowing white wizard below like a muscular little giant.

At this time, the firepower that was originally focused on the white mage suddenly stopped, as if to prevent accidental injuries to their own people. The thin white mage suddenly changed his previous arrogant expression and his face became serious when facing the muscular little giant who fell from the sky.

"My taunt has been cleared! Someone else must have used some trickery!"

It turned out that he realized that his real enemy was not the muscular young native who fell towards him from the sky, but someone else!

"Everyone be careful! The enemy has reinforcements!"

He instantly released an acceleration spell to nimbly avoid the muscular boy who fell from the sky. At the same time, he used a loud voice to remind other companions that the situation had changed.

Then, with his keen perception as a mage, he quickly discovered that his two teammates were in trouble.

Specifically, somewhere in the darkness, the black gunman was squatting with a look of pain on his face. He seemed to be about to throw away the gun in his hand and roll on the ground. In a tin house, the white female warrior who was invincible in the last second had sweat on her forehead and a dazed look in her eyes, almost unable to stand.

"Someone launched a mental attack!"

The thin white wizard immediately made his own judgment.

He already understood why only these two companions encountered the abnormality, while the summoner companion who controlled the mosquito did not react much.

Because the Summoner and his professional mage belong to the same magic profession, their spiritual attributes have been growing during their growth path, giving them a greater advantage when fighting against mental attacks.

The Gunner and Warrior professions do not increase spiritual attributes during their growth. If players do not use other methods to make up for this shortcoming, they will be restrained by spiritual attacks.

This is also the reason why the opponents choose to attack them first. You have to pick on the weak ones!
"Spiritual defense!"

As the situation changed drastically, the thin white wizard immediately used the corresponding spells to remotely support his teammates, allowing the black gunman and the white female warrior to quickly recover from their bad condition and barely able to fight back against several natives who took the opportunity to attack them.

Don't think that all players will start fighting each other after the penalty level of this dungeon is lifted. In fact, that is only limited to the player groups that are already hostile to each other.

For truly veteran players, having a few fixed and powerful teammates is more important than anything else. They don't want their companions to die unless it is absolutely necessary. Such a result will definitely greatly reduce their chances of clearing the dungeon in the future.

"I found him, leave it to me."

Then the white wizard heard a tiny sound next to his ear. A mosquito stopped and flew away. It was his summoner companion using the mosquito summon to send a message.

"Of course you handle it. I'm being chased by someone now..."

The thin white wizard felt helpless after hearing this, and then he used the second acceleration spell to avoid the muscular boy who was chasing him in the face again, and at the same time used a spell that could kill the fierce enemy with one blow.

"Dissociation Technique!"

The staff that appeared in his hand emitted an illusory gray light and shot along a straight line towards the muscular young man who was chasing him. This spell had a powerful destructive property. Once it hit the target, as long as the target could not be immune, it would be broken down into tiny fragments, achieving an instant kill effect.

But just when the white player thought that the current enemy was doomed to die, something strange happened again.

That is, the dissociation light he emitted could have accurately hit the enemy, but it strangely turned 180 degrees in front of the muscular boy and hit him back!


This terrifying change immediately gave him a strong sense of impending death, because the attack of the dissociation light was too fast and he had no way to respond.

Then the white robe on the white young man was seen to turn into fine dust in an instant, and his clothes turned into another set of clothes inside, but he himself was not hurt at all.

"I actually survived... But my Invisible Vestment..."

He suddenly remembered that one of the effects of his equipment was to resist a powerful attack, but there was only this one chance. In short, he survived temporarily, but lost a precious equipment.

"I must kill you!"

The white wizard was suddenly very angry. He was still under the effect of the acceleration spell, which meant that the enemy in front of him still couldn't catch up with him. He raised his hand and wanted to cast a spell to deal with the opponent, but thinking of the strange spell rebound just now, he stopped this impulse and quickly cast a physical defense spell for himself to continue fleeing.

"There's something wrong with these natives! They must have special abilities!"

This was the clear idea in his mind at the moment.

After encountering several attack methods that were not consistent with the current copy worldview, he realized that this copy world was by no means a simple technological wasteland.

In fact, some of the monsters they encountered in the desert were clues, but they subconsciously ignored this possibility after seeing the ordinary appearance of the natives. They didn't expect that there were such tough opponents hidden among them, and now it was just the beginning of the dungeon.

At the same time, when the battle between the four foreign players and the natives encountered some obstacles, in the dark sky of the current area, a yellow-skinned man wearing glasses and a white coat was floating high in the sky, looking down at everything below, with a smile on his lips.

"Another group of outsiders has appeared... This time I must capture them alive and uncover their secrets!"

(End of this chapter)

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