Chapter 368 Truce Boss
In the iron house, the Xia country assassin player who had completed a kill quickly began to pick up the equipment left by the black gunman.

He first put the two pistols used by the gunman into his personal space, and then put the rings, necklaces, gloves, wristbands and other items on his body, while keeping an eye on the situation outside.

When he heard the high-frequency gunshots, he decided to stay for a few more seconds and tear off the black man's clothes. After all, these were equipment that could at least be sold for money. Even if the surface was stained with blood, there were still a large group of low- and middle-level players scrambling for them.

On a rooftop far outside the tin house, the gunner player who was ordered by the Xia country assassin player to provide cover was making an effort.

I saw that he was holding a machine gun that looked very heavy in both hands. In the middle of the machine gun, in front of his hands, there was a large transparent barrier, like a magical cover.

With the protection of this shield with no blind spots, and the opponent's gunman was dead and the distance was far, the Xia gunman behaved very unscrupulously, constantly turning the machine gun in his hand to spray fire downwards.

No matter whether it was the natives or the opposing players, as long as he found any trace of them, he would overwhelm them with a continuous stream of machine gun ammunition.

Many natives were torn to pieces by this horrible weapon almost in an instant. The thin white wizard was suppressed and ran around everywhere, not daring to use defensive spells to force his way through. However, he did not target the muscular young native and the fierce white female Xia gunner who were still entangled.

Because he found that a large portion of the bullets he shot at them would bounce back and hit his defensive barrier, which was similar to the abnormality he had observed before.

"It's done."

After suppressing the enemy for a few seconds, the Xia gunman heard a deep voice in his ear. It was a signal from his partner in the communication headset, indicating that he had finished dealing with the spoils and could proceed to the next step.

"Go kill that summoner. His mosquitoes are annoying. Leave the rest to me."

The gunman continued to give orders, and while speaking he looked at some strange mosquitoes gathered around him. These guys were blocked by the barrier he released, but they used self-destruction to gradually corrode the barrier. It was hard to say whether it would break through over time.

"What about that strange young native? Can you take care of that, too?"

The assassin's puzzled voice then came from the headset.

"Yes, he, the white woman, and the wizard are all mine, the rest are yours."

The Xia country gunman in a windbreaker changed the weapon in his hand into a revolver, but the barrier protecting him was not removed. As he jumped off the roof and replaced the special bullets in the revolver in his hand, he saw the white female warrior who he had not taken good care of with the machine gun before rushing towards him. Instead, the muscular young native who was entangled by her before stood there in a daze.

"Idiot! You dare to charge at me? I can kill you with one shot!"

As the confident gunman fell from the roof, he reloaded and pulled the trigger at the white female soldier who was rushing towards him.

A silver bullet was shot out from the muzzle of the revolver. It split into two smaller bullets before flying a few meters away. Then two turned into four, and four turned into eight. These eight tiny bullets dispersed towards eight points in the air. They did not hit the white female warrior's body, but when they reached her, they each turned into a mysterious rune. The eight runes were connected into lines at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye, completely enveloping the white female warrior. Moreover, these mysterious lines began to crisscross, like life-threatening ropes.

"The rune bullets from the Hell's Gate dungeon will strangle the target if its mental attribute is less than 50 points and its physical attribute is less than 60 points. You were unable to resist the natives' mental control before, but now you will definitely die!"

The Xia country gunner wearing a windbreaker and sunglasses was very confident. His previous observations of these players were not in vain. He specially selected suitable bullets to kill the opponents. This is the basic skill of a gunner player. In theory, as long as a gunner player has a sufficient reserve of special ammunition, he can deal with any enemy.

But the scene that happened afterwards quickly made the gunman show a look of surprise on his face, because he saw the white female warrior break free from the line formed by runes in the blink of an eye and rush to him, which forced him to release the backward jump skill and run away quickly.

"Why is there no effect?! Is her physical attribute 60 points?!"

Feeling something was wrong, he immediately ran backwards while shooting. Keeping a certain distance away from melee players is a gunner's specialty.

However, the strong white woman dared to rush into his face, not to seek death. The equipment on her body emitted bursts of faint silver light, which blocked the ammunition he fired in succession and quickly closed the distance between them.

"Bullet time!"

At the critical moment, the Xia country gunman quickly used his signature ability, but he did not do it to escape. Instead, he rushed back towards the enemy with greatly increased reaction and speed. In the extremely short time that the opponent could not cope with, he took out a special explosive from his personal space and activated it directly!

A huge bang was heard immediately, and in the flames and thick smoke that shot up into the sky, everything nearby turned into nothing. But then an illusory figure walked out of the air. Who else could it be but the gunman who blew himself up just now?
Obviously, he chose to self-destruct not for the sake of risking his life, but because he had a special method to avoid the horrific explosion. However, the result did not seem as good as he thought. He saw the figure of the female warrior appearing next to the thin white wizard in the distance. The other party also did not seem to be injured. It was estimated that she was rescued by this companion in some way.

"You guys have some skills, how about we stop fighting temporarily and deal with the natives first? It's just a survival book, there's no need to fight to the death."

Feeling that the opponent was much more difficult to deal with than expected, the Xia country gunner player spoke up, without any expression showing any embarrassment for his heavy-handed attack.

"You killed our people and you still want a ceasefire!"

The thin white mage roared in anger upon hearing this, and his eyes swept everywhere while he spoke. He paid attention to the muscular native boy who had retreated and hidden, and also looked in the direction of a tin house, where their summoner teammates were hiding.

"It's just a weakling who died! Even if we don't kill him, he will die in the dungeon sooner or later! But if we continue to fight, we may not be able to pass this dungeon!"

The Xia country gunner immediately responded nonchalantly, not taking the black gunner player he had killed before seriously at all. He was undoubtedly a person who valued strength. Only if the other party had strength would there be a need to talk to him, otherwise he would just kill him and take his equipment.

His statement seemed a bit barbaric, but the white wizard and the white female warrior fell into a brief silence after hearing it.

Because he revealed the key point, players team up to play the dungeon not to emphasize loyalty, everyone wants to maximize their benefits, everyone wants to get through the dungeon safely, and fighting to the death just for a temporary conflict is stupid. "I also agree to a truce, but if you insist on fighting, I will accompany you. I am the profession that is least afraid of consumption."

A thin Xia youth of medium height then emerged from the air next to the Xia gunner. He was the assassin who had just been assigned to deal with the foreign summoner player, but judging from his appearance, this assassination was not successful, otherwise he would definitely choose to continue the sneak attack instead of showing up to show his attitude.

The thin white young mage and the white female player glanced at the two of them when they saw this, their eyes filled with anger but they had to force themselves to endure it.

Although they have lost a companion so far, the remaining forces still have hope of fighting against the two Xia people, but the risks involved are worth considering.

Everyone is strong, and it is too risky to fight to the death at the beginning of the dungeon. It is very likely that you will barely kill your opponent but will not be able to pass the dungeon due to excessive consumption, and die under the pressure of the dungeon.

"How about it? There is an old saying in our country that goes 'No fight, no friendship.' We recognize your strength, and you have also seen our strength. In this copy, everyone promises not to invade each other. How about that?"

Seeing that the two foreign players had regained their composure, the gunner player in a windbreaker and sunglasses struck while the iron was hot. He knew very well that players who could reach this level must be relatively smart, and those who just rushed forward with a single-minded mind would have died in low-level dungeons long ago.

Then they saw the two people opposite whispering to each other. Some mosquitoes appeared around them. It was the summoner who was communicating with them. After a few seconds, the thin white mage in the lead said:
"We can make a truce with you, but you must return the equipment of our companions, otherwise the three of us will never agree to maintain peace in this dungeon!"

They were still thinking about the equipment of their dead companions at this critical moment. This clearly showed the characteristics of the player group: they were all a group of people pursuing interests.

"And equipment? Haha, the stuff is all in my personal space. If you have the guts, come and get it. If you want me to hand it over, that's wishful thinking."

After hearing this, the Xia country assassin player immediately revealed a disdainful smile, which was consistent with his previous statement that it didn't matter whether he fought or not.

"Arrogant Xia people! Just wait! We will take revenge one day!"

The strong white female warrior responded with a fierce look on her face, but did not directly launch an attack. It was obvious that she was just uttering threats and was still unwilling to continue fighting.

As a result, the war between players that broke out shortly after the beginning of the dungeon showed signs of stopping, with all players guarding against the opposing players while paying attention to the situation of the remaining natives.

Because they had discovered that these natives were a little abnormal at the moment. Not only did they not attack or interfere with their negotiations, but the muscular boy who had fought with the white female warrior before was also too low-key and was actually hiding in the distance.

Although for survival dungeons, the natives are not as important as other types of dungeons and can be ignored as long as they do not interfere with the survival of the players, everyone still felt something was wrong.

Soon, when these players who had temporarily stopped fighting were preparing to disperse and leave, a figure suddenly fell from the black night sky and made a sound that startled everyone. They had not actually noticed that there was a person above their heads!

"Outsiders, I originally hoped that you could come to an agreement among yourselves first, but you chose to stop... This makes me feel very disappointed."

Under the night sky, slowly descending in front of everyone was a young indigenous man wearing a white coat and glasses.

He looked like a young scientific researcher, but the powerful aura he exuded could not be ignored. It immediately attracted the attention of the five players present, making them alert, including the foreign summoner player who was still hiding underground.

"Who are you? Do you want to go against us?"

The Xia country's gunner player, who always valued strength, frowned at this time, looked at the man vigilantly and asked.

He could feel that this native who suddenly fell from the sky was many times stronger than all the other natives he had seen, which meant that the other party might be the real survival pressure placed on them by the copy, so how to deal with this person next would be very critical.

"Who am I? Haha... do you outsiders really care about this kind of thing? Aren't we all insignificant in your eyes?"

The young man in a white coat and glasses, who looked like a researcher, chuckled and glanced at all the people on both sides in turn. Every glance made the corresponding player feel a heavy pressure.

"Sir, you may have misunderstood! We have no ill will towards your territory. We attacked those people because they attacked us first. All the battles were for self-protection! We have no intention of continuing to cause any conflicts. If it causes any inconvenience, we can leave immediately!"

Upon seeing this, the thin white mage quickly explained to the uninvited guest that he knew this kind of dungeon routine too well. The dungeon would force a strong enemy in to make things difficult for them. In a survival dungeon like this one, which had no other requirements for passing the level and would not drop any equipment, you must avoid conflicts with strong enemies as much as possible, otherwise you will definitely suffer the consequences.

But most of the time, the BOSS of the copy does not rely on words. The moment he appears, the direction of the copy is already determined.

The young man in the white coat and glasses with a strong aura had a disdainful arc on his lips, and then he suddenly opened his hands and shouted:
"Outsiders! Let me see your strength with my own eyes! Struggle! Escape! Anyone who can't escape will become my research consumables!"

Before he finished speaking, a terrible feeling of heaviness covered all the players present! Everyone suddenly felt that their knees were under great and painful pressure, and they either squatted or knelt or fell to the ground.

"This is... a strengthened gravity field?! Gravitational field?!"

The Xia country's gunner player determined the attributes of this BOSS in an instant. It can be said that the opponent's strength is quite high-end. At present, it is very likely that he is just teasing them. Once he gets serious, it will be extremely difficult to deal with.

"Bullet time! Random teleport!"

He made a prompt decision and decided not to stop for even a second. He used his precious props and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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