All players: I can choose my own dungeon rewards.

Chapter 42: Understanding the next copy

Chapter 42: Understanding the next copy
The night passed without incident, and soon it was a new morning.

Wang Zhifan woke up earlier than usual this day. Probably because his personal attributes have improved and his need for sleep has begun to weaken, and he does not need to sleep for so long every day to be active and active.

"I feel like I ate too much at the buffet yesterday and I'm not hungry at all now, so let's start right away."

After a simple wash, according to his usual habit, he should go out to have breakfast, and then take a short rest before going to work. But today, Wang Zhifan felt that he was in very good condition, so he skipped this step and stayed in the rental house. After fully arming himself, he directly used his mind to bring up the player panel and chose to enter the dungeon.

As in previous experiences, as soon as Wang Zhifan started the copy, his figure quickly disappeared from the rental house. When his spirit recovered from a trance, he found that he had arrived on a bare and desolate ground.

At this time, there were all kinds of gravel and weeds around him. Except for the two female teammates who were not far away and looked slightly dull, there was only something hanging on a dead tree more than a hundred meters away. Attractive.

"This time it turned out to be two female teammates... This is the first time we have encountered such a situation."

At this moment, Wang Zhifan was fully armed, that is, wearing wolf leather armor, violent wrist guards, furious gloves, a fine-grade pistol in his left hand, a rare-grade wolf-killing blade in his right hand, and also wearing the Medal of Obscurity, the Wrath of the Ape King, and the Unyielding Ring. Wang Zhifan, who was wearing three pieces of jewelry and an iron mountain belt around his waist, looked thoughtfully at his two female teammates two or three meters away from him.

In his previous dungeon experience, it was not that he had never met female teammates, but the number of times he met female teammates was significantly less than that of male teammates, and female teammates seemed to be weaker in terms of strength, which led to his Now I have some bad premonition in my heart.

About a second later, under the calm gaze of the fully armed Wang Zhifan, as the two female teammates recovered from the sluggish state they had just entered the dungeon, the target description of this dungeon flashed in front of the three of them.

[Dungeon goal: Kill the nearby Venomous Fang Spider (Lv4). 】

As soon as this dungeon prompt came out, before Wang Zhifan could start to discuss the team strategy, one of the female team members suddenly screamed in panic:

"Spiders?! Where are the spiders?! I'm most afraid of spiders! Don't really fight spiders!"

This is a young woman dressed in white-collar clothing. Judging from the pistol in her hand, she should be a gunman. After she discovered that the boss of this dungeon was a spider, she immediately fell into a kind of fear. He started to stand there in panic, looking left and right, as if he wanted to find a certain existence but didn't dare.

"The spider is in the tree over there."

Wang Zhifan looked at his teammate's speechless panic, and felt a little relaxed in his heart. Then he raised his hand and pointed at the dead tree more than a hundred meters away from them.

At this moment, on the withered tree that was not too close, a ferocious eight-legged creature that looked no smaller than an adult was hanging on the branch through a few silk threads. It looked like it might fall to the ground at any time and face the tree. Bian rushed over with eight long legs.


Following Wang Zhifan's enthusiastic instructions, the flustered white-collar female teammate turned her head and glanced at the giant spider hanging on the dead tree over there, and instantly let out a scream that caused eardrum pain, and then the woman's whole body went limp. , and fell to the ground with a very crisp plop. "Good guy, just faint right away, right?"

Wang Zhifan was not particularly surprised by this teammate's reaction, because he had gradually understood why the dungeon was arranged in this way.

"Are you a novice?"

He then moved his gaze away from a certain lady who had fainted on the ground, and turned to look at another lady whose body was shaking slightly, but at least she was still basically calm, neither yelling nor unconscious. On women.

This woman also looks relatively young, only in her twenties. She seems to be a gunman by profession, but her dress is a bit outdated. She is wearing a thick dark dress and trousers. Judging from her temperament, she may be wrong. People in urban areas.

"Yes...yes, this is my first time to type...a copy."

When Wang Zhifan asked her, the slightly rustic-looking young woman immediately answered nervously, her body still trembling slightly.

"Well...then just stand here and don't move around. Let me take care of the problem."

Knowing that this currently only capable teammate was just a complete novice, Wang Zhifan lost interest in continuing to talk to her. It was a complete waste of time and unnecessary for him.

"Let me, a Level 2 teammate, take two teammates like this to fight a Level 4 BOSS. This dungeon is really a good plan... but I can barely understand it..."

After experiencing the improvement of his attributes in the Gray Domain Cave yesterday, Wang Zhifan is now confident in his own strength to a new level. After all, it is difficult to have a second Lv30 player with an average attribute value of close to 2 in this world. .

He then walked calmly towards the dead tree a hundred meters away, and gradually approached the spider that was still bigger than a man hanging on it. The Wolf Slayer Blade in his right hand began to tap the ground to stack buffs, and with his left hand The sophisticated pistol in his hand suddenly lifted up at a certain moment, aimed at the big spider and pulled the trigger!
The precision-grade ammunition fired by the precision-grade pistol is quite powerful. After this bullet hit the big spider hanging on the tree, a large mass of dark green erupted from its orange oval body covered with half-foot-long velvet. of liquid, and at the same time, the dungeon BOSS hissed in pain, and fell from the tree to the ground in the blink of an eye. Its eight two-meter-long legs quickly left the afterimage, and rushed towards Wang Zhifan who attacked it like sharp arrows, dragging out along the way. A long trail of dark green liquid.

But Wang Zhifan, who is currently fully stacked with violent and furious BUFFs, has a strength attribute of 35 and an agility attribute of 28. His speed has already far exceeded the limit of human beings. Although this so-called Lv4 poisonous fanged spider burst out with speed and chased and bit him, But he couldn't touch him at all. Wang Zhifan kept moving his position in circles like a cat playing with a mouse, leading the big spider to run everywhere. The dark green body fluids from its wounds spread all over the floor, but between the two But there is always an irreducible distance of seven or eight meters between them.

While chasing and running, Wang Zhifan even had time to continue shooting at the big spider. Thanks to his super agility attribute, he now found that his marksmanship had become much better, and he kept moving on both sides. Under any circumstances, he can achieve a hit rate of [-] to [-]%, something he would never dare to think about in the past.

So about 3 minutes later, when Wang Zhifan began to debate whether he should empty the last bullet in the pistol magazine, he found that the big spider that he had tossed so badly suddenly kicked off its eight long legs and died directly because of its excessive injuries. , the entire body quickly dissipated in the air like smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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