Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 107 105 Didn’t lose, lost

Chapter 107 105. Didn’t lose, lost

The combination of Kano and Mitou seems to have a clear gap with the doubles combination of Nakagaki and Suzuki, but the reference point for comparison is Yamabuki's strongest doubles team, and it may even be the strongest doubles team among junior high school students in the country. Therefore, the two of them If a person's performance is not strong enough, that's as it should be.

It's just that after Renzu was unintentionally targeted by Shanbuki, the pressure he endured was much greater.

The strength of the partner cannot be said to be particularly weak, but there is almost no tacit understanding between the two. Originally, they planned to use Ninzu's personal strength to make up for the lack of tacit understanding, but Kano caused a lot of trouble for Ninzu. Although his own strength is not strong enough, But having fought against Ninzu before, he knew how to deal with Ninzu, and now Ninzu was taking on 80% of the pressure from Yamabuki's doubles.

"Coach Bantian is indeed very wily."

Sakaki Taro was very helpless about the situation at this time. The strength of the Hyotei Tennis Club was definitely not bad, but their opponent was Yamabuki. He had already bet on it as much as possible, but the arrangement of the old man changed his arrangement. It's very dangerous.

Atobe had a sullen face at this time. When he knew that he would meet Yamabuki in the third round, he was unhappy for a long time. Revenge was his only idea. However, when he and Yuya were training on the weekend, he did not This idea was fully revealed, and today will be the last time the two teams Hyokui and Yamabuki meet on the field this year. As for the individual competition in the autumn, it does not have much significance for Atobe.

The individual competition is an individual competition. In the normal plot, Tezuka's national level and Kanto level are all achieved through individual competitions. Individual competitions can only determine the individual strength of the players, but as the tennis minister, Atobe is more He hoped to lead Hyotei to become the champion of the national competition. At least in Atobe's own opinion, that would be more satisfying than becoming the strongest singles player in the country.

Compared with the tension on Hyotei's side, Yamabuki's side is much more relaxed. Now that Hyokui's No. [-] doubles has been taken apart, that means his No. [-] singles will definitely have flaws. Ishihara will not be completely different by then. There is no chance, and with Yuya and Akutsu in charge, this game is actually very close to victory. If Kano and Mitsuto can win, then the result of this game has been determined.

Strictly speaking, every game of this kind of team competition is very important, but if there is a team with Tezuka, Yukimura, Sanada, Atobe, Shiraishi, Fukushima, Kadowaki Satoru and Horio, all other games will be We will definitely win, and who would demand that Fukushima, Kadowaki Satoru and Horio must win?

Ninzu and his partner are under heavy pressure. After all, if they lose, Hyotei may not have a chance to win. On the other hand, Kano and Mitou are very aware of the strength of their teammates. Even if Every time he loses the second doubles and third singles match, Yamabuki will still win. The two of them are fighting now just to prove themselves.

"Good job!"

Watching Guangfu hit the ball and score, Kano hugged Guangfu very excitedly.

The two currently leading 3:1 have shown their "power" as third-year players, and Ninzu's side can consume a lot of energy at this time.

Doubles games are sometimes more physically demanding than singles games, especially if the partner is not strong enough. People who need to bear more pressure will naturally need to run more and fight back.

Kano and Mitou's tactics were very simple, targeting Ninzu's partner. However, Ninzu's partner was really not strong enough, and Ninzu needed to frequently fill in for him. This resulted in Ninzu's partner not consuming too much energy, but Ninzu was surrounded. He called for reinforcements and kept running on the court.

It wasn't time to rest yet, so Ninzu could only drag his already tired body to continue running, while Kano and Mitou chose to delay.

Since Renzu is currently in a state of heavy physical exertion, if Renzu's physical strength is exhausted first so that he cannot recover quickly during the rest period, then the subsequent games will be much easier. "hateful!"

Off the court, Mugahigatake was very angry. He had already joined the Hyotei Tennis Club, but because he was slightly weaker, he was not able to become a regular player. He saw that Renzu was under tremendous pressure on the court alone, but As the other partner, he cannot provide more help. He really wants to rush forward to help, but he knows that he can change the outcome of the game. Now that he is not even a regular player, he will only be further hindered than his partner who has endured enough. .

"Xiangri, let's work hard."

Ryo Shinto, who was standing next to Mugahi, also showed a solemn expression at this time. Shinto, who was also close, was also very dissatisfied with the current situation of the Ice King, but he knew that even if he played, he would not be able to To change anything, they can only continue to work hard.

Yamabuki won the second doubles match, and Ninzu was even supported by his partner back to the bench. At this time, Ninzu was out of breath and had no strength to speak, while his partner was He apologized to everyone with great guilt. If he could behave better, Renzu wouldn't be so tired.

It's just that the members of Hyokui know very well that this is not a matter of whether they work hard or not, it's a matter of strength.

Yamabuki's hard power is to be stronger than Hyotei. This is a problem that Hyotei must face. However, there is not much suspense in the doubles that will be held next, because Nakagaki and Suzuki will not give their opponents any chance to win. Chance.

"We will definitely not lose to Yamabuki next year."

The defeat in the second doubles match has put the Ice King in a desperate situation. This is not a problem that can be solved by raising morale.

"Yamabuki's strength is really too strong. Excluding Kanbaru Yuya and Akutsujin, their doubles players are also very good. Unless a team can defeat their No. [-] doubles, there is no possibility of taking away the victory from Yamabuki. "

Yanagi Renji is very aware of how strong Yamabuki is currently. The current Hyokui is Tatekai Dai in the Kanto Tournament. Fortunately, they won the Doubles [-] at that time and got some opportunities. But now Yamabuki's arrangement is not good for Tatekai Tachibana has no influence at all. Liu Renji knows very well that Tachibana only needs to win the second doubles match, and then victory is not far away.

Previously, he was worried that Yamabuki would pin his hopes of victory on the second doubles team. The combination of Yanagi Renji and Mori wasted Tachikai's effective combat power, but this time Yanagi Renji is ready to deal with Yamabuki's second doubles team by himself. The three singles players of Yukimura, Sanada and Mori are enough to give Tatekai a sufficient advantage.

It’s just that Yanagi Renji knows very well that he needs to collect more data about Akutsu. Only defeating Akutsu is the key to Rikkai Dai defeating Yamabuki, and winning doubles two only gives Rikkai Dai and Yamabuki a chance to compete. Base.

(End of this chapter)

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