Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 118 Chapter 116 Just sing

Chapter 118 116. Just sing it
"The players from Rikkai University are really good."

Seeing Yamabuki's doubles team being beaten by Yanagi Renji and Sakazaki, many schools that had never played against Yamabuki felt that Tachibuki was stronger. However, those schools that were eliminated by Yamabuki knew very well about Yamabuki's team. How special is its composition.

Yamabuki's team members were cheering for Mitsuru and Shangji. Even though everyone knew that the two of them were helpless now, Yuya and the others did not stop their voices. Pursuing victory was their idea, but what they showed on the field was Your own fighting spirit is also the spiritual core of competitive sports.

Many famous athletes may not become champions in their lives, but they are still remembered. They showed a fighting spirit that people yearned for and admired. Many people said that they were knocked down 99 times in the boxing ring. Success may come when you stand up once, but many people still haven't touched their victory even if they stand up two hundred times, but their persistence has given many people the motivation to continue working hard.

Seeing Koto and Shangji walking back with a smile after losing the game, the Yamabuki players just gave them hugs.

"Two seniors, Rikkai's side is a little too arrogant. Why don't we shut down our opponents and give them a good blow to their morale. In this way, Akutsu and I can feel more relaxed when we appear on the stage."

"You're really rude, but Suzuki, the two of us haven't fully demonstrated the power of synchronization. This is our last junior high school game, so leaving an unforgettable memory for our opponent is also a good choice. ."

"Then let's go."

Naturally, Nakagaki and Suzuki will not give any chance to their opponents. As Yamabuki's ace doubles, they have not lost a game from the regional qualifiers to now. Akutsu also has a partner with Atobe. A draw, it can be said that the two of them are the core strength of Yamabuki's ability to reach the finals of the national competition so strongly.


Although some people saw Yamabuki's doubles team using this ability before, many people did not see it. Now Nakagaki and Suzuki directly used this ability, which surprised many school coaches.

It is said that this ability can only be used when they are at a disadvantage. But for this double team, who can put them at a disadvantage? It is even said that they are familiar with this ability. And training opportunities that can be used at will.

If Renji Yanagi made it difficult for Mitou and Kamuji to play in the game, then Nakagaki and Suzuki were the pressure that made their opponents gradually lose confidence. In the national competition, at the same time, the No. 15 doubles in their respective teams, As a result, Nakagaki and Suzuki blocked their opponents and did not allow their opponents to score a point. From the serve to the end, it took less than [-] minutes. This was a completely crushing game. It can be said that after the game started, Tatekai Dai No. [-] doubles team, there is no hope of victory.

This situation is the most difficult for Liu Renji to get out of. If they can fight back, then Liu Renji can make suggestions, but they can't even fight back. How can they win victory?

"Yukimura, I'm leaving it to you, Tatekai."

Among the regular members of Rikkai University’s Tennis Club this year, the first-year players and second-year players have the highest winning rates. Some outsiders say that Rikkai University lost its position as the overlord of Kanto this year because of the first-year players. , but they, the second and third graders, know too well that if it weren't for Yukimura and the others, Rikkai University would still not be able to maintain its position as the hegemon of Kanto. It is even said that whether it can reach the finals of the national competition is a question.

The last game of junior high school ended like this, and the third-year players of Rikkai University could only place their hopes on Yukimura and the others.

Yukimura smiled and accepted the request from his seniors. Yukimura, who was very proud in his heart, was looking forward to the fight with Yuya. However, in order to win Tatekai's victory, he had to face Akutsu. Only in this way could they ensure their victory. This is the opportunity that Yanagi Renji has fought for for them. Yukimura knows very well that he must not be willful. As for competing with Yuya for the title of the strongest player in the country, Yukimura will have other opportunities in the future. "very good."

When he saw that Yuya actually appeared in the third singles, Yanagi Renji showed an excited expression on his face, and he bet on Yuya's order.


Although Yanagi Renji was very happy at this time, Maori was in pain, because everyone knew that Yuya was not an easy opponent to deal with. Although Maori was very strong, he could easily overturn in the game, so Maori felt that this was too much. It's a headache.

However, Jusaburo Mori still stepped onto the court. No matter what, since he is on the court, he will pursue victory.

In fact, Mori is considered a lazy Akutsu, or both of them are geniuses, and Akutsu is too talented to look down on those sports. After all, most people who have received professional training cannot defeat him as a beginner. Scholar, this does not make Akutsu think that this kind of sport is difficult, and the same is true for Mori. He does not need to train hard to have very strong strength, and he will not work hard.

It was after Akutsu was defeated by Ryoma that he changed his mind about the sport of tennis. However, his awkward personality made him unwilling to admit his failure. For this reason, he gave up tennis for a short time, while Mori was defeated by Ryoma. After Ochi Moonlight had a clean sheet, he realized that he had lost the joy of victory, so he started to train hard. He could win without effort. Maori was naturally happy in the past, but if he needs to put in effort to gain happiness, Then the gross profit will naturally change accordingly.

"That guy Maori is still so lazy."

After seeing Mori on the stage, Zenyuki Taira of Tentenhoji Temple showed a helpless expression. Mori, who had already shown his talent in the Tentenboji Tennis Club last year, came to Kanto because of his family's work and joined the team. Li Hai Da, this has a big impact on Tiantianbao Temple.

If Maori stayed, they would have two sophomores who could support the show, but now, except for Hara Tetsuya, the others are relatively average.

"Is that Yamabuki's ace singles player Kanbaru Yuya? I heard that he is the 'wisdom of power'. Gin, do you think your wave ball can compete with him?"

"No, my wave ball can't hit the guardrail like that."

Ishida Gin, who is still the first in the country and is already tall and powerful, knows very well that Yuya's power is absolutely terrifying. Although he is very confident in his own power, he is also very aware of his own weight.

Ishida Gin's answer made the people around him raise their eyebrows. This seemed to him to be too unambitious.

(End of this chapter)

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