Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 129 127 Yuya’s Changes

Chapter 129 127. Yuya’s changes

Tohno Atsukyo is another member of the Future First Army whom Yuya meets after Tanejima, Mori, Ochi, and Oni.

Although they are also members of the First Army from 11 to 20, compared to the top ten of the First Army, their presence is not very strong, so two players like Taira Zenyuki and Hara Tetsuya have only been seen from a distance. , Yuya is also not included in the calculation.

Of course, people like Kaji Fuata and Oguri Ryuji have already entered the U-17 training camp, but Yuya has not yet played against them. Instead, he has climbed to Tono on the seventh court and often meets Yuya. , as a high school freshman who just came here this year, Tono actually hoped that he could achieve good results, but just now Yuya mocked his execution method as meaningless, which made Tono unable to sit still.

The result was that Yuya proved to Yuya's face that the execution law was indeed meaningless to Yuya, which made Tono very angry. Of course, he thought he needed to become stronger, and then let Yuya see the power of the execution law.

"Senior Tono, your attacks are too cumbersome. Although I don't like violent tennis very much, I still have my own ideas. My grandfather and grandpa are both doctors. Although my parents did not choose to engage in the medical industry, I But there is some research on human bones. Although this idea is not very mature, I think it should be able to bring you some inspiration."

"You little brat, just come on."

Toono knew very well how dangerous violent tennis was for those who experienced it, but he really wanted to see what Yuya's violent tennis was like. However, after Yuya served, Toono didn't notice anything wrong, but as he followed The stalemate between the two gradually became longer, and he finally discovered the problem.

It's just that Tono discovered it a little too late. He had fallen to the ground and covered his ankle.

"By aiming at a specific angle, the opponent can complete the counterattack, but it will cause a certain amount of wear and tear on the opponent. When the wear and tear accumulates to a certain extent, the opponent will naturally fall."

This idea is almost the same as Tono's execution method, but everyone knows that Tono's execution method requires attacking specific parts of the body. If it is restricted by the opponent, it will have no effect, but Yuya just played it. Playing tennis, Toono was injured without knowing it. Although he sprained his ankle, after falling, Toono discovered that his shoulders, arms, wrists, knees, etc. were all injured. Feeling uncomfortable.

"Senior Tono, it's easy to dodge an open gun, but it's hard to guard against a hidden arrow."

"You kid, you are really insidious, but if you use that giant horn trick of yours, you can quickly injure your opponent."

"Yes, but I will only let my opponent give up. If he continues to persist, then I can only end the game as soon as possible. But this routine does not make much sense to me. If I don't want to Let you experience it for yourself. I will not use this routine. Although it is just an ankle injury, it is still injured after all. If the injury is too frequent, it will also affect future development. So Tono-senpai, when you usually practice , you have to keep a certain degree of control and don’t hurt the people training with you.”

"Tch, I understand." Although Tono was not so happy after being taught by Yuya, he got a new idea of ​​violent tennis and was going to find a book about human anatomy and study some human muscles. and bones.

Sometimes you can help your opponent's muscle cramps by frequently mobilizing the muscle groups in a certain area of ​​the opponent. If you can grasp the time well, you don't even need to launch an attack explicitly. Everything can be said to be an accident, and infinite ideas appear in the distance. In Ye's mind, he was planning to name the new execution method "Ling Chi". This slow knife killing method was really too cruel for his opponents.

If he is strong enough, he can even compress all Lingchi into one ball and cause his opponent to be accidentally injured. However, Tono is not yet at that level, but if he has a goal, he can continue to work hard.

Yuya is not that disgusted with violent tennis, because sometimes some garbage cannot be communicated in words. In order to make the other party swallow the bitter pill of rude words, he naturally also came up with corresponding revenge methods, but now it is to teach Tono. This was the first time I used it on Tono.

Being able to put the opponent's body into a state of paralysis through execution, it can be said that Tono's execution itself is an attack on the opponent's nerves. However, Tono, who has not yet perfected the thirteen-style execution method, completely attacks the opponent. Get enough advantage.

Before teaching this idea to Tono, Yuya had actually thought about how many people Tono would cause pain in the future. However, this trick is actually a magical skill of torturing vegetables. When facing opponents of the same level, it is very difficult to It is difficult to accumulate enough wear and tear on the opponent's body, which makes the simple idea meaningless. You must have matching strength.

If you can use two balls to injure your opponent, this is the complete version of that routine. It takes a long time to achieve results. Opponents with higher levels will be able to adjust quickly, especially those who have been hit before. It is estimated that they will not It’s the second time.

The players in Court No. [-] are still very capable, but generally speaking, after Yuya came here, his strength quickly became the boss of Court No. [-]. Age is not a problem, and height is not a problem. Yuya His strength is such that others have no choice but to recognize Yuya's position as the boss of the stadium.

There will be a shuffle battle between Yuya every week. Although the people in the first court can still stop Yuya, it is not easy for those people to win. After the game, everyone has to go to the infirmary to see if their wrists are good. Injured, although Yuya still has a roc that he can use now, Yuya who prefers to use Titan Nova now knocks down the rackets of his seniors time and time again.

"If he were a high school student now, I would definitely agree to let him become a member of the first army, but he is only a junior high school student now, and he still needs more time to grow."

"Yes, his mental level has improved a bit recently. He has now begun to regard the top three courts as his challenge. He cannot lose to any opponent other than the top three courts. My judgment about him is indeed correct. , if he can enter Court No. [-] now, then he will set himself not to lose to opponents other than Court No. [-] and No. [-]."

Saito noticed the results of Yuya's latest five-dimensional value measurement. He saw that just one month had passed and Yuya's spirit had changed from 3.5 to 4.0. It could be seen that Yuya's spirit was still growing steadily. As for other aspects, there had not been much change. On the contrary, it is understandable that Yuya's skills are not weak in themselves. If you want to continue to improve your skills, you need longer training. At the same time, strength, endurance and speed are all related to the body. At present, Yuya may have reached a limit. For a student who is in the first grade of the country and has the requirements of a senior player, this is the last conscience of these three coaches.

(End of this chapter)

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