Net King: Absolute Overlord

133 Chapter 131 won

Chapter 133.
Kiritani frequently changes the rhythm to increase Yuya's intensity. It's just that Yuya's main focus is to go with the flow. Whatever rhythm you want to play with, then he will fall into whatever rhythm you want. Although it may feel uncomfortable sometimes, in fact There is not much difference in strength between the two of them, which means that even if Kiritani has mastered the rhythm of the game, it is very difficult to chase points.

"If you don't have the ability to make a final decision, you will encounter this kind of problem during the game."

Ghost knows very well that Kiritani's strength is definitely outstanding among their group of first-year high school players. However, Kiritani has just broken into the first army, which shows some problems. Although Ghost recently discovered a A guy who likes acting very much. He has great strength, but rarely uses it actively.

The kind of people who have the ability to use it, and the incompetent people like Kiritani are completely different concepts. Kiritani becoming an army is something he deserves. Ghost will not have any objections, but Kiritani is like this If anyone can become a player of the First Army, you can know how poor the overall strength of the current First Army is. As for Oni and Tanedima, who are now the main players, they are outsiders. Byodo-in is preparing for overseas expeditions. Previously, he got the No. 1 position, so he is still building momentum.

This year's first team will have many first-year players. This not only shows that there are many talents among the first-year players, but also shows that players in the second and third years of high school are generally weak. After all, under normal circumstances, if you are also a genius, then everyone will basically They are all on the same starting line. Even if there is only a one-year gap, they will not let the first-year players rush forward.

"Those three guys know very well that Kanbaru will definitely defeat Kiritani. They want to give Kiritani a stab and let him face his own problems. If he is defeated by his peers and seniors, he will make all kinds of excuses for himself, but if he If he is defeated by a national first-class player, then he has no excuse, he must make changes, otherwise he will not even have a chance to play in this year's game."

After Yuya won the first game, although he spent more energy, he looked very calm, but Kiritani's expression was very nervous at first glance. Just from the expressions of both sides, it can be seen that these two What is the individual’s status at this time?

"Kanahara, Coach Saito asked me to tell you that if you can defeat Kiritani, then you can take away his badge. Until you come here during the winter vacation, you will be responsible for keeping the badge."

"Do I accept the challenge only when I'm here? That would be so much fun."

If Yuya really takes the badge away, then there will only be nineteen people in the Overseas Expeditionary Force in the future. As for the person whose badge was taken away by Yuya, there is probably no chance to follow the team as an army, unless he can Challenge others as the Black Coat Legion, otherwise they will not even have the chance to challenge others and get other numbers.

Yuya heard the news, and Kiritani would naturally know it. He didn't want to become the laughing stock of high school students because of this incident, so after the intermission, there was a murderous look in his eyes. Let Byodoin, who came to watch the game, whistle.

"That's right."

The previous games were played timidly. Although they showed their own technical characteristics, they did not have any momentum. This is actually a big problem in competitive sports. Sometimes people often say "building momentum", that is, Speaking of gaining momentum, sometimes the momentum boost is really beyond imagination, and now Kiritani's fighting spirit has been boosted, and now he is risking everything to fight Yuya.

Kiritani speeds up like crazy, trying to consume a lot of Yuya's physical strength. Although Yuya's physical strength is very good, Yuya is only a junior high school student after all. Coupled with his short size, his foot strength is constantly being consumed during the game.

In order to win, Kiritani had no choice but to be a child. At this time, Byodoin showed an expression of appreciation. After all, Kiritani now had the consciousness of an athlete.Many athletes have injuries. It sounds shameless to take advantage of the opponent's injuries. However, in the game, if they still choose to play even though they know they have injuries, then the athletes are actually ready to be targeted. Take Tono's left knee injury for example. He is very aware of the seriousness of his injury, and even said that he spends a lot of energy on rehabilitation every year, but he does not give up.

Yu is also aware of Kiritani's thoughts. He feels that this is a very reasonable tactical choice. It is to exploit strengths, avoid weaknesses, and attack the enemy when they are unprepared. This is the war wisdom left by the ancients. It is also very suitable to apply it in the game. .

It's just that Yuya was targeted not once or twice, so he acted very calmly, which made Kiritani, who was already leading 5:2, become impatient.

Just now, Yuya just gave up some balls that were fully capable of hitting back, just to save some energy. It can be said that he was almost playing openly. Everyone knows that Yuya has the ability to burst out with super strength in a short period of time. Now Yuya doesn’t say anything. It's a walk on the court, but as long as a running counterattack is required, he will most likely choose to ignore it, but sometimes he will also try to counterattack, so that Kiritani has to spend energy on defense.

Just when Kiritani was about to defeat Yuya with a score of 6:2, Yuya's running speed suddenly became faster.

"Senior Kiritani, it's time for the game to end."

Yuya, who has now won two sets, only needs to win four more sets and the tie-break. If it reaches the next game, he will need to play one more set.

Yuya's sudden attack made Kiritani immediately realize that this kid didn't want to wait until the next game. However, in order to win this game as soon as possible, Kiritani spent a lot of energy. Yuya's sudden attack made Kiritani even have no energy. There was no time to react.

“He’s a smart kid and knows when to stud.”

After Byodoin saw Yuya using the fighting state, he left the stands directly, because in his opinion, Yuya had already won the game.

When Yuya entered the fighting state, except for the bunch of hair on the top of his head that was more conspicuous, almost all of Yuya's eyes turned white. Kiritani, who felt the intensity of Yuya's fighting state for the first time, even though he was unwilling to do so, After losing the game, he could only walk to Yuya who was already lying on the ground, pin his badge on the collar of Yuya's clothes, then help Yuya up and take him to the infirmary.

There was nothing he could do about losing. Wu Gu knew very well in competitive sports that strong is strong and weak is weak. Finding excuses is always a coward's behavior. Although he really likes to do that, this time he really He has no shame to look for excuses. Now he can only hope that he can learn enough things in the back mountain and snatch the badge back from Yuya.

(End of this chapter)

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