Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 137 Chapter 135 Precipitation

Chapter 137 135. Precipitation
"Senior Kanbaru, it feels so strenuous to swing the racket like this."

"Horiio, the reason for the effort is because the muscle groups that need to be mobilized for this swing are not very strong, so you need to lay the foundation now. Yuta is also working hard to lay the foundation. If you get tired after swinging the racket a few times, then there is no When you have the opportunity to compete, the foundation is always the most important. If you want to stand on the podium, you have to put in enough effort. In the Kanto region alone, there are several of my peers who were in the first grade. You can beat third-year players, they not only have talent, but they also put in hard work.”

On the weekend, Yuya's weekend training started again, but Ochi Gekko didn't have the chance to come, but Tezuka was invited out by Yuya through Fuji, and is currently the core of several of the strongest school tennis teams in the Kanto region. , they all trained together. In addition to their personal special skills, which they could hardly use, they also showed all their recent personal technical progress. However, Yuya also had to guide Yuta and Horio, which seemed more complicated. Be busy.

"Kanbaru-san is already Yamabuki's director?"

"Yes, after Nakagaki-senpai resigned from the tennis club, I took over directly. Tezuka, there are some problems with your character. It's not that I'm talking too much, but you still need to think about what the responsibilities of the tennis minister are. If you can become Tennis Minister, how will the strength of the Qingxue Tennis Club change? I’m looking forward to playing against Qingxue next year.”

Tezuka currently takes over the position of deputy director of the tennis club. The director is a second-year player. Although the first-year players are not very convinced of the director, Tezuka did not take the initiative to speak out, and others have no choice. But now those few All the first-year players got the main selection position in the school qualifying competition, and the faces of the second-year players were not so good-looking. It was even said that the minister even went to see Coach Ryuzaki, hoping that the two talented players this year could Players who had participated in the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference were given the position of the regular team members, but coach Ryuzaki did not agree.

Qingxue's rule is that before autumn, first-year players cannot compete for the position of the main player, but now that the first-year players are eligible to compete, she has no reason to deprive her of her status as a first-year main player. Besides, Qingxue has been criticized for being a main player. The problems were all exposed in this school qualifying competition.

First-year players who have never participated in the competition were able to defeat the former regular players. If they are allowed to become the regular players in advance, will this year's youth academy take another two steps forward? This is a question that can never be answered. But coach Ryuzaki is looking forward to Tezuka's performance next year.

Just like Yuya was Tezuka's single pusher in the past, Tezuka also had his own pursuit of Echizen Nanjiro. He joined Seigaku in order to lead Seigaku into the national competition, so that he could surpass Nanjiro of the same age group. This is something as difficult as playing in the NBA and leading the Knicks to become a championship.

Seeing his teammates working so hard, Tezuka knew that as long as he could ensure steady improvement in strength, that would be the best feedback for them.

In order to surpass Yuya, Fuji has become the strongest junior high school student in the tennis club's youth training camp. Now he has begun to try to challenge high school students. I just heard that the elite among high school students have been called to participate. A certain training camp was held, which made Fuji also lose the opportunity to challenge high school students.

"Kamihara-san was able to play against high school students last year. The strongest players in this club's youth training camp are almost at the level of the aces from each school last year. There is no point in playing against them."

"Student Fuji, given your current strength, we are going to recommend you to participate in some small competitions to help you accumulate competition experience. I don't know what you think."

"I need to discuss this matter with my family, but my personal wish is to agree. However, among my opponents, can there be someone at the level of Kanbaru-san? Or an opponent who is stronger than others." "I can't guarantee this, especially Kanbaru Yuya. His strength reminds me of the original Echizen Nanjiro. I even said that he is more terrifying than the current samurai. If I want to find a player who can match him, it will probably take until We are looking for him in large foreign clubs, and the probability of finding him is not high, after all, such a talent is too rare.”

The coach who recruited Fuji at the beginning knew very well what Fuji's current strength level was. In the past, they screened the youth training camp players, but now they hope to let Fuji stay and become a contracted player of the club. After all, The talent that Fuji has shown so far is enough to be signed as the main player for some time to come.

Although some people are currently preparing for the next individual competition and doubles competition, due to the quota issue, most of them are in the process of settling in. Among them, Yamabuki is often booked by other schools for accommodation and daily joint training. It can be said that It is the most popular school in Tokyo right now.

The limelight of other clubs in Yamabuki Middle School has been stolen by the tennis club, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Who told them to win the national championship, and there is a high probability of defending the title, so it is normal to be popular. things.

In order to ensure the training status of the team members, Yuya and Ban Laozhen agreed to the invitations from some schools to stay together after discussion. As for the training matches, they were still focused on training. Those second-year players who did not get the quota for the main selection, the same Given the opportunity to play, Yuya and Akutsu would not appear in such a game.


"Here's your racket."

Akutsu saw the new racket that Yuya brought to school. There were only two network cables on it. Normal people would feel that this racket was unusable. However, after Yuya brought it over, Akutsu suddenly realized one thing, that is Yuya's giant horn hits the ball in a very fixed area, basically in the center of the racket. Yuya uses this racket for training, obviously to improve the power of that kind of hitting.

However, Akutsu has not mastered that skill yet, and he is not eager to use the cross racket for training, because he feels that it will be more effective to strengthen his God-Eating Wolf first.

Yuya's development of the giant horn will only proceed after it has reached a certain level before further development. Akutsu's God-Eating Wolf was only developed before the national competition. Although its power is excellent, it still has a lot of power. Large space for development.

Strengthening special skills is a must, but Akutsu also needs to allocate a lot of time to basic training. The stronger the basic strength, the stronger the God-Eating Wolf can be used without being limited by technology, strength, or speed. , Akutsu, who is still chasing Yuya, has learned to be patient. A good hunter must have enough patience.

(End of this chapter)

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