Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 139 137 Time flies

Chapter 139 137. Time flies
Yuya got the No.13 badge very easily. Although Hiroshi Kamiya was very unhappy with this result, he lost, and he didn't have any choice. However, after Yuya defeated Hiroshi Kamiya, he won the No.20 badge. The badge was thrown to the ghost. The badge will probably be returned to the hands of the three coaches, and then they will decide who can get the badge.

"Kanahara, your progress is really too fast."

"I can't help it. I don't like the feeling of losing that much. Although I don't think it is a shame to lose to Tanegashima-senpai as a first-year junior high school student, but I also really want to win back."

"You little brat, you still hold a grudge."

Hearing that Yuya wanted to win back, Taneshima knew that sooner or later he would be challenged by Yuya, but there was a high probability that it would be in his senior year of high school. At that time, it might be the last chance for the two of them to compete privately.

However, thinking about Yuya's progress, Taneshima felt that he should work harder. With Oni, a partner who is good at power tennis, he can at least handle Yuya's power shots, but now Yuya is also developing other areas, saying Maybe in the future we will be able to play tennis that Taneshima himself cannot fight back.

Taneshima's "nothing" can hit back all the tennis balls he catches, so as long as he can prevent Taneshima from catching the ball, his "nothing" will not work, but this requires a lot of patience to lay a trap for Taneshima .

Oni and Taneshima have said that the opponent is someone they have never defeated, which shows how difficult Taneshima is to deal with. At the same time, it can show that Oni's tennis is not just about strength.

Yuya, who is looking forward to the future, attaches great importance to the training in the U-17 training camp.

After obtaining the badge of the First Army, Yuya's training conditions have been greatly improved. At the same time, he can often compete with other members of the First Army. Under non-challenging circumstances, Yuya has fought against other First Army members. The main focus is on polishing basic skills. After all, Yuya and them are also in a competitive relationship, so neither party will reveal their trump cards, even if Yuya's trump cards have actually been figured out.

It's just that some people have areas that they are not good at. If a strong player like Yuya really works hard, even a player at the forefront of an army will still feel a headache. Even if he can win in the end, he will still have a headache. It will feel very uncomfortable.

"First increase your endurance to 5.0 and unlock Master Xiang's last skill, and then find a way to unlock Ou Peng's Moyun Golden Wings."

Although there are no competitions during this period, Yuya has improved a lot of his attributes just by relying on hard training. Compared with the character templates that can be extracted, Yuya values ​​this daily task the most. After all, as long as you work hard, you can see rewards. Many people will become the king of scrolls.

In the autumn individual competition, many outstanding players appeared. If it weren't for the fact that there are currently only two competitive teams in Tokyo, and the players from other schools are most likely not strong, it would be difficult for Sengoku to enter the Kanto Competition. It's a pity that among the top three who advanced to the Kanto Competition, Sengoku was first eliminated by Fuji in the semi-finals, and then defeated by Renzu, and finally stopped in the Kanto Competition.

However, this result is already very good. Many people will use this kind of competition as a reference, but only those who participate in the competition know that there are still more powerful players in their own school.The player sent by Rikkai University is Yanagi Renji. This time is an experience for Yanagi Renji, and it is also a process of collecting information about opponents. Because of this kind of individual competition, most of the participants will appear next year. Of course there will be new players, but there will also be veteran players, such as Ninzu who has already appeared in this year's competition. Unfortunately, Ninzu is not strong enough. If Sengoku hadn't been strong enough, Ninzu might have been blocked from the national competition. .

However, after the list for the national competition in the individual competition came out, the names of Yanagi Renji and Ninzu Yushi made many people who underestimated these two schools because of Yamabuki win the championship realize one thing, that is, Yamabuki may not be the opponent to win the championship this year. Too many, but Yamabuki himself is too strong.

A player who has never participated in a team competition almost entered the national competition and became what people call a national master. Qianshi is considered to be a little famous in the Kanto region, but after listing the players who performed well in this year's team competition Finally, there is obviously a problem with the judgment of national-level players.

None of those ace players have made an appearance. If these current players are called national level, then should those who are stronger be called super national level?

Regarding this matter, Yu is really too lazy to pay attention. Kanto-level and national-level are the evaluations given by others. This is not like a fantasy novel. There is a clear division of realm levels. Moreover, if you catch up with the strong and powerful It's a weak comparison. A group of players with strong overall strength are only rated as Kanto-level, but players with very weak overall strength have national-level ratings. So who is national-level and who is Kanto-level?
Therefore, after Qianshi was eliminated, Yuya did not do psychological work for Qianshi to comfort him, but to tell him not to be proud. After all, in the team competition, his opponents might even be those who did not participate in the individual competition. There are many players, including Hyotei's Atobe, that Sengoku can't beat at the moment. There are many people who can beat Sengoku. There is no need to be discouraged by losing a game.

After being "comforted" by Yuya, Qianshi could only smile bitterly. Although he knew about this, it was too realistic.

After the winter break, there will be the spring break, which lasts less than a month. After that, the old students will graduate and the new students will enroll. Then they will start preparing for the team competition. At the same time, Yuta will also join Yamabuki, so after the start of school next year, it will still be There will be a fight between dragons and tigers.

"Is the U-17 World Cup about to start?"

After the winter vacation, it was the start of the U-17 World Cup, and Yu had no way to go to see it. However, in order to cheer up Oni and Taneshima, he was being beaten by Oni every morning, and went to Taneshima in the afternoon. The islands tortured each other, until Yuya was about to go back, Byodoin who returned from the back mountain challenged the ghost again.

"Hey, kid, aren't you going to see the results of the game?"

"Byodoin-senpai, although I am usually very close to Oni-senpai, I don't think you will lose to anyone now. When I am in my third year, I will definitely challenge you."

Looking at Yuya leaving with his bag on his back, Byodoin, who had completed his transformation, showed a hearty smile. He felt that Yuya and he would have a lot in common, but it was a pity that the two of them could not compete on the same field. , but this is also a lucky thing, because there will only be one winner.

(End of this chapter)

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