Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 147: 145 Tezuka and Sanada showed all their cards, Kiritani cried

Chapter 147 145. With Tezuka and Sanada showing all their cards, Kiritani cried.

Yuya, who turned on the fighting state, also turned on Yunpeng Wanli. Yuya, who closed his eyes, allocated all his energy to capture the flight trajectory of the tennis ball on his own hearing.

Although there is still a gap between this and catching with the eyes, Yuya, whose speed has increased now, after hearing about tennis, the speed of his body's reaction is surprising. Even Kiritani did not expect Yuya to be able to explode like this. Speed, this is even faster than Kaji Fengduo, who will have the fastest speed in Japan in the future.

Precisely because they had seen Kaji Futa's extreme speed, Kiritani and Ochi felt incredible after seeing Yuya's speed. However, it has to be said that as Yuya's speed increased, Kiritani's hitting threat became less Big.

"So fast."

"Faster than my thunderbolt."

"Why does Kanbaru spend so much time looking for tennis balls?"

Although Yuya has temporarily cracked Kiritani's batting, now junior high school students will only compare Yuya with themselves. Among them, Sanada, after seeing Yuya's explosive speed at this time, he felt that he must use it continuously Only by moving like thunder can it be possible to catch up with Yuya on the court.

It's just that even if Yuya has increased his speed to this level, Kiritani on the opposite side can still fight back, which is what surprises them the most.

"High school students are so strong."

Although Yuya, a junior high school student, is now fighting against Kiritani, a high school student, they are not praising Yuya's strength, but Kiritani's strength, because in the eyes of those who have fought against Yuya, this guy has already Out of the realm of human beings.

After activating two status skills, Yuya put a lot of pressure on Kiritani. Especially now, in order to limit the damage to the stadium, Yuya chose to use the Pleiades Nova for crazy output, although the power of the Pleiades Nova is not as powerful as the giant horn. It explodes with Titan, but the impact it carries is also very powerful. It is a very difficult type of hit for Kiritani to counterattack.

If at the beginning Kiritani won four consecutive sets through his secret shots and took the advantage of this game, Yuya also started the dual state and quickly caught up with the score. This made Kiritani The pressure increased greatly. He did not expect that the move he had put so much effort into developing would have such a weak effect on Yuya. This really hurt Kiritani's confidence.

After watching Yuya defeat Kiritani in two consecutive games, the junior high school students had to sigh that there was an almost unbridgeable gap between Yuya and them. It was not easy to catch up with Yuya, but as long as they could keep an eye on Yuya If they try hard to catch up, they will definitely break through themselves.

"Huh, you kid is really difficult to deal with."

Kiritani, who was defeated by Yuya, was very frustrated with this defeat. Although he also saw the results of his hard work during this period, he still failed to defeat Yuya. While he was improving, Yuya was also improving, and even Saying that Yuya's progress is faster means that Kiritani will have almost no chance of defeating Yuya and recalling him.

After the sparring between Yuya and Kiritani, it was the sparring between Tezuka and Sanada. In this kind of sparring, the two of them did it quite often, but they have not yet come up with their own unique skills. , it can be said to be a crazy hidden move, but for some reason today, Sanada suddenly started to explode.

From the beginning, various offensive methods were used to increase the defensive pressure on Tezuka, which made Tezuka choose to use the Tezuka Domain to control the flight trajectory of the tennis ball, and at the same time, he used it to the limit of repeated tempering. "Are all these brats so scary?"

Kiritani was still resting there, preparing to fight Ochi for a while, but he saw the moves Tezuka used.

The special ball-handling skills that used to be called Nanjiro's domain have now been mastered by a junior high school student, and he has also entered the legendary selfless realm and opened one of the doors. He is now very happy that he is better than These brats are three years older, otherwise if he were in the training camp at the same time as these brats, they would probably find a chance to defeat him.

At this time, Kiritani suddenly realized a problem, that is, if Tezuka can add spin to the tennis ball, then all the hidden shots he hits will be sucked by Tezuka's Tezuka Domain. This is the trick he has just developed. , was cracked just like that.

Yuya also realized this problem at this time, and looked at Kiritani who turned his head to look at him. The two looked at each other. Yuya was really gloating about his misfortune. After he saw Tezuka's Tezuka Domain, he also realized When it comes to the restraining effect of this move on moves such as secret strikes, although it is mainly the suppression of the spiritual field, a person with strong mental attributes like Tezuka can probably withstand it for a period of time. At that time, he only needs to make sure that his Tezuka If the field is valid, then Tezuka will not be affected in any way.

But soon Sanada used the Thunderous Thunder. It can be said that this move was specially prepared by Sanada for Tezuka.

Looking at the hole in Tezuka's racket, Atobe and Tachibana felt that the reason why Sanada only used this move in the final last year was probably to wait for Tezuka. After all, this kind of hit that cannot be returned may only be used against the opponent. Only when Tsuka's Tezuka domain reaches the limit of repeated training can it become truly targeted.

After seeing Sanada use Thunderbolt, Tezuka immediately lifted the limit of repeated training and turned on the limit of brilliance.

"This kid can't even open the third door."

"Not yet."

When Kiritani saw Tezuka using the power of the second door, he knew that what he just felt was right. This kid was really too restrained.

In the past, Kiritani was famous for controlling the rhythm of the game, but the limit of talent can predict the result of the game based on previous games. This means that no matter how Kiritani changes the rhythm of the game, Tezuka will see through it at the beginning of the game. .

Such a brat who can defeat himself is really unfriendly to Kiritani. In the past, he felt that Yuya was more restrained, but now he saw an even more disgusting person. At this time, he was glad that Tezuka was still stronger. It's slightly worse. If Tezuka joins the training camp, Kiritani doesn't know if others will be happy, but Kiritani himself is definitely the saddest one.

However, just after Tezuka reached the limit of his talent, Sanada's Unknowable Shadow had already been used. At this time, Kiritani could see that all the moves of this kid named Sanada were aimed at Tezuka. But after seeing Sanada using all his trump cards, Tezuka no longer hid it.

Sanada's Thunderbolt flew directly to the sidelines. Looking at Tezuka who didn't move at all, they would never believe it if he said it was not controlled by Tezuka. But Kiritani looked even more pitiful at this time. What is this? Damn it, how could God be so malicious towards him?

(End of this chapter)

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