Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 149 147 Tennis in Tokyo is very popular

Chapter 149 147. Tennis in Tokyo is very popular

"Yuta, how are you feeling?"

"Brother Yuya, I'm a little stressed."

When answering Yuya's question, Yuta had a wry smile on his face, because after seeing the strength of these seniors, although he was still relatively confident about competing for the position of the main player within Yamabuki, but when he thought about him next year I will definitely compete with these seniors on the field, and there will really be a kind of pressure.

As for Tezuka Kunimitsu, who is from Qing Gakushu where his elder brother is, the strength he has shown makes him feel like he is crushing others.

Among the junior high school students Yuta knows, Yuya is probably the only one who can fight against Tezuka and win. Akutsu may not be able to win steadily.

This really made Yuta feel the competitive pressure in Tokyo. To be honest, he wanted to challenge those seniors, but after watching their sparring, Yuta really didn't have the courage.

"So come on, we are all junior high school students now, and we are not very old. One more year of training will have a great impact on our strength. Next year, you may be able to narrow the gap with them. .”

"Well, I'll try my best."

Although this is just Yuya comforting Yuta, Yuta still takes it seriously. Completing his tennis is his goal this year.


After the freshmen selected their respective clubs, those clubs also began to prepare for this year's competition. Yamabuki has already determined who their contestants will be, but the quota for the regional qualifiers is fixed, but the quota for all conferences It hasn't been decided yet.

According to Yuya's idea, they still have to focus on training, but when the time comes, Akutsu will still appear, and Yuta, who is stronger in singles, will participate, but others hope that Yamabuki can retain the title of metropolitan tournament champion, and this year The competition is too fierce. If Yuya doesn't appear on the stage, they are not guaranteed to win all the games.

Therefore, Yamabuki's internal discussion on the arrangements for the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference's debut spots has not yet reached a conclusion.

However, the regional qualifiers have arrived. At the registration desk, when they saw that Yuya and Akutsu on Yamabuki's side were not participating, the two organizing committee staff in charge of registration could only say that Yamabuki was really Too confident, but as last year's national champions, they have the right to be so confident.

Soon, Yamabuki's registration issue was known to all the teams in the same division. Many people felt that they would get some opportunities this time, so they were all gearing up there. As a result, they were defeated 3:0 in various games.

It was so easy for Yamabuki to win the regional qualifiers. Yuta and Kazuma Kita also showed their potential. Kazuma Kita came on as a substitute in the doubles, except in the finals when Kamiharu appeared. Cooperating with Shinto, he defeated his opponent. Before that, Kita and Shinto were partners.

Although Yamabuki's ace doubles player has graduated, there is no doubt about Yamabuki's ability to cultivate doubles. Kentaro and Masami played a lot of practice matches last year. They also participated in doubles competitions and won the second place in the national competition. Although there was no medal, it proved the strength of the two of them.

This year's Yamabuki is extremely dominant. Yuya and Akutsu don't care that much about the regional qualifiers. Yuu is even the one who cares least. After all, the original Nakayamabuki does not have Yuya and Akutsu this year. , can enter the Kanto Competition as usual. Now Yuya and Akutsu have helped Yamabuki improve his strength. Not only can he be [-]% stronger than Yamabuki in the original work, but he still needs [-]%.Yuya calmly raised the small trophy, which had no weight, and then walked off the stage, listening to the organizing committee explain the schedule of the conference.

The regional qualifiers are prepared for the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference. After all, there are so many participating schools. If they are not screened in advance, the schedule will be too long and there may be problems. And Yamabuki, who got the seed seat, will still compete for the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference this year. Work hard for the conference championship.

"During the Tokyo Conference, Kanbaru will not appear, Fuji Yuta will replace him, and Akutsu will only appear in the semi-finals and finals. If you fail before then, it means that the current Yamabuki is relying on Kanbaru and Akutsu. Jiujin is supported by two people.”

Banlao finally agreed to Yuya's proposal. After all, Yamabuki's lineup is still very good. If they lose, then their journey to the national competition will be much more bumpy than last year.

Many people think that after leaving the third grade, Yamabuki's strength will drop a lot, but in fact, Yamabuki's strength has dropped very limited, mainly because his strength in doubles has indeed dropped a bit, but Kentaro and Masami are taking another path. , although there is not yet the tacit understanding between Nakagaki and Suzuki, but after more than half a year to perfect the code tactics, the two of them have made huge progress compared to last year.

After Banlao finished speaking, Yamabuki's team members no longer had any objections, and Yuta spent more energy on training. After all, he had been waiting for such an opportunity. If he lost in the game, It will definitely put Yuya under tremendous pressure, which is a result he will never accept.

Yuta's attitude is very correct. In fact, others oppose Yuya's ideas just to get better results. Yuta's strength is visible to the naked eye. Maybe Yuta can defeat Ishihara-senpai in the national competition. , but everyone still hopes that this year's title defense can be more stable. In the past, no school has been able to complete three consecutive championships. It is already very difficult to complete two consecutive championships. Yamabuki's goal is just to work hard to win two consecutive championships.

"come on."

When Kentaro and Masami arrived at school in the morning, they greeted each other with cheers.


"Brother Orange, do we really have a chance?"

"Of course, as long as you train hard, we have every chance of making it out of the metropolitan tournament. However, Qingxue's strength is too strong. I hope we don't encounter them in the previous games."

After finishing the regional qualifiers, Fudomine finally realized how strong Qingxue's overall strength was after playing against Qingxue. Although the strength of the second-year students was average, they were stronger than the first-year students around him. He's matured a lot, and that's something he can't change.

The final result was 3:1. If Tachibana had not appeared in the third singles and scored a point, Fudomine would have been swept. This happened without the opponent's minister. Tachibana, who had seen Tezuka's full strength, He knew very well that if he faced Tezuka, he had no chance of winning, so his view on Qinghak was very straightforward, that is, it was best to avoid meeting them.

Tachibana knows very well that the most likely spot for Fudoho is No. 4. Hyotei is a long-established strong school, and Yamabuki's side is even more terrifying. When he was in Shiraku, he was thinking about how to win the championship, but now he is thinking about it. How to fight to qualify.

(End of this chapter)

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