Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 171 169 Be strict with yourself and be lenient to others, but you can’t hold it back

Chapter 171 169. Be strict with yourself and be lenient to others, but you can’t hold it back

The stay together, which lasted less than two days, ended quickly. Yamabuki's gains were obviously not as much as Qingxue's, but this was also normal. After reaching a certain level of strength, unless he was a particularly talented person, he would Entering a period of slow improvement, at this time physical fitness and other aspects need to continue to improve, so that one's own strength can begin to increase again.

However, there are too many aspects that need to be improved, and this level of difficulty is too high. For Yamabuki's players who started training last year, part of their rapid growth period has passed, and now their rate of progress has slowed down a bit. By next year, it is estimated that we will enter a bottleneck period.

But as long as we are strong enough now and win the national championship in the past two years before others catch up, then it won't be a problem until we are caught up by others in high school, and maybe within a year. With more precipitation, they can once again explode their potential.

"Kanabara, do you have any ideas about the Kanto Tournament?"

"Kamiji-senpai, our goal is simple, of course, to win the championship. Although I cannot guarantee that Yuta and the others will be able to carry the banner after we graduate, as long as I am still in Yamabuki, the championship is our only goal. "

"You are really confident, but that's right. You are so strong. You really don't look like a junior high school student. I really hope that I can go to the same school as you in high school. With your strength, by then, I can still lead the team to victory, so I can get more honors."

Although there are some honors that you don’t have the opportunity to take home, even if you take the photos back, it is a kind of memory for Shangji. Even if he is still as inactive as most people in the future, the prosperous years in junior high school can still be remembered. Let Shangji rekindle his fighting spirit.

As a third-year player, Shangji will also quit the tennis club after this year's national competition. At that time, the deputy director will be selected from the other second-year players. This is something that third-year players must go through. Things, and even if Shangji serves as the deputy minister, the deputy minister's work is basically handed over to Kentaro. Everything is said to be a selection, and everyone knows who will take over.

This year, Yamabuki has a high probability of successfully defending his title. Both Kamiharu and Ishihara are very lucky. After all, they are definitely close friends. Nakagaki-senpai and Suzuki-senpai are not close friends. After all, they are bound to win. In doubles, whether Kano and Mitou can be considered as having a big fight depends on their own ideas.

Being able to become a member of the championship team will have an impact on their choice of school when they enter high school. Although this resume is not particularly outstanding, some schools that are preparing to make achievements in tennis may choose them.

Many people know that Yuya and Akutsu are the core of the team, but this is not necessarily known to those in charge of recruitment.


"Now start warming up."

After the overnight training, it was time to go to school again. In the tennis club, Yuya was organizing training. Originally, Shangji was in charge of this matter, but Shangji took others to other schools for practice matches. Now the tennis club There were only two regular members, he and Akutsu. It was better to hope that Akutsu could talk to the others in a nice manner. Yuya felt that it was better to hope that Byodoin and Oni wouldn't look so bitter and bitter.

Seeing Yuya organizing training there, Banlao showed a helpless smile, because Yuya subconsciously demanded other members according to the standards required of himself.

Yuya was very strict with himself during training. Even Yuya knew that the members of the tennis club did not necessarily join for the sake of performance, but when he saw those people fooling around, he felt it was very annoying. So he becomes tough unconsciously.Yuya, who usually laughs and laughs in front of everyone, made the members of the club subconsciously become serious when he kept a straight face.

Listening to Yuya yelling at the training ground, Akutsu was very surprised before personal training here, because Yuya often said that everyone has his own choice, and respecting the fate of others is a very good quality, but Now it seems that Yuya can't control his emotions when it comes to things like this.

Akutsu, who has been exposed to many sports, has seen too many gangsters. Although he now knows that the "seniors" he defeated are basically lazy people, and those who are more serious, Almost never appear in front of him. After all, they don't have time to improve themselves, but there is no time to waste on Akutsu.

Most fans of a certain sport will remain at the level of fans throughout their lives. Akutsu has at least corrected his attitude now.

After eating a light ball from Byodo-in, Akutsu was very angry, but he knew that he had no means to retaliate at that time, so he did not say any harsh words. After being teased so many times by Yuya, Akutsu knows very well what it means to be fierce and stubborn, and just saying harsh words will not have any impact on the current results, but as long as he goes back and continues to work hard, he will have a chance to take revenge.

Although Akutsu won't say harsh words anymore, he can now keep a notebook. The most popular name in the notebook is Yuya, followed by Byodoin who suddenly appeared and forcibly attacked him.

Yuya used to mock Akutsu verbally. Every time he made a move, Akutsu couldn't stand Yuya. But when someone attacked him first, Akutsu felt that he had suffered a big loss. For this reason, he was very angry with that golden-haired bastard. A strong desire for revenge.

If you just want to see that guy again, you have to wait until the holidays, but Akutsu will never miss that opportunity.

The tennis ball fell to the ground and made a loud noise. Yuya, who was chasing the running members in front, hit the tennis ball directly when he saw someone falling behind.

The members of the Yamabuki Tennis Club are now running with guns pointed at them. Although they did not grow up on their master's side and did not have the experience of being reincarnated after being shot frequently, they have seen Yuya's tennis ball hit a big tree. After seeing the destructive power, they felt that Yuya's tennis balls were more dangerous than bullets.

When Shangji and the others returned to the school, they saw Yuya who was glaring at the training of the members, as well as the members who were about to expire.

"Speaking of which, Kanbaru won't be serious anymore."

After thinking about the intensity of Yuya's training, Shangji had a guess in his mind. Whether it was him or Kentaro, they were able to muddle through the training of ordinary members. Those who wanted to work hard would naturally work hard, so they would not force them. What standards did the members reach? But now it seems that Yuya helped these members to unleash their potential.

(End of this chapter)

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