Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 175 Chapter 173 Horio’s Future

Chapter 175 173. Horio’s future
Because today's punishment has not been determined yet, but now some people really care about punishment.

They appear here naturally to become stronger. If they can break through themselves in this kind of sparring, that is their goal. After all, this is the purpose of staying together.

After everyone got together again, the old man announced the punishment for today's game. Although it was not that unacceptable, helping the winner wash his socks was a big deal for these young children. It was such a huge impact. There was no other way. After the training in the morning and the afternoon, their socks were already in an indescribable state. If they could add a little vinegar, Yu would call it the most terrifying biochemical weapon in the world. , because Yuya once accidentally came into contact with this kind of thing, and fell directly to the ground.

After hearing this punishment, everyone gulped. After all, this was really exciting for them. The players from both sides who had just focused all their energy on sparring, the winner breathed a sigh of relief. , the loser can only bow his head and admit defeat.

However, for this kind of punishment, the loser also accepts this result. This is a kind of bet. Since it appears here, it must abide by the rules.

Yuya didn't come out to stimulate other team members today. This afternoon's sparring was already very exciting for them. Although many people were holding back, playing for an entire afternoon was also a great drain on them. .

Although Yuya himself has completed his homework, others have not yet completed it. The most important thing is to take a good rest today.

Of course, the fascia knife will still appear after training tomorrow, and there will be no punishment. After high-intensity training, you always need to relax, and most students may not have the money to find a professional technician to perform fascial surgery. The sword is relaxed, so this can be regarded as a benefit to the players on both sides.

The junior high school students all went to sleep together, and Kiritani and Ochi stopped training together. Uncle Horio and his son were still training here. Although they knew in advance that Yuya and the others were going to sleep together, they Not seeing Yuya and the others in the past two weeks, Satoshi seems to feel that something is missing. Although his athletic talent is relatively average, his memory is very good, and he has now shown some of his talents.

After discovering that Satoshi was very familiar with the skills and styles of professional tennis players, and could determine the style of a certain tennis player just by watching him for a while, Yuya felt that Satoshi was definitely the most suitable data tennis player for Yamabuki.

Although in the original work, Satoshi is very good at talking on paper, and it is not easy to write down these things, but Satoshi's training in the original work is obviously not that serious, but now Satoshi is discovered in advance by Yuya , and has been giving guidance for more than a year. Although his current strength is not particularly strong, he can more or less get a ranking among his peers. This is the biggest change in Congshi.

Because he has enough knowledge, he can make immediate adjustments after seeing his opponent's tennis style. If Satoshi can develop like Shiraishi, he will be a versatile player, especially after Shiraishi understands the Star Bible , his tennis style can handle most of the tennis players in the world.

It's just that simply relying on the Star Bible is not enough. You still need to improve the basic five dimensions, and Satoshi is still working hard on basic training.

In the first year after joining Yamabuki, Yuta got the opportunity to become a regular player. Although he would not have the chance to appear in the Kanto Conference, Yuta has already gained a certain reputation in Tokyo. If Satoshi works hard, If you enter Yamabuki next year, you will naturally get corresponding opportunities. This is the biggest advantage of Yamabuki at present.With Yuya and Akutsu, Yamabuki has sufficient confidence in cultivating new players. After all, they can choose not to participate, allowing the lower-grade players to gain competition experience.

"Satoshi, are you sure you want to go to Yamabuki?"

"Yes, dad, Yuta-senpai has become Yamabuki's main player. Next year, there is a high probability that Kanbaru-senpai will still give opportunities to newcomers. Currently, two of Yamabuki's main players are third-year players. This means that There will be two vacancies among Yamabuki's main roster next year, and Yuta-senpai and Kita-senpai should be able to fill them. However, during the regional qualifiers and the metropolitan tournament, first-year players will have the opportunity to join. ."

Qingxue does have a certain appeal, but Qingxue is really not attractive to relatively young players. After all, participating in the team competition without any hope of winning the championship is not meaningless.

Satoshi also won the championship in a small competition two days ago. Although there were only thirty people of the same age participating, this also proved that Satoshi is still somewhat competitive. When he is promoted to junior high school next year, unless his peers He has a better tennis foundation, otherwise Satoshi will definitely have a chance to get a position with Yamabuki.

Uncle Horio knew that his children might be less talented in sports, but Uncle Horio, who had had a private chat with Yuya, had other ideas.

"Uncle, Satoshi has a very flexible mind. He understands the playing styles of those players very well and can give corresponding suggestions. If he wants to take the path of tennis, he does not necessarily have to be a player, but a player. Tactical coaches are also possible. As long as you can find a suitable tennis player and help them become famous, you will naturally have a good job."

With the advancement of the times, all competitive sports are basically developing in a more efficient direction. In the past, an athlete might train there by himself. Later, various types of coaches were derived, and the technical content involved in different sports will also exist. The difference is that when the number of professional athletes increased, many professional trainers also appeared.

Many head coaches of team sports will have various assistant coaches, and many famous coaches will also find ways to train more excellent coaches, so that they can leave an influential name in this sport.

If you can embark on the path of coaching, it will actually be a good choice for Satoshi. In addition, Satoshi himself also likes tennis. If you can engage in this industry, there may be more opportunities for Satoshi. With motivation, coupled with promising seniors like Yuya, Satoshi will not be without food even if he is not famous in the future.

Of course, if you want to be a tactical coach, you can't just talk on paper. At this time, you need to know yourself and your enemy, so that you can find the most suitable tactics for the players in the game, instead of just copying them mechanically. If in the future, Congshi will only memorize by rote, then even if It was Yu Ye, so he could only kill Ma Su with tears.

(End of this chapter)

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