Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 191 189 The generous Yuya

Chapter 191 189. Generous Yuya

The tennis ball landed on the wall and made an obvious dent.

When showing the Yamabuki version of the wave ball, Yuya specifically showed the power of this ball. However, when Yuya hit the ball, everyone could see that Yuya did not use a particularly strong force, which exposed them all. Curious expression.

If the requirements for strength are not very high, then everyone can learn it. Yamabuki's main players also immediately entered the learning state. Even Akutsu was called over by his boss to watch. After all, Yuya said these three moves are It is quite a conventional move. As for how well teammates can develop it, it depends on their own level.

Banlao can see the potential of these three skills. Although Shenglong Ball has great requirements on the timing of use, it actually does not have to be used when dealing with smashes. As long as the timing can be grasped, it can be used. It can be used directly. The only problem is that the take-off height when hitting the ball must be controlled well, otherwise it will easily leave an unobstructed hitting line for the opponent.

The Cyclone Ball is aimed at mastering the rotation skills. Tezuka of Seigaku has his own understanding of rotation. This is also the core of the development of Tezuka Domain and Tezuka Phantom. Even if the Cyclone Ball cannot completely crack these two moves, as long as he can master these two moves Interference is a good direction for reinforcement.

In the past two years, other teams have worked harder because of Yamabuki. For this reason, Yamabuki naturally cannot fall behind.

Seeing the team members training hard there, Banlao could only say that his waist didn't hurt that much. After all, there are people organizing Yamabuki's training, teaching basic skills, and even Yu is here for the subsequent advanced techniques. Staring here, Banlao is giving some suggestions on technical development and his own tennis style selection, and the second is to determine the lineup for the game.

After Yuya had used all three of his skills, Yuya said: "Those who want to learn the Wave Ball will stay here first. Tomorrow we will teach you the Shoryukou, and the day after tomorrow the Cyclone Ball."

It is not an easy task to fully explain a skill. The issue of force is very important. How to exert the maximum power at the moment of hitting the ball is also a skill. Yuya feels that when he unlocks the vacuum After the fluctuation of the ball, it is quite promising for him to directly engage in demolition.


"Kanahara-san, are you ready to have a fight?"

"of course."

Although Yuya now conducts intensive training with Tezuka and the others on weekends, the sparring on the field court every night has not stopped.

Fuji's tennis is still very interesting. This year, Fuji won every game he played, but Qingxue still lost the game. This made Fuji not willing to accept it, but he wanted to help others improve their own strength. This is also a relatively difficult thing. It can even be said that Fuji’s tennis is not universal. Compared with Tezuka’s Tezuka field, Fuji’s tennis is more difficult to learn. His tennis ideas are difficult for others to learn. It’s also difficult to learn from.

But Yuya doesn't need to learn from Fuji's tennis skills. He is just waiting for Fuji to develop skills for him, which can bring some new ideas.

Because of the new skills, Yuya mainly focused on these three skills today. Fuji only noticed the changes in Yuya's hitting. After all, although the two of them had not played against each other on the court, they were really good in private. Hit too many times.

"A very special impact."

He had already adapted to Yuya's hitting power. After receiving the swing ball, he was very sure that the ball was not Yuya's full strength, but it was more laborious for him to hit back. After all, he was getting used to it, but it was just that. Will not be suppressed to death.

"Gale wind." After finally fighting back Yuya's wave ball, Fuji used his newly developed skills when facing Yuya's wave ball. After all, this trick must be used, and he wants to find a suitable one. As a tester, Yuya naturally did his part.


When Fuji swings the racket, he moves forward and twists his waist. As expected, the power of this ball is still very high, and Yuya's wave ball is also hit back by Fuji head-on.

Seeing that Fuji did not choose to use a counterattack this time, but responded head-on, Yuya showed an excited expression. Fighting against each other was a very interesting thing, and Fuji now showed a stronger aggressiveness. This is very interesting for Yuya, because when playing against Fuji, Fuji can obviously switch between the two tennis styles.

Still lost, Fuji was used to this, but he knew why Yuya said before that he was not aggressive. After showing his minions, Fuji really briefly took the initiative on the scene. .

Counterattack skills are generally used to deal with different types of shots. Just because it is more famous now, many people also have countermeasures against Fuji. But if you have stronger aggression, Fuji will naturally be able to master more skills in the game. More rhythm, only in this way can he force his opponent to play the shot he wants.

Of course, the development of attack skills means that Fuji's reliance on counterattack skills has been reduced a lot. Although Fuji's counterattack skills also pose questions to the opponent, they are more of a counterattack with some answers, but attack skills It's completely a question for the opponent.

Although he still lost today, Fuji has already seen the direction of his future development, but he will not give up the development of counterattack skills. He has a richer skill library and can even develop two similar skills to add to the opponent's counterattack. Some difficulty, this is Fuji's idea after seeing Kamishiro's phantom style of play. If the opponent is not Akutsu, Kamishiro's phantom style of play will definitely cause huge trouble to the opponent.

This idea was worth learning from at the time, but it took some time to think about how to add this idea to your own tennis, and then try to develop it.

"Brother, come and help me train."


After finishing his homework, Fuji was about to go downstairs to watch TV, but he heard Yuta's voice. Although he was still a little tired after fighting Yuya in the afternoon, Fuji did not refuse.

What Fuji didn't expect was that Yuta actually used the wave ball that Yuya used this afternoon.

"Yuta, is this what Kanbaru-san taught you?"

"Brother Yuya, as long as you want to learn, any member of the Yamabuki team can learn. Brother, have you already seen him?"

"That's right, but I didn't expect Yuya-san to be so generous and teach this skill to everyone. If this skill is well developed, it should be very powerful."

"Brother Yuya also said the same thing. The wave ball represents a force-generating technology. How to master it and how to develop it depends on your own situation. But I am still just a beginner. It is enough to master the force-generating technique first. ”

(End of this chapter)

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