Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 196 194 Start

Chapter 196 194. Start of the game

For the national competition, Yuya and the others are looking forward to it. They are pursuing victory and will not be afraid of any challenging competition. However, the time waiting for the victory to come is really unbearable, but fortunately, they still have Yuya, a powerful person. Individuals can let teammates experience the feeling of failure, otherwise they will really become very arrogant.

"Is that kid Yuya Kanbara? He looks very powerful, but his size seems to be a problem."

On the day when the national competition started, Nanjiro came to the stadium in person and waited at the registration desk. After seeing Yamabuki's team arriving, he immediately observed Yuya, which made him sure that Yuya's power should be very strong. , but it seems that the height is not much different from his own son, which really makes Nanjiro worry about Yuya's future.

Height is also considered a part of physical talent. A relatively suitable height can give athletes more advantages on the field.

After observing Yuya, Nanjiro took a look at the other people around Yuya, and he saw the strange boy Akutsu. As a successful tennis player, you can tell this young man just from Akutsu's body shape. He is definitely a good prospect, with that kind of very coordinated body shape that sometimes cannot be shaped through training.

Seeing the energetic team members of Yamabuki, Nanjiro suddenly had some bad premonitions about Ryoma's return trip. After all, given the state of Yamabuki's team members, even if not everyone of them has the strength to defeat Ryoma, the team The overall strength of the competition depends on the overall strength. It can even be said that the overall strength of Qingxue has surpassed that when Nanjiro was there, but it still has not been able to enter the national competition. This can only be said that the overall level of junior high school tennis has improved now. According to the standards of the year, Longma would definitely suffer.

But when he thought about Ryoma's displeasure after being educated, Nanjiro suddenly felt a little happy. After all, this was really interesting.

The Yamabuki players, who had to wait until the second round of the competition, dispersed to various venues to watch the games they were interested in, while Kentaro and Masami went directly to watch Rikkai University's game. The results of last year's national competition were It has been stated that Li Hai University is their ultimate opponent. The threats that other schools can bring are obviously incomparable to Li Hai University.

Because Shitenhoji will not appear until the second round, Yuya went to watch Makinofuji's game.

As a former national hegemon, Makinofuji's strength did not plummet after Byodoin left. His strength in the past two years was still relatively good, but the player named Kadowaki Satoru was really a national-level comedian. In the original work, during the draw of the national competition, Kadowaki once mocked Tezuka, but was directly criticized by Atobe, saying that Kadowaki could last up to 15 minutes when meeting Tezuka. After all, after scoring, this is the time to serve again. In the game between masters and novices, it accounts for the largest proportion of time consumption.

As a result, Kadowaki Satoru didn't even meet Seigaku in the national competition. When he met Fudomine, he was defeated by Ibu Fukaji 6:4. In the end, this guy was invited to the U-17 training camp. This is the funniest thing. , even Ogi, the minister of St. Rudolph College, did not appear. According to Ogi's positioning in the King of Nets plot, he is a national-level player, but he really has no sense of existence.

This year should be Makinofuji's final glory. It can only be said that Tatekai's ability to complete the thirteenth consecutive hegemony in Kanto, or the fifteenth consecutive hegemony in the original work, is really outrageous.

"Old man, how did you convince that brat?"

When Yamabuki's team members were hanging out, Nanjiro found his companion. For this old man who had made clear arrangements for him, although Nanjiro always remembered what happened back then, for him it was The regret when he was young, after all, Nanjiro felt so aggrieved when he lost. Although he won, he couldn't bring his teammates into the national competition. What kind of human suffering is this. "Kannahara is a very smart kid. He knows that the Yamabuki Tennis Club is very good at doubles, but lacks players who are good at singles. And he himself is very strong. If he participates in the team competition, he does not need to worry about his teammates. I won’t be like some people, no matter how strong they are, they can only watch their team fail.”

"You are really a hateful old man, but what's going on with that brat named Akutsu? He doesn't seem like someone who will listen to you."

"He was brought here by Kanbaru. Before defeating Kanbaru, he can only be a member of the tennis club and have to train with the others."

Nanjiro suddenly covered his chest. Why didn't he discover other powerful players back then and forcefully invite them to join the Qingxue Tennis Club?If he also brings in a strong teammate, then they won't lose so easily.

Although neither Nanjiro nor Coach Ryuzaki has a good relationship with Banlao, it is just a verbal spat at most. In competitive sports, if they lose, as long as their opponents do not use any dirty tricks, they must admit it. It's because I'm not strong enough, and I'm still unhappy now. It's just that I was bullied too hard back then.

Hearing that Yuya was less than 1.4 meters last year, but now almost 1.5 meters, Nanjiro realized that Yuya should be a person who developed relatively late. In this case, the height problem is not a problem, and Yuya also wanted to expand the defensive range. The development of the Double Sword Style reminded Nanjiro of the time when he was pulled by the old woman Ryuzaki for training because he couldn't do his backhand. As a result, he was hit in the face by a ball and ultimately lost his precious first love. In the end, he also developed the Double Sword Style. Solve the problem.

Some problems cannot be solved by hard work, and at the same time, we don't necessarily have to solve the problem. Sometimes it is just good to solve the person who raised the problem, and Nanjiro saves himself from having to face that problem again.

Nanjiro's mood was a little complicated at this time, but he was still very innocent at the beginning. How could he think of arranging teammates for himself in advance to ensure that his team competition would not be unable to achieve good results due to the weakness of his teammates. For this, he only It can be said that Yuya is too cunning.

Although the morning was more casual, there was a competition in the afternoon. After Yuya and the others watched the games they wanted to watch, they came back to gather. Then they came to the dining area provided by the competition organizing committee and took out the food they had prepared in advance. With a good lunch box, we started to replenish our energy, and after lunch, we began to discuss the afternoon game.

"Our opponent in the afternoon is Liuqiuli Middle School. Their overall strength is not strong."

"In this case, Akutsuzu, let's take a rest first. Ishihara-senpai also needs to move his body. Next year, he will go to high school. If he wins this year's championship, Ishihara-senpai must have more sense of participation."

"Kanahara, if you say that, I won't thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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