Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 213 The role of middle school students in 211

Chapter 213 211. The role of junior high school students

Although Duke needs to go to the back mountain, he can still come back before these junior high school students leave, so Byodoin is not too worried about this matter. However, Mifune had a look on his face after seeing Duke come here. He showed a puzzled expression.

"What does that brat from Byodoin want to do?"

"I was defeated by Yuya Kanbara."


After hearing the reason why Duke came here, Mifune didn't even drink. He just stared at Duke's eyes, trying to make sure he heard correctly.

"Can a kid who is even more monster than Byodoin, who is still just a junior high school student, be able to defeat you, the King of Destruction?"

Mifune calmed down his mood. After all, this thing sounded a little unreal, but there was no need for Duke to deceive him. Besides, losing to a junior high school student was not an honorable thing.

Seeing Duke coming to the back of the mountain, the other eliminated players were shocked. However, after thinking about Yuya's own elimination rules and the disappearance of the badge on Duke's collar, the high school students all swallowed subconsciously. saliva.

After the shock passed, Mifune knew that now it was the best choice to help Duke complete the training of Asura Shinto. After all, it was not easy to let this guy experience a serious defeat. But now Yuya's appearance helped Duke Keda met this condition.

Next came the most brutal training. Mifune couldn't help but get excited thinking about the next U-17 World Cup.

If Duke can understand the Asura Shinto, then three people in the team will activate the Asura Shinto. Although the kid in Kiritani has not activated it, if the kid in Kanbaru is more aggressive, he might be able to activate it.

Now in Mifune's eyes, Kanbaru is not only a future commander, but also the current Asura Shinto manufacturing machine.

Players like Tanegashima and Duke usually find it difficult to experience such heart-wrenching defeats, but Kanbara is a junior high school student, and this will have a double impact on high school students, although those mediocre players are not. There are ways to understand, but as long as you set foot on the road to hell, you will naturally gain something, but it seems that more people will fall.

People in the U-17 training camp also noticed that there was no Duke following the final class, and the badge on Yuya's collar was replaced by No. 3. They knew that Yuya had now come to U The pinnacle of the -17 training camp, when Yuya enters the U-17 training camp as a high school student, he will naturally be able to get the badge that originally belonged to Byodoin, but many people know that Yuya will not wait until that time of.

"You beat the big guy?"

Akutsu noticed the change in the badge on Yuya's collar. He thought of Duke around Byodoin. Akutsu once tried to challenge Duke. He still remembered how he was sent off the court by a tennis ball, but Yuya defeated that guy. , which made Akutsu, who had already finished brushing his teeth, not want to go to bed.

"That's right, Duke-senpai was defeated by me. Now the only ones left in front of me are Byodoin-senpai and Tanejima-senpai."

While answering Akutsu's question, Yuya raised his hand and touched the badge. This made Akutsu realize that he didn't seem to have a recent goal, and simply chasing Yuya seemed a bit too illusory.

Akutsu, who had already found out what this badge represented, wanted to complete a challenge.


"Want to challenge an army?"

Upon hearing Akutsu's request, Byodoin showed a troubled look on his face, which was a rare expression he would show.

"Can't you do it?" "Of course not, but if you take away the badge, it means that there will be one less of the twenty places in the First Army. That boy Kanbaru has already taken one, and you can take another one." , other junior high school students will follow suit, and when we go out to compete, only one of us will be wearing a badge, how will you feel?"

"Why don't you let us compete?"

"Because you are really too weak. When that brat Kanbaru played against Duke for the first time, his personal strength was not weaker than Duke's, but he was too small, which made him lose that fight. The reason is that if you want to see the world now, it is too far away."

Akutsu didn't expect that the reason why Yuya lost to Duke was so funny. Although he usually used Yuya's height to make a fuss, the effect was not very good. It may be because of the difference in basic strength, but in terms of basic strength When the strength is similar, any gap will become the key to the outcome of the game.

Despite the reasons given by Byodoin, Akutsu persisted in his request.

"Kid, what is your ideal?"

"Defeat that bastard Kanbaru and give him back everything I have experienced over the years!"

If Akutsu wants to be defeated by someone else, Byodoin will only say that Akutsu's ideals are too petty, but if he wants to defeat Yuya, then Byodoin will only say that Akutsu's ambitions are lofty.

Byodoin had to admit that Yuya was the most monstrous player he had ever seen. When he was Yuya's age, he might have been similar to Akutsu now, or even not as strong as Akutsu, but there was a disconnect between Yuya and Akutsu. style gap.

It is very likely that Yuya's limit will appear in the future, which is the limit of tennis. Just catching up with Yuya is already a very great goal.

"If that's the case, then you go find someone to challenge."

The top ten of the first army are the real main force, while the bottom ten are the reserve army. Their appearance in the game is more to accumulate experience for future games.

To be honest, Byodoin does not expect those guys to affect the outcome of the game, but it would be very interesting if they gave junior high school students this opportunity. If they want to fight with the overseas expeditionary force, they must have a badge, otherwise they will just You can watch it from below.

Those who have their badges taken away will be disqualified from participating in the competition. If you think about it, you will know how stressful this will be.

After waiting for Byodoin's permission, Akutsu set off to find prey. As for the other junior high school students, if they wanted to do it, Byodoin would not stop them, and Byodoin was now looking for those coaches. .

It will take a lot of words to get those coaches to accept this suggestion.

When Akutsu appeared in front of everyone wearing the No. 17 badge, the junior high school students knew that Akutsu was designated to find the Byodoin seniors again.

Looking at the badge on Akutsu's collar, the junior high school students of course couldn't sit still, especially Atobe and Sanada.

Tezuka and Yukimura, who are relatively calm, are not too anxious, because they know that they still have time to prepare. It is best to pay attention to the opponent in advance and understand the opponent's technical characteristics, so that they can better deal with it.

If you don't take action, that's it. Since you want to take action, you must come back with the badge, otherwise it will be very shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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