Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 222 Chapter 220 Seyfried’s execution time

Chapter 222 220. Seyfried’s execution time

"Kanahara and the others are really lucky. They can communicate with foreign masters at this time."

Kiritani dragged his head with his hands and watched the game below. Although the game seemed a bit boring, this time the game was still very interesting. At least for Kiritani and the others, it was a change in life.

Looking at the following game, Yuezhi could only say that the opponent's level this time was not that strong. It was basically the level of the top eight teams in the national competition. But as for the juniors in the junior high school, everyone's strength reached the level of the leader of the championship team. And even beyond that level.

It can be said that if the opponent had no other masters, this game would only end with a score of [-]-[-] in five rounds.

The combination of Tezuka and Atobe is really too dangerous. At least Sanada and Tachibana will feel a headache when they see the two guys on the opposite side, and even think that there is no need to fight.

Although Tezuka had not used the zero serve in this competition, in order to defeat the players of the first army, Tezuka used the zero serve to directly end the game in an extremely anxious match. After Tsuka's zero serve, the high school students fell silent.

It was unbelievable that this kind of serve that could not be returned was used by a junior high school student, but now they had no choice but to admit defeat, after all, they could use it.

The zero serve puts great pressure on the arm. It can be said that if Tezuka's arm is not maintained, his arm will be injured again sooner or later.

However, after mastering the two-sword style, Tezuka became much more relaxed.

With a zero serve and a Tannhäuser serve, Tezuka and Atobe don't have to worry about the serve at all. In addition, Tezuka can also use his two hands to change the ball, so he can also win the set with the Tezuka Phantom. If so, the tag team combination of these two people has already written on their faces that they will win.

When the three singles players from both sides appeared on the stage, the Yamabuki players in the stands immediately cheered, because it was Akutsu who appeared on the stage at this time.

In order to ensure that this game can be won safely, Akutsu, a very strong player, was placed in singles three. This guy was originally very dissatisfied with this arrangement, which made him keep eyeing the gross profit of singles two, but After seeing how weak his opponent was, he felt it was best to end the game early.

"You are so weak."

Akutsu didn't care that his opponent could understand him very well. He went up and complained directly. The referee heard what Akutsu said. Although he wanted Akutsu not to insult his opponent, when he thought about the results of the previous two games, Yakutsu It seems that what Kutsu said is really the truth.

Akutsu, who got the right to serve this time, didn't use any skills. He just relied on his wildness to play on the court. This made the tennis coaches who saw Akutsu's playing style start to covet Akutsu's body.

This kind of flexibility cannot be acquired. The talent is visible to the naked eye and is overflowing. If you play relaxedly, you will be at an absolute advantage. I can't even imagine how powerful Akutsu is.

Seeing Akutsu's debut in the third singles, Banlao could only say that the person who arranged the lineup was a little too cautious, but he also knew that the opponent in this game was not Germany's top junior high school student at all, so Yuya's victory Not much gold content.

"It's really embarrassing."

Seyfried was deeply shocked by the Kanto team. Although his motto is "The more enemies, the more honors", he still maintains a clear head. He is very clear about the strength shown by Akutsu. , has surpassed his own level.

If the little dwarf just now was stronger than Biakutsu, then what he just said was completely self-destructive.

There was no suspense about Akutsu's victory, and Mori almost fell asleep watching it. With an opponent of this level, he felt as if he was competing in the Kanagawa Tournament.

But even if he is a little sleepy, Maori still has to play.This year, the only player who allowed Akutsu to taste the bitter pill of failure, after he appeared on the stage, Yanagi and others who got the tickets also cheered.

"It looks like Yukimura will have no chance to appear."

"Eh? Minister Yukimura is so powerful, why can't he appear?"

"Kirihara, the Kanto team still has that monster Yuya Kanbara, and Rikkai has three spots. I think Yukimura will pay attention to this when arranging the lineup."

Yanagi Renji knew very well that Yukimura would still care about this kind of thing. Although Yamabuki was stronger overall, Rikkai was invited by three people, which was a bit ironic in itself. At the same time, in order to take care of other people's feelings, Yukimura There will obviously be some trade-offs.

"You are very strong, but I will never admit defeat."

After Mauli solved his opponent, it was Seyfried's turn, but when he came on the stage, he was obviously a little timid.

Just this sentence made Yuya feel his lack of confidence. He smiled and replied: "I will let you know the gap between us. Of course, if you lose, you will be the dwarf. How do you feel?" Sample?"

"no problem."

Since it was his own rude words that caused the matter, Seyfried was still able to deal with it head-on. Even though he had already agreed in his heart, he still wanted to fight.

Yuya, who had the right to serve, looked at Seyfried who looked nervous. He did not choose Pleiades. After all, that would be a bit bullying.

"Wave Ball."

The tennis ball seemed to be wrapped in blue light and flew towards Seyfried. Seyfried, who did not understand Yuya's technical characteristics, foolishly rushed to the landing point of the tennis ball and actively swung the racket to fight back.

But the moment the tennis ball came into contact with the racket, he felt that he couldn't control the racket.

He couldn't even complete the serve, which made Seyfried feel very unrealistic, but after seeing the smile on his face, he felt as if he still despised his opponent.

"You didn't read our technical report before the competition. Last year, I was called the 'wisdom of strength'. I was the strongest power player in the country. This year I am even stronger than last year."

Before serving again, Yuya also took the initiative to introduce himself to let Seyfried be mentally prepared, otherwise the next game would be too boring.

But even with mental preparation, Seyfried still found it difficult to fight back according to his own ideas when facing Yuya's fluctuating ball, and could only find a way to hit the tennis ball back.

Many people looked at Seyfried on the court with a sense of instant recognition. After all, when they played against Yuya, like Seyfried, they were not thinking about where to hit the tennis ball, but how to move the tennis ball. Call back.

When meeting Yuya, it would be okay if Yuya plays normally, but if he starts to show his strength, it will really torture the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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