Chapter 224 222. Leaving
Because there are only eight participating teams in total, and it is divided into two days, the Kanto team that has finished today's game can wait for tomorrow's game.

But what people didn't expect was that Yuya left directly with the others. Yes, they did not choose to stay and observe their opponents after the game. This was something that no other team expected.

"Those guys are so arrogant."

Looking at Yuya and the others leaving, one of Fuji's teammates showed a dissatisfied expression, and what he said brought a smile to Fuji's face.

After Fuji saw these teammates of his, he knew that whether he could pass the first round was a question. After all, with himself as the team leader, the strength of this team was almost equal to that of a team that could enter the national competition. 's school team.

Of course, Fuji was not prepared to have any communication with that person who was not too familiar, because his mother said that if you talk to a fool, you may become a fool yourself.

Fortunately, as the strongest player in the team, Fuji was obviously still able to get a chance to play in the first game. After all, if you want to show off your products, you can't hide them too well. This also allowed Fuji's team to win with 4 After losing with a score of :1, it still attracted a lot of attention.

Fuji, who is very handsome in appearance, will definitely grow up to be a pure little puppy, a person who can make a living based entirely on his face, not to mention that his tennis skills are very gorgeous and very creative.

The return shot has evolved a year in advance, but the opponent no longer knows how to attack. No matter how he attacks, he will always be scored by the return shot. It is almost in a situation where everything he chooses is wrong.

Although he lost the team competition, Fuji himself obviously did not lose, and he also left after the game. Regarding the contract issues, Miko was fully responsible.

When they signed the youth training camp agreement, Fuji and his family had already made preparations. However, because the contract they signed was only for three years, the contract would naturally end when Fuji reached high school.

At that time, if Fuji can become a member of the First Army and often participate in various international competitions, he will naturally be able to get more and better contracts from other places.

Now Fuji just wants to grow up peacefully and doesn't want to put too much energy on other things.

"Kanahara, is there really no problem if we do this?"

"Tezuka, don't be too entangled. I took a look today and found that the opponents are not particularly powerful. Don't worry too much. If it is a youth representative team selected by a certain country, it is worth paying attention to."

"But, won't the tournament organizers have any objections to this?"

"Our early departure gave them exactly what they wanted to promote, and they just wanted it."

After winning the victory, it was just a warm-up for Yuya and the others. For this reason, Yuya took them directly to the tennis hall where they often come.

"Wait, wait!"

Just when Yuya had finished using the venue, a somewhat familiar voice sounded behind him.

Tachibana, who was waiting for Yuya at the door, immediately walked to Yuya's side. Yuya had just had a quarrel with the German player, and now the other player was chasing him. Tachibana was subconsciously ready for a physical conflict.

"Is there anything you need?"

"Ha ha……"

The panting Seyfried did not expect that Yuya and the others would not watch the following game. This made him catch up, but Seyfried, who had been sprinting over and his lungs were about to explode, was already out of breath. I can't even speak.

Seeing Seyfried like this, Yuya bought a bottle of water from the vending machine nearby and stuffed it into Seyfried's hand.Seeing Yuya's actions, Tachibana knew that this guy probably wasn't here to cause trouble.

"I'm Elma Seyfried, hello awesome guy."

"Kannahara Yuya."

Seyfried finally adjusted his breathing and introduced himself. At this time, he no longer looked as arrogant as before.

The loser has no right to speak, and was defeated by Yuya like a joke. Seyfried knew very well how big the gap was between himself and the other party, so he hoped to leave a contact information with Yuya.

Having such a strong opponent can completely stimulate Seyfried to continue working hard. This is the idea of ​​​​being a competitive athlete.

Hearing that Seyfried wanted his contact information, Yuya showed an interested expression. Among the new tennis kings, this guy's attitude towards Tsuka was not so friendly when he debuted for the first time. As a result, during the exhibition match, He found that the gap between himself and Tezuka was somewhat obvious. Although he did not apologize directly, Tezuka became the target of his pursuit.

In fact, this guy, like Akutsu, was not educated well when he was a child. A few more beatings would help them establish better values. It just so happened that Yuya felt that he was very good at this operation.

"By the way, do you want to come over and play for a while? One of our teammates has to go to work. You can fill his position."

"Is it really possible?"

Seyfried did not expect that Yuya would extend an invitation to him, which made Seyfried very happy. As for the racket, as long as it was not too shabby, Seyfried would have no problem.

"Okay, come here."

When Tezuka saw Yuya bringing Seyfried to this venue, he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​​​understanding German tennis through Seyfried. It happened that Yuya could also speak German, so there was no need to worry about communication problems.

"Well, Akutsu happens to be away, so Seyfried can fill in."

Maoli looked at the little German golden retriever, with a funny smile on his face, but Maoli obviously had no chance to fight Seyfried.

Since strength can only be considered strong, Seyfried could only fight Tachibana, but after the two began to sparring, both of them were shocked by the other's strength.

Seyfried did not expect that the weakest player in the Kanto team was stronger than him, while Tachibana did not expect that he was training with high school students in advance and would not have much advantage against Seyfried.

"The German player only seems a little weak when compared with Kanbaru, but his strength is still good."

Sanada, who was watching the fight between Seyfried and Tachibana below, made a relatively clear judgment on Seyfried's strength. After all, Yuya's strength was too strong, even with the comparison of five-dimensional comprehensive values. But when different types of players face Yuya, even if the values ​​are similar, the situation will be different.

During the game, Seyfried, who was hit on the head by Yuya, showed his personal strength when fighting against others.

Being able to communicate with foreign players is a good experience for Tezuka and others, but obviously Seyfried does not have that much physical strength, so he can only play for a while today.

(End of this chapter)

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