Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 234 Chapter 232 Challenge before leaving

Chapter 234 232. Challenge before leaving
"You kid are here too?"

"Coach Three Ships."

The ghost was also not mentally prepared for the fact that he would be defeated and come to the back mountain again.

But now that he has lost, he has to face his own failure. At the same time, the ghost is also thinking about what Yuya said, whether he is really watching the sky from a well.

Mifune already has a corresponding training plan for the ghosts who have become more silent today.

At this time, in the U-17 training camp, Yuya, who has the absolute say in the First Army, is giving those guys a row of training that does not seem to be particularly reasonable, but now no one can stand up and stop Yuya from going crazy.

"Seniors, Byodo-in seniors seem to be a little too kind to you."

Yuya's words reached the ears of the members of the army, which made Taneshima feel a bit harsh. However, thinking of the training arranged by Yuya, he knew that they would be very uncomfortable in the next period of time.

You must know that Yuya often trains with weights. This is because his physical fitness is not bad, so he does not feel too much pressure.

But now everyone is required to perform weight-bearing training, even if it is only one kilogram for each limb, it is still a very uncomfortable training. Taneshima knows very well that Yuya's training is definitely more than this.

However, Taneshima didn't have any objections to Yuya directly increasing the strength of the First Army, because he knew that even if Byodoin was here, they would choose to start training.

Getting stronger is their only goal. A leader with high standards and strict requirements will naturally make the people below him consciously improve themselves.

No one wants to be looked down upon by a junior high school student, so the members of the First Army quickly began training.

Although there are big differences in the tennis styles of the members of the army due to talent issues, Yuya does not have any big requirements. He just raised the requirements for some aspects, such as Kaji Fengduo's strength, Ochi Gekko's physical strength, etc. For their relatively weak areas.

It is a very correct choice to amplify one's own advantages through hard training, but there is a problem. Sooner or later, one day you will encounter an opponent who makes your advantages no longer an advantage, and then your own flaws will be too fatal. .

Yuya doesn't need everyone to be a hexagonal warrior, but at least he can't have too many flaws in some aspects.

The training content of the First Army is completely different from that of the Second Army. From Stadium No. 16 to Stadium No. [-], they are all regarded as the Second Army. The training content of these stadiums is relatively fixed. The only difference is the amount of training. The First Army is here. Training is based on personal characteristics.

Because arranging everyone's training in detail is a bit difficult for the current Yuya, so Yuya only gave a basic standard.

Here to increase the strength of the First Army, Yuya was also very cruel to himself. He directly transferred the set from his wild field. As the current talker of the First Army, he chose to use himself to test these members.

If the people above are given a task of narrow escape, then the people below will definitely not be very happy, but if the people above leave the task of death to themselves, then the people below will only be grateful.

Now that Yuya has shown the members of the First Army how cruel he is to him, the members of the First Army will go and train with peace of mind.

It took Tokugawa two weeks to play from the No. 16 court to the No. [-] court. At this time, Yuya and the others were about to go back to school, and the winter vacation was still a bit short.

"Excuse me, can I challenge you?"


Yuya did not expect that Tokugawa was going to bully the children, but Yuya did not refuse because he was a little curious about Tokugawa's thoughts.An hour later, the car was coming, but Yuya was very confident that before the car came, he would let Tokugawa see the strength of the junior high school students. After all, the current Tokugawa's real level may only be that of the No. [-] court.

I heard that Tokugawa, who had been tortured by Byodo-in, actually challenged Yuya. The other junior high school students were a little confused, but they also came to watch.

"Akutsu, if Irie-senpai is going to intervene, help me stop him."

"Don't order me!"

Akutsu resisted habitually, but his words no longer had any deterrent effect on Yuya.

It's just that Irie's expression changed immediately after hearing Yuya's words. These junior high school brats have been polished by the guys from Byodoin. It can be said that they are all very determined and can handle some painful experiences. , will only be regarded as a test on the way to becoming stronger.

These junior high school students who obviously have a certain tendency to self-abuse have a high probability of agreeing with the training methods of Byodoin. Of course, it is possible that the ideas of Byodoin are made up by these junior high school students.

"Tokugawa, I watched the battle between you and Byodoin-senpai. Your performance at that time was not very good. Because of my age, I can only wear this badge, but I am not yet the No.3 in the army, but In the training camp, I am the only one who can challenge others at will, and anyone defeated by me will go to hell. The ghost senior who helped you was sent to hell by my own hands, so be prepared. Yet?"

"I'm ready."

Tokugawa knew very well what kind of strength a person who was second only to Byodo-in in the U-17 training camp would possess, but he knew that this was the only chance to determine the gap between himself and Byodo-in.

Oni refused to fight Tokugawa with all his strength. Now Tokugawa can't withstand such a high-intensity competition, and now that Oni is gone, Yu is the only choice.

Since he wants to take revenge on Byodoin, Tokugawa is now ready to risk everything.


Yuya, who had hardly used his skills in the competition this year, or had no chance to play, could finally play happily again.

Seeing Yuya's Pleiades Nova, Tokugawa immediately became serious. Yuya had just made it very clear that this confrontation might completely plunge Tokugawa into hell, but how could Tokugawa fall again.

Tokugawa, who quickly judged the flight trajectory of the tennis ball, locked on the real tennis ball, but the seven tennis balls suddenly merged, which made Tokugawa doubt the existence of Pleiades Nova's move, but when the tennis ball hit his racket When he got there, he had no doubts.

Seven consecutive strikes made Tokugawa almost lose his grip on the racket. Fortunately, he had experience against powerful players, and he still hit the tennis ball back.

"Giant horns!"

Tokugawa's counterattack was not the end, but the beginning of the nightmare.

The golden bull rushed towards Tokugawa, and Tokugawa transformed into a matador, preparing to kill the bull. Unfortunately, the bull flew away with the matador's sword.

Tokugawa, who was hit by the tennis ball, felt as if he was about to die.

(End of this chapter)

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