Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 236 Chapter 234 A future worth looking forward to

Chapter 236 234. A future worth looking forward to

Because of Yuya's presence, everyone was on fire, some spontaneously combusted, and some were set on fire.

But no one will care about why it ignited, because everyone is focusing on their strength, which is the real focus.

"Have you met Senior Nakagaki and the others?"

"Yes, they are still playing doubles, but if they want to compete as a doubles team, their personal strength must be very strong. This is a big problem for them at the moment."

I heard that Yuya and Akutsu met Nakagaki and the others, and Kentaro and the others were very concerned about the affairs of these two seniors.

As a doubles player, your personal strength will be slightly weaker. This is a relatively common phenomenon. I hope you can analyze your own future situation by understanding the current situation of your seniors.

Although Kentaro is very clear that he will not continue on the road of tennis in the future, he still has some illusions, but now it seems that without Yuya's superhuman talent, it seems that he can only be a tennis hobby in the future or.

In the next period of time, there will be no competitions, but the academic pressure during this period is not small.

If Yuya hadn't decided to pursue a career in professional tennis, he would probably have gone to a cram school after school every day, or directly found a tutor for tutoring.

The joy of getting out of school early is for those students who are not under any pressure. Students who want to change their own destiny through learning can't wait to get out of school at eight o'clock, because there are many things that cannot be covered in the time spent in class.

This makes many people basically not pay that much attention to club activities when they are in third grade.

Of course, champion players like Yuya and others can get some preferential treatment based on their resumes when they enter higher schools.

"When you get to high school, will there be a training camp like that?"

This time Yuya did not hide anything about the U-17 training camp, so Sengoku and the others also knew that after entering high school, there would be such a powerful place waiting for them.

Just thinking that in the future most people will only be able to train in the U-17 training camp without any chance to compete, I feel so pitiful for those people.

Competitive sports are so cruel. The players that people can see are already people who have been through the waves.

Although they have heard how cruel the competition there is, Yamabuki's team members are not under any pressure, because they know that no matter how difficult the training in that place is, it will basically be the same as the current training intensity of Yamabuki.

Yuya has set his own requirements and asked Yamabuki's players to maintain self-discipline. The final battle for junior high school will be this summer.

They had already defeated those opponents when they were in junior high school. Even in high school, what kind of waves can those people make? Even if they cannot become an outstanding group of people, most of the time, as long as they can prove themselves, it is enough.

Seeing the excitement of his teammates, I also know that these guys can't wait to enter the U-17 training camp for training.


Among the junior high school students who came this time, not only Yuya told his teammates about the U-17 training camp, but others also told them, and also talked about the seniors they met there.

"Has Yamato been chosen?"

Coach Ryuzaki heard that Yamato Yudai was also selected for the U-17 training camp. She knew that it was Seigaku who delayed Yamato.Now that there is a bigger stage for Yamato to show off his talents, Coach Ryuzaki feels gratified, especially since Yamato had already reached the No. 17 stadium when Tezuka left the U-11 training camp. He wanted to wait until During the summer vacation, I should have entered the single-digit stadium.

Although there is a gap between Yamato Yudai's strength and these minister-level junior high school students, he was able to reach the No. [-] court in the second grade, and he was still injured, which shows that Yamato still has strength.

It's just that the injuries on his body shortened Yamato's competitive life. It was even said that he could not even touch the professional field and was about to give up tennis.

Taocheng and Haitang have never met Yamato, so the two of them pay more attention to the masters in the U-17 training camp.

"Fuji-senpai, is Yamabuki's Kanbaru-senpai really that powerful?"

"Of course, he is a very good player even among high school students. He is the only player who has not officially entered the U-17 training camp and is already confirmed to be the future leader."

"As long as you become a high school student, you will directly become the commander of an army. This sounds really awesome."

Because he has never seen a master among high school students, but Momojo still knows how good Yuya is. It is like having an elementary school student now, and the people of Qing Gaku are waiting for him to graduate from elementary school, and when he enters school, they will sit tight The No. [-] singles position.

If Yuya were to know Momojo's thoughts, he might tell him that although Ryoma is not that powerful, he can still be trained as a master in the future.

The day when Ryoma ends his elementary school career is getting closer. Ryoma, who will bring some surprises to the Japanese tennis world, has no expectations for returning to Japan this time without any prompting from Nanjiro.

Ryoma, who has now won four national elementary school tennis championships, is naturally proud of himself.

In order to understand the overall strength of the current junior high school students in tennis, Nanjiro even borrowed some game videos from Coach Ryuzaki. As a result, he found that the current junior high school students are so good, in large part because of Yuya's existence. A monster that drives the others forward or else be left behind without even seeing the taillights.

There are many good talents among this group of junior high school students, and with such stimulation, all their potentials are stimulated.

When Ryoma comes back, he probably won't care too much about the masters here, but after meeting him in the game, he is guaranteed to be beaten to the point of doubting his life. This is what Nanjiro is most happy about at this time.

Nanjiro, who couldn't wait to see Ryoma defeated on the field, once again lamented that this decision was correct.

The existence of the U-17 training camp has become the target of the regular selection of the tennis clubs of those schools. Although the place is very cruel, no one will admit that they are inferior to others, especially now that everyone is young and energetic, this matter How could you give up on things?

In this way, junior high school students do not feel melancholy because of the upcoming graduation season. They will most likely attend the same school in the future, and may even think about transferring schools to meet some new friends.

Being full of expectations for the future does not mean that we do not pay attention to the present. After all, the future is determined by the present.

Seeing Yuya who was about to go to training, Akutsu also picked up the racket.

This year Akutsu made a decision to focus more on tennis. The invitational tournament he participated in earlier allowed him to get the part-time salary that he had to save for at least three years.

After understanding what the right choice was, and with such a sum of money, Akutsu was able to focus more on playing tennis.

(End of this chapter)

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