Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 240 The Arrival of Grade 2381

Chapter 240 238. Arrival of first grade

"Senior Byodoin, how vast is the world?"

"Unimaginably vast, but I'm ready to conquer the world."

"In this case, I will not be able to compete with you, Byodoin-senpai, on the same stage. It really makes me feel regretful. However, I have helped you take care of the first army. There will be some breakthroughs in next year's U-17 World Cup."

“There’s no point in being the best if you can’t be the strongest.”

Byodoin's words made Yuya laugh heartily, which would make it more interesting.

Immediately afterwards, various loud noises were heard on the court. Now that they have met, Yuya, who is currently the strongest junior high school student in Japan, and Byodoin, who is already the strongest high school student, would really feel a little uncomfortable if they did not fight. boring.

Now that Byodoin is back, it also means that the overseas expedition is about to begin. This is a very important thing. After all, if you want to participate in the U-17 World Cup, you first need to play the previous points match. If you don't have enough points, you will not be able to participate in the group stage. of.

However, even if the first army leaves the U-17 training camp, the masters who remain in the U-17 training camp can still allow the second army to continue working hard under the rule of strength.


"Hello, are you the coach Ryuzaki of Seigaku?"

Satoshi, who was holding a racket, had just finished his game when he saw someone nearby who he could recognize at a glance.

"Hello little one, have we met?"

"I haven't seen it, but I saw you and Qingxue's players when I went to watch the competition."

"So that's it, are you going to come to Qingxue?"

"Sorry, Coach Ryuzaki, I have decided to go to Yamabuki. Although Brother Yuya is very strict, I still hope to play with Brother Yuya and Brother Yuta."

"Oh, you, like Yuta, have met Kanbaru since elementary school. It would be such a pity."

I heard that Satoshi had already met Yuya and Yuta before they went to school in Yamabuki. Coach Ryuzaki immediately remembered that Tezuka said that there was an elementary school student who would follow them for some simple training on weekends.

What is simple for people like Tezuka does not mean simple for other players, so coach Ryuzaki also paid more attention to Satoshi at this time.

At this time, Coach Ryuzaki's granddaughter ran over. Sakurano was going to watch the game with her grandma today, but she was almost late.

Although Yuya had an impact on the overall level of junior high school tennis, he was not able to affect Ryoma's return and his fight with the guy named Sasaki.

"It's despicable!"

Although Satoshi had heard that there was a group of trash who would do evil things when they couldn't beat tennis, but when he actually saw it, he still couldn't stand it.

Faced with Sasaki throwing the racket away, Satoshi immediately took out a tennis ball and hit the racket.


The tennis ball hit the racket that was about to hit Ryoma, causing everyone in the court to look at Satoshi.

"Thank you."

Although Ryoma was a bit of a bastard, Satoshi's actions did protect him, so he naturally wouldn't bastardize him in this matter.Coach Ryuzaki did not expect Satoshi's ball control skills to be so good, because after the tennis ball hit the racket, it not only prevented the racket from hitting Ryoma, but also the tennis ball did not bounce onto Ryoma.

"That old man Bantian is really lucky."

Because having Yuya, a strong player, not only makes Yamabuki's team easier to lead, but also makes it much easier to recruit new players than other schools.

Although Satoshi's strength has not yet been fully demonstrated, there is a basis for it. There is a high probability that he will not be the main choice this year, but he will definitely be Yamabuki's main choice next year. There should be no doubt about this.

After Satoshi helped, Ryoma entered a state of full strength. The guy named Sasaki had no power to fight back.

Ryoma easily defeated a third-year player and showed his ability as a player who had won the National Elementary School Tennis Championship for four consecutive years in front of Coach Ryuzaki.

However, during the award ceremony for the 12-15 age group, Coach Ryuzaki saw Satoshi standing in third place.

This is indeed a small competition. Ryoma will participate, just to practice his skills and learn about Japan's tennis strength.

Coach Ryuzaki's inspection of Ryoma is over, but the strength of Horio Satoshi has entered Coach Ryuzaki's eyes. He will also be a first-year junior high school player. Ryoma and Satoshi may Met at the metropolitan conference.

Yamabuki, who has enough confidence, brings a first-year player to participate in the competition, which does not seem to be unbelievable.

Last year, Yamabuki let Yuta appear in the previous game. Although the game Yuta played was not that important, if they meet again this time, the situation may be different.

Yuya Kanbara, who has already shown absolute dominance in the first grade, will enter the strongest stage of his junior high school career this year.

Although whether Yuya continues to become stronger or not, it has no meaning to other junior high school players. Even if he does not make any progress within a year, Coach Ryuzaki does not feel that any junior high school student can make Yuya taste the taste of defeat.

Yamabuki's opening ceremony was really boring, but many people were waiting to see the joke, because this year's student representative turned out to be Yuya.

As a student who refused to join the student union, Yuya focused all his energy on tennis. Regarding the arrangement for him to speak this time, Yuya was completely emo.

But for this matter, Yuya finally accepted it. After all, his wife and elders had come forward, so Yuya couldn't refuse.

Seeing Yuya Kambara walking up to the rostrum, the freshmen who were about to join the tennis club applauded happily. This year will be Yuya's last junior high school competition on behalf of Yamabuki, but these freshmen are looking forward to seeing him in the Yamabuki Tennis Club. to something different.

"Hello, are you going to join the tennis club too?"

A soft voice sounded next to Satoshi. Satoshi thought it was a female classmate, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a very cute boy.

"That's right, I met Brother Yuya two years ago. I must become the official choice of the tennis club."


"I'm Horio Satoshi, how about you?"

"I am Tan Taiyi."

During the Net King period, Seigaku's trio had a certain amount of scenes. As a result, during the new Net King period, Satoshi, Taichi and Tatekai University's Shiita Urayama formed a new trio, although they didn't have much scenes. But at least their presence is much better than some roles that are defined as national players. After all, they played.

Satoshi was not able to sign up for the tennis club until tomorrow, which made Satoshi a little uncomfortable, but thinking that he would join the Yamabuki Tennis Club soon, he still couldn't control his excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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