Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 249 247 Fudo Peak’s Luck

Chapter 249 247. Fudo Peak’s Luck
Fudomine, who had strong luck, was able to meet Hyotei's team during the draw and the semi-finals. Compared to Seigaku, their luck was very good.

Fudomine, who seemed a bit weak last year, has improved a lot after Chitose joined, especially since Chitose was able to train with Ibu Fukaji. Therefore, Ibu, the future minister of Fudomine, has Thanks to the training of two national-level players, the recent growth rate has been very fast.

Thinking that he would be able to play against Hyokui tomorrow, Tachibana was currently communicating with Chitose on how to arrange the lineup for tomorrow's game.

Hyotei's Atobe is stronger than Tachibana and Chitose in terms of personal strength, so if the two of them want to win, the best option is to avoid Atobe.

Although this will make the two of them look like they are afraid of Atobe, in team competitions, in order to pursue the team's victory, someone always has to make sacrifices, and Tachibana and Chitose are doubles players, so they really don't want to. Care about this.

"We need to think about how they will analyze us. Fudoho's overall strength is weaker. If we want to win the game, the best choice is to put everything in the first three games. In this way, we will have a relatively strong A larger winning rate. As a minister, if you appear in singles three, no one in Hyotei can compete with you except Atobe Keigo, so he may appear in singles three."

Chitose, who has pushed the limits of her talent, has begun to use her powerful deduction ability to analyze the order of appearance of the Hyo Emperor tomorrow.

Listening to Chitose's analysis of the situation, Tachibana could only nod. If it weren't for Chitose, he might really have arranged it that way. However, after hearing Chitose's analysis of the order of Hyokui's appearance, Tachibana immediately began to modify their appearance. order.

"Is this really possible?"

"As a weakling, you must have the courage to make a desperate move. If you fail this time, then wait until the Kanto Tournament to take revenge on the Ice Emperor."

"I see."

Tachibana naturally does not lack courage, and has already broken into the semi-finals of Fudo Peak. Now he has obtained a ticket to enter the Kanto Competition. At this time, giving it a try is naturally just an attempt.

Fudomine's current strength is simply unable to compete with Yamabuki, which means that even if they make it to the finals, there won't be many changes. It's better to give their juniors more opportunities to show themselves at this time.

When the game started on the second day, looking at the four teams that were ready, the other teams participating in the metropolitan conference were also looking forward to what kind of performance they could perform.

"Tezuka, this year is your last chance."

"So we will definitely successfully enter the national competition."

Before the game between Fudomine and Hyotei started, Yuya and Tezuka stood together and looked at the two teams over there who were preparing to start the game.

Nowadays, the overall strength of Qingxue is very outstanding. After all, they have undergone relatively high-intensity training, especially these regular team members, who have all experienced more rigorous training than in the original plot.

If it hadn't been for bad luck, they would have even been able to enter the national competition last year, but it's a pity that their luck was not very good.

This year Tezuka and Fuji's progress speed has increased again, and others who are relatively weak have also developed differently, so Tezuka is quite confident this year.

But if he is unlucky, Tezuka can only say that there is nothing he can do.

Strength and luck are always closely related. Unless they are an absolutely strong team like Yamabuki, they still have a need for luck. After all, if someone is suddenly injured, their overall strength will naturally be affected.

Seeing Atobe and Tachibana walking onto the court with their respective players, the people who were originally discussing which team could win were all watching the game intently.

"Inoue-senpai, which team do you support?"

The girl who was helping reporter Inoue take photos was a little moved when she saw the handsome guys below. However, she still maintained her professional ethics and did not do anything out of the ordinary.

Upon hearing the question from the newcomer he was leading, Inoue immediately looked towards Qingxue.

"If I can, I will support Qingxue, but the probability of them reaching the finals is not high because their opponents are very strong."

"Is it Yamabuki Middle School's team? I've seen senior interviews before. Are Yamabuki's players really that strong?"

"Saori, Yamabuki currently has the two strongest players among junior high school students. Even other players have to admit this, but in fact Yamabuki's doubles is what this middle school is best at. Having outstanding singles players joining the team will be a huge help to reinforce Yamabuki."

"The two strongest players?"

Shiba Saori rarely hears Inoue speaking so absolutely on certain things, so she is ready to take a serious look at how powerful Yamabuki's players really are.

"Kamio, Ishida, come forward bravely."

"Don't worry, Minister, we will never lose."

As Fudomine's main doubles player, strictly speaking, Tetsu Ishida can not only play doubles, but also singles. However, because his physical fitness is not as strong as that of his brother, during the regional qualifiers, every game You can only hit the wave ball three times, which is a huge limitation.

For this reason, when Ishida Tetsu plays doubles, his wave ball is more like a deterrent. After all, if he catches the wave ball head-on, his hands will feel the impact.

"As expected, if Fudoho wants to defeat us, he must put his strongest player in front."

After Atobe saw the two Fudomine players, he knew that Sakaki Taro's arrangement was not wrong. The combination of Muko and Ninzu would obviously make the doubles match full of unknowns.

"Is Hyokui's strongest tag team?"

After noticing the players sent by Hyotei, Tachibana also looked at Chitose beside him.

According to Chitose's analysis yesterday, Hyokui's side should be able to figure out what they are thinking. For this reason, in the arrangement of the lineup, doubles two is just a way to confuse the opponent, and so far Ishida has not used his special move, even in When playing against Seigaku in the regional qualifiers, it was not used due to Tachibana's restrictions.

Ah Tie met Aaron in the regional qualifiers, and Aaron, who had mastered the giant horn, was actually not very afraid of the wave ball, so Ah Tie's wave ball was hidden.

Looking at the two people on the opposite side, it is obvious that neither of them is particularly good at strength. Atie will naturally be very happy. As for Kamio, he will appear here mainly to fight against Xiangri. After all, stunt shots are full of unpredictability, but As long as you're fast enough, there's no trick shot you can't hit back.

Chitose had already figured out the Hyokui's formation, so he made arrangements.

The Fudomine players were already cheering for their teammates, but there were more people in Hyotei's tennis club. After seeing Atobe raise his hand, the members of Hyotei's tennis club began to cheer for the one who was on the stage. The players cheered. "Hiss, you are indeed the Ice Emperor. Even if our results are so good, we still can't recruit that many members."

Yuya looked at the people on Hyotei's side. He really envied Hyotei's excellent basic conditions. This was difficult for other schools' tennis clubs to compare with. After all, with a large base of members, there was a possibility of meeting talented players. It will also be larger.

They select from 400 people, but schools like Yamabuki probably select from 40 people. This gap can only mean that Hyokui has become a traditional strong team. That is an inevitable result. Of course, Hyokui Tennis Club can be what it is today. The scale is also inseparable from Atobe's hard work, even if Hyokui's performance in the past two years is not particularly good.

However, there is nothing to say about the performance of the Hyokui Tennis Club in the competition. It can only be said that the competition pressure in Kanto is too great. Either they lose the national championship or the national runner-up. The members of the Hyokui Tennis Club are very disappointed. It's helpless, after all, their basic strength is stronger, and they have no choice.

But after Yuya and Akutsu leave Yamabuki, Hyotei will have a chance to rise. After all, players like this monster are unlikely to appear often.

"Atie, I'm going to speed up."

In order to help Kamio train his physical strength and speed, Tachibana spent a lot of energy. Later, during the U-17 training camp, Tachibana met Japan's number one Kamio Kaji Fuata, which allowed him to gain a lot of experience, so Akira Kamio's growth has also improved greatly.

A player with such a unique style has less training to refer to, so it was a complete surprise for Tachibana to find a particularly powerful speed player.

When Kamio entered the speed-up state, although Mugahi still wanted to perform stunt shots, Kamio blocked all Mugahi's attack routes.

"So fast."

Kamio is only a second-year member of Fudomine, and is not a player who will receive special attention. However, Atobe noticed that there are two third-year members of Fudomine’s core members, and the others are all second-years. This means that By next year, Fudomine will have enough outstanding third-year players to compete with other schools.

"Hiyoshi and Feng are not weak, but Fudomine's Akira Kamio looks good too, and there are six second-year players. But next year, with six main third-year players, Fudomine will have its strongest year. Even if they include Yamabuki, their player reserves will not be so sufficient."

Kamio was increasing his speed like crazy, and the sheer speed made both Xianghi and Ninzu uncomfortable. Ninzu was better at changing techniques, so facing Kamio's speed, he could only rely on Xiuji to gamble.

"That man, what is he preparing for?"

Although Ninzu couldn't catch up with Kamio's shot, he noticed Atete who was accumulating power.

Ah Tie, who was already prepared to win the ball through the wave ball, was observing the opportunity to take action. After all, the wave ball was Ah Tie's intimidating trick.

"Wave Ball!"

With Kamio applying high-intensity pressure on Mukahi, Atie finally had the opportunity to take action.

Looking at the tennis ball flying straight towards him, he immediately swung the racket.

"Is that the wave ball of Ishida Gin of the Tentenhoji Temple?! Ishida Gin, Ishida Tetsu, are these two brothers?"

Atobe didn't expect that the relatives of Gin Ishida, one of the main players of Shitenhoji Temple, would appear in Tokyo. If it weren't for the Wave Ball, he might just think that the two of them just had the same last name, but after seeing the Wave Ball After that, he knew that this game was dangerous.

Because sometimes this trick is already a deterrent after being used, because Ah Tie does not need to actually hit the wave ball next.

The racket in Renzu's hand was knocked away, which made him know why Atie had been preparing.

Before hitting the wave ball, Atie was obviously accumulating strength, which would limit his movement speed, but Akira Kamio was able to ask the two of them to hit the tennis ball specifically in Atie's direction. In this case, Ishida Tetsu only had to stand there and wait. Just as long as the prey takes the bait.

"It is also a power shot. The wave ball puts more pressure on the arm, but the giant horn that Aaron masters has much less pressure. If Ishida Tetsu uses it in the game, it may not have any miraculous effect, but On Hyotei's side, apart from Kachichi, only Atobu can fight back head-on."

Ishida Tetsu's score sounded the clarion call for Fudomine. Although Kamio would put in more effort, he knew very well that this was the best way for him and Tetsu to cooperate. However, this was only the first stage. If they Focus all your energy on yourself, and then you will enter the second stage of this game.

"So fast."

Kikumaru looked at Kamio's running speed and had an idea in his mind, that is, if he increased his speed, would it have such an effect?

Now it is difficult to improve the cooperation between Kikumaru and Oishi, so Kikumaru can only find ways to improve his own strength.

"Kamio, leave the rest to me."

"Atie, then it's up to you."

Although Kamio's endurance had been strengthened, his lungs couldn't bear it if he kept running. However, Atie stepped forward and gave Kamio a chance to relieve his own pressure.

"Yuta, this is the competitor you will encounter next year. Are you confident?"

"Very confident."

Although Kamio Akira and Ishida Tetsu both have their own characteristics, Yuta still has confidence after seeing their performance.

In terms of pure speed, Akutsu is obviously faster than Kamio. Kamio’s strongest point is his running time. Akutsu does not run at full strength like Kamio and will hardly stop. After all, he has a more direct way of scoring. .

In terms of strength, Ishida Tetsu is only good. For Yuta, who grew up in Yamabuki, it is a basic requirement for strength to reach the standard, but he is thinking about how to develop the wave ball.

There is a difference between the wave ball taught by Yuya and Ishida Tetsu's wave ball, but the power of hitting the ball is greatly increased. It is not a big problem to fight against Ishida Tetsu. At least in Yuta's view, he has The ability to stand up to these two.

Seeing Yuta's confident look, Yuya patted Yuta on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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