Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 253 251 Second Abstention

Chapter 253 251. Second abstention

It is still a copy, the previous one is being modified.

Before graduating from high school, as long as there are no accidents or serious injuries, he will have a chance to become a Grand Slam champion.

Although Yuya's answer sounded very humble, it was still an excellent result for Banlao. However, Banlao noticed Yuya's expression when he spoke. That absolutely confident expression made Banlao immediately recognize him. It seems that this kid probably has other goals, but if he really succeeds, then Yuya will probably become the second legend of Japanese tennis after Nanjiro.

For this confident and powerful young man, I have no other help except encouragement. His training is very professional, his talent is outstanding, and his hard work is constantly fulfilling his talent. Such a person with clear goals In fact, the young man does not need to say anything to his elders. The path he is taking now is the right one, and Yuya, who is determined, does not look like the kind of person who will be induced by external factors and embark on any evil path.

Banlao patted Yuya on the shoulder with relief and left the court. Kentaro was watching the afternoon training, so nothing serious would happen. Now Banlao can go back to rest.

Yu didn't know what Ban Lao wanted to do, but he didn't care too much because what he needed to do now was very simple, that is, just keep working hard.


"Is it your turn to spend the night with Fudomine this week?" After Yuya effortlessly closed the door, Takahisa heard Yuya's answer, even though he had no intention of asking.

That kind of high-speed serve is obviously more powerful than Takahisa's bent-back serve. With such a powerful serve for training, Takahisa's bent-back serve is really not a tricky serve.

Of course, what surprised Takahisa the most was that Yuya did not use strong power in the competition with him. Instead, his performance seemed to have no characteristics. However, Takahisa felt that he was crushed by Yuya in all aspects. Last year Yuya, who is still only known for his strength, has been strengthened in all aspects this year. It can be seen that the opponent not only knows how to exploit his own advantages, but also solves his own weaknesses, especially Yuya's double sword style, which caused Takahisa's many attacks to fail. .

If Akutsu hadn't made Kamijo kneel down directly, Yuya was still prepared to take action himself, but seeing his opponents acting like that, there was no need to take a fatal blow.

However, in order to show his strength, Yuya still showed Takahisa what it means to be the strongest.

If Yuya meets Tezuka and others, he may use more powerful shots to stimulate them, but if the opponent is not that strong, he should take it easy. After all, they are here to play tennis. , does not mean going to the battlefield.

Yamabuki defeated Shonan easily. This result is "Tezuka has shown the potential to enter the professional tennis world since he was in elementary school. His current performance is not inferior to you at all. That's why I say that kid has surpassed The original you."

At this point, Nanjiro became serious. When Coach Ryuzaki said this, he looked very helpless. Most likely, it was because the current overall strength of Qingxue was already very strong, but he still had no chance to go. Going further, especially when he met the more powerful Yamabuki at this time, although Nanjiro has never had such emotions, those who were defeated by him in the past may have such thoughts.

When Nanjiro went home, he rarely bought the more exciting magazines. Instead, he bought two monthly tennis magazines, ready to see how powerful that brat Yamabuki was.

"Yuya Kanbara, the wisdom of strength, the strongest junior high school student, has transformed from a powerful player to an all-round player, but he still has the powerful destructive ability to beat his opponent who is also a national-level player with one goal and have to give up. Li, by the way, this kid won’t be repeating the grade.”

Power players are indeed very difficult to deal with, especially power players who have strengthened their own technical level. They are not weaker than their opponents in other aspects and have an advantage in strength. However, he still failed to control himself. As a result, He then read the name that Shangji said when he served.

In the previous games, Shangji had never used the Dance of the Wind. However, now Shangji actually said that his Dance of the Wind had three variations. Nioh was in a panic at this time. After watching last year's battle with Yamabuki, Judging from the finals and this year's match against Yamabuki in the Kanto Tournament finals, if Double Two loses, then Rikkai will have no chance of winning.

At this time, Nioh could only stare at the flight path of the tennis ball seriously and prepare to fight back, but this time the dance of the wind brought Nioh a new surprise.

The flight trajectory of the tennis ball after it bounced off the ground turned out to be an arc. Although Nioh seized the timing of the return shot, he hit a return shot of very poor quality due to the problem of the hitting point.

Facing this slow ball, Sengoku had a smile on his face.


Sengoku hit the tennis ball towards Yanagi Renji, and Nioh was able to use Retribution. How should Yanagi Renji respond to this impactful shot?

Liu Renji didn't expect that Shangji had hidden so much strength in the previous games. Although he could quickly find a way to deal with the three changes of Gale Dance after seeing them, Shangji was really too stable. , I actually left it until the last game.

The serve itself had some threatening qualities. Nioh, who originally only wanted to guess two questions, was really caught off guard by Kamijari's third question.

At the same time, Yanagi Renji knew very well that Shangji did not expect his serve to score directly. He just wanted to reduce the quality of their return and create better scoring opportunities for Sengoku. Although it seemed that the opponent's game rhythm had changed, the main thing was that The scorer was still Sengoku, which made Liu Renji stare at Sengoku all the time.Compared with others, he is inferior to others, but he has his unique talent in creativity, but the gap in strength is obvious, and Fuji has not been able to make himself lose more decently.

"Byodoin, are you really going all out?"

The ghost suddenly asked something that put a smile on Byodoin's face, but Byodoin did not choose to answer, but just turned around and left with Duke.

Looking at Byodoin's leaving figure, I know that this guy should still have some warmth in his heart that is usually not noticed by others, but in the international arena, that warmth will not bring them victory.

Today I only used Oni who was [-]% of his strength, and he showed no mercy. Tezuka and Yukimura were also troublesome. If Oni's skills were not strong enough, Tezuka's hands could not hold up the use of Tezuka's Phantom. , he might overturn, which also makes the ghost know why Kiritani is very resistant to playing against Tezuka. The next morning, the second game of the Kanto team is about to begin. This time the opponent is a Japanese tennis club. The representative team, looking at the unfamiliar faces across the way, Yuya took the initiative to accept the job of making the lineup.

Akutsu and Tachibana, Tezuka and Sanada, Yukimura, Atobe and Yuya himself, Mori can take a break today, and Mori doesn't really want to participate in such a boring game.

Yukimura didn't have a chance to play yesterday. In order to let him move his body, Yuya specially placed him in the singles three, so that he can still have a chance to play. The strength shown by the Kanto team is huge for other teams. Advantages, if they can still maintain the form of yesterday, then their arrogance will not be any problem.

"Fuer, you were eliminated?"

"Yes, I was eliminated yesterday."

Regarding his team's defeat, Fuji didn't have anything to comment on, except that his teammates were too weak and he couldn't play five games by himself.However, it only takes one game, which allows Fuji to ensure that his blood pressure will not be too high, otherwise he would really want to say something when he looks at his teammates who are not strong enough and are still pretentious. he wants to know


But now that I have seen the talents of these junior high school students, I know clearly that after they get the badges belonging to the First Army, when they come here next time, I will have no reason to continue to stop them. Of course, if If they would choose to come here again.

"Saito, what choice do you think those junior high school students will make?"

"I don't think anyone will have the courage to appear in front of him again with a racket after being defeated by Byodoin. Of course, these junior high school students are different."

"So Tuozhi, what do you think?"

"Do you want me to choose the wrong option?"

Tuozhi is very dissatisfied with his two colleagues. Although he likes to exercise very much, it does not mean that his brain also has muscles. If you want to train a good body, a smart mind is also necessary.

Now that the junior high school students are leaving, the high school students in the U-17 training camp are relieved, but six people in the first army have been robbed of their badges. Of course, Duke is not included, because Yuya obviously No
In order to be able to fight back Qian Shi's Hu Huang, Liu Ren'er held the racket tightly with both hands and swung it towards the tennis ball.

Just the moment Liu Renji completed the counterattack, his expression changed, because he found that the ball had no impact at all, it was just a shot of relatively good quality, and in order to be able to

, Nanjiro also encountered that kind of opponent in the past, but the opponent's relative strength was not relatively strong in his case, so he had no experience of being suppressed by powerful players.

But a player who already has an absolute advantage in strength appears in the junior high school tennis world, which sounds a bit incredible.

However, the description of Yuya in Tennis Monthly is only for reference for Nanjiro. The national competition will start in a while, and he will have the opportunity to watch the competition live.

Returning to Japan is itself a choice for Nanjiro. It would be a good thing if Ryoma could get more experience here, but Ryoma should not be tortured too badly.


"Kanbaru-senpai, if I join Yamabuki, do I have a chance to become a regular member?"

"Satoshi, your physical talent may not be enough to support you in becoming a professional, but if you just become a regular member of the tennis club, it is unlikely in the first grade, but as long as you train hard, you should be in the second grade. No problem.”

"Then I will try my best."

After getting Yuya's answer, Satoshi finally made his decision. Although he usually only plays and trains here and does not train with Yuya, he more or less received Yuya's guidance, which made him He has become a relatively powerful character among his peers, which is inseparable from Yuya's guidance.

Although it is indeed tempting to join Qingxue, if

As expected by many people, they did not expect that there would be a fight between the two sides. However, the players on both sides obviously controlled their emotions and did not engage in more extreme behavior. At the same time, the competition between the ministers of the two sides, The game also ended relatively gently.

"Kanahara is stronger this year."

Because Seigaku had been eliminated, Inoue finally chose Yamabuki as his main recording subject, and photographed the calmness and composure shown by the Yamabuki players when they won.

Although these players are only junior high school students, they are now performing very calmly. This allows Inoue to see the scene of them winning the national competition for two consecutive years. Especially after discovering that Yuya has become stronger again, he can only say that Yuya is a very good person. A rational player, he has not given up progress in other areas because of his own strength. On the contrary, he rarely shows his strength.

"Reporter Inoue, did my performance today exceed your expectations?"

"It's surprising. Your tennis is obviously different from last year. I am very optimistic about your future."

"My power is too dangerous for opponents, if

There is about a month between the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference and the Kanto Tournament. Four schools including Yamabuki and Seigaku have chosen to stay together.

Three weeks to stay together and one week to summarize the results. In this way, during the Kanto Competition, the four schools are expected to come up with new things. Even if they have been studied before, there will be some small changes at this time.

For this year's national competition, Yamabuki's side really cranked up the training intensity. After seeing all the Yamabuki team members carrying weights, Fudomine looked at his boss.

Tachibana can only admire Yamabuki's high-intensity training. After all, he himself can bear it, but his team members cannot bear it. After all, the basics are only part of the training now. If this kind of strength training is carried out directly, it will easily cause their injuries. If the movements are deformed, the gain will outweigh the loss.

But seeing that Yamabuki had begun to increase his intensity over there, Fudoho couldn't lag behind. They just chose to jog at about the same speed as walking. This made Fudoho's team members exhausted.

The sleepover hasn't even started yet, but Fudomine has consumed a lot of energy. It can only be said that the difference in training in daily life is all reflected at this time.

Yamabuki is open early here
(End of this chapter)

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