Chapter 266 265.
Seigaku's players did not expect that Aaron's racket would be shot down by Yamabuki's players. This was something that coach Ryuzaki did not expect at all when he arranged the order of appearance.

Although everyone thought that Yamabuki's players should have relatively sufficient strategies to deal with power shots, they did not expect that Nidu, who was obviously not a power player, could hit such a powerful shot, which directly made Aaron look like he was not. So powerful.

Even Aaron himself was very surprised by this situation, but Aaron, who was already on fire, would not give up the game just because of this goal.

After seeing Nidu using tricks that they had never used in previous games, Sanada and the others took it very seriously, because they would have the chance to meet Yamabuki in the national competition, even though during this month, Nidu's The strength may improve, but there should not be any core changes in his batting. For this reason, the main thing is to find ways to counteract this skill, which is equivalent to gaining some advantages in the game.

Xindu hit an ace when he came up. After taking out the second tennis ball, he was ready to serve for the second time, but this time Xindu's serve had new changes.

"Strike tornado."

If the first serve is a serve with spin and power, then the second serve is a serve that focuses on spin, which is beyond Dry's upper limit.

Qian, who had already begun to collect opponent data, revealed his biggest problem at this time, which was his inability to make a strong enough counterattack.

Although data tennis can indeed bring them more advantages, if their own strength is not strong enough, then it will be meaningless. After all, even if they can hit the tennis ball with the racket, it does not mean that they will be able to hit it back.

He is not strong enough now, which means that even if he can catch the opponent's serve, it is difficult for them to create a favorable environment for counterattack.

Yamabuki was not so surprised by Nidu's performance. After all, Nidu was able to firmly occupy the core position of the second doubles team. He had already started training when he was in the first grade, even if he only really showed himself last year. There are opportunities for talents, but because they are so strong, he doesn't need to be particularly serious most of the time.

As Yamabuki's No. [-] doubles player, he has the same strength as the No. [-] doubles players from other schools, and is even stronger. This makes Nito almost never encounter any difficult opponents in doubles matches.

In last year's soccer competition, Xindu led Xido to directly win the doubles championship. However, Xindu knew one thing very well. That was because Tudou Xiongbing did not participate in the competition. Even though he was already very strong, in Xindu's In my eyes, the strongest doubles team is Yamabuki's No. [-] doubles team Kentaro Minami and Masami Higashikata.

Because he knows they are very strong, Xindu also wants to try to challenge them. After all, the four people who can compete for the strongest doubles team in the country are in the same school and are usually in a state of competition, but Xindu and Kita The two of them were still not strong enough, and they basically lost the game 7:6 or 7:5.

This score does not seem to be a big gap between the two sides, so Xindu has always had an idea in his mind, that is, whether he can replace Tudou Xiongbing and become Yamabuki's number one doubles team in the national competition.

For this reason, Nidu works very hard. Not only does he work hard during training, but he also often communicates with Mitou in private regarding the development of his own skills.

Now Yuya wants Nidu to go all out in this game, so Nidu will naturally not miss this good opportunity to show off his talents.

Shinto won his serve directly with his serve. There was no resistance from Qingxue's side, which made the Fudomine players feel as if they were insulted.

In the semifinals, Fudomine's doubles was not taken so seriously by Yamabuki.

"If you guys feel dissatisfied, go back and train hard. If you want to gain respect from your opponents on the field, you must first show your strength. Xindu also wants to show his strength, but you really Can he do his best?"

Tachibana noticed the mood swings of the Fudomine players, and he warned them in a very stern tone that if they want to challenge Yamabuki, they can do it, but don't challenge them in private. If there are any problems, they can be solved on the field.

Hearing Tachibana's words, Ibu and the others also clenched their fists. Although the Yamabuki players were usually very kind, they did not take them seriously, which was absolutely unacceptable to them.

After his opponent won a set, Qian began to think about how to deal with his opponent, but he finally chose to use his newly developed high-speed serve to regain the victory first.

"Falling waterfalls release the ground."

Almost all this kind of direct serve requires a relatively tall height, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve this effect.

Both Chotaro and Gan are over 1.8 meters tall, which is a huge advantage. However, Kita did not make Gan satisfied with his flying waterfalls.

Although his running speed was fast enough, it couldn't be said to be Kita's advantage, but he still caught up with the tennis ball and hit it directly towards Aaron.

Now many people know that Qing Gakusuke uses data tennis, and the best option is not to give him the opportunity to collect data, but Yamabuki players are obviously not so worried about this matter, because they know very well how strong they are. .

It can be said that Kita's counterattack has clearly told his opponents that they can show off their abilities at will, and they will crack them one by one.

Seeing Yamabuki's high-profile counterattack, Coach Ryuzaki's expression changed.

In the past two years, Yamabuki has always had a mediocre feeling in the competition. Although everyone knew that they would win and the result was as everyone expected, they have never been so high-profile.

But now, Yamabuki's players not only look very serious, but when they fight back, they are also very high-profile. This makes Coach Ryuzaki realize that this year's Yamabuki seems to have entered another state, or because it is Yamabuki this year, it is possible A year after completing three consecutive national championships, they are telling others not to try to challenge them.

It can only be said that Yamabuki, who has completed two consecutive national championships, is indeed qualified and arrogant. The current Yamabuki may even be stronger than the Yamabuki two years ago.

At that time, Yamabuki's No. [-] doubles was also the strongest in the country, but No. [-] singles was still a problem. But now, Yamabuki's singles and doubles have no flaws and will be defeated. It can only be said that there are other powerful players. Yes, all the powerful characters can't go to study at Yamabuki.After realizing that Yamabuki's competitive status had changed, Coach Ryuzaki began to worry about Seigaku's players.

Because next, Yamabuki will obviously use his strongest state to defeat all Seigaku's opponents. Tezuka and Fuji obviously don't have to worry, but the same cannot be said for others.

Xin Du and Kita gave Qian plenty of time to collect information, but Aron also kept losing points. There was no way to do it when Qian couldn't provide much help. Alon alone couldn't fight against two people. As for him, The giant horn was also cracked by the rising dragon balls of Nito and Kita.

Shoryukyu was taught by Yuya to the Yamabuki players. As for how they developed it, Yuya never paid much attention to it. However, seeing Niwatou and Kita frequently hitting lobs, Yuya could only say these two This guy is really good at playing with his mentality.

Aaron's invincible giant horn had no effect against Yamabuki's players. Even though Coach Ryuzaki had predicted it in advance, she really didn't expect that Yamabuki's players would be so handy in dealing with Yuya's tricks. Could it be that Yuya accompanies them in training every day?

Qian and Aron, who had been beaten to 5:0, were bombarded by Nidu and Kita, and were completely unable to organize any effective counterattack.

Even if Qian was able to direct Aaron to carry out some more subtle counterattacks after collecting enough information, the two of them had no chance of winning, because the opportunities Qian found were all traps arranged for him by Nidu.

Kentaro and Masami are also playing data tennis, but their data tennis skills are rarely used very obviously. Nito, who doesn't have much feeling for data tennis, wants to compete with them and master it. He had the ability to release false data, but before he could use it on his teammates, he used it on his opponents, which made even Xindu feel helpless.

After Qian discovered that the data he collected were all wrong, his entire mental state was affected. After all, without data support, many of his tactics were ineffective.

Watching Miki walk off the court, Yanagi Renji felt sad for his friend, but he didn't expect that Yamabuki's No. [-] doubles player had mastered this ability. If he appeared in the No. [-] doubles match, it was possible that he would Misled by them.

However, when thinking about Yamabuki's No. [-] doubles, Yanagi Renji felt that he had been misled and still had a chance to solve the problem. However, facing the unstoppable fortress established by the Tudou Xiongbing, even Yanagi Renji could not find a way to break the fortress.

Technology and tacit understanding are both indispensable. If you want to break the Tudou Xiongbing's fortress, you must have strong enough strength, and those who meet this standard are basically players like Yukimura and Sanada, so you want to use absolute strength. It is almost impossible to break through with strength, especially when facing Yamabuki. Even if they win a doubles match, there are Yuya and Akutsu waiting for them behind.

Then we can only find ways to improve the level of tacit understanding. Ryu Renji can not only collect information about his opponents, but also about his partners. This is why he can play in doubles.

It's just that relying on Liu Ren'er's own tacit understanding is meaningless. For this reason, Liu Ren'er didn't think of any good way to solve the problem.

When you think about how strong Yamabuki's Potato Heroes are, you will think of how strong Yamabuki's Yuya is. The strongest singles and the strongest doubles are both in Yamabuki, and the second best singles and the second best doubles in the country are also in Yamabuki. In this way Unless a team reorganizes the original Kanto team and then adds a few more people, it will be difficult to compete with today's Yamabuki.

Qingxue's golden partner did not avoid the battle. He was defeated by Hyotei's Shishido and Chotaro before, which made Oishi and Kikumaru feel very bad. As Qingxue's golden combination, they are Qingxue's regular doubles players, but in On the field, the doubles team that wins the game is often Qingxue's No. [-] doubles team, which puts a lot of pressure on the two of them.

Now they finally have to face the strongest tag team in the country. Both Oishi and Kikumaru are very serious.

When the game started, Ryoma, who was mercilessly crushed by Sanada in the semifinals, finally had the energy to watch this game. However, after seeing Yamabuki's Potato Soldiers using the Fortress, he suddenly felt that he was being crushed. Pressure is not a big problem anymore.

Just looking at the two golden partners, no matter what attack they made, they failed to achieve any effect. The Tudou Xiongbing was just defending there, not giving the opponent any chance to score.

It's not like Ryoma has never seen this kind of tennis player before, but he has never seen someone who can really defend perfectly.

Looking at the Tudou Xiongbing's unstoppable fortress, Ryoma knew very well that he was facing two third-year seniors who were facing this kind of defenseless defense. This was a greater pressure than when he faced Sanada.

In any case, Ryoma relied on his selfless state to play a good game, but now the golden partner has no signs of winning.

Although the Tudou Xiongbing did not attack too much while watching the ball, their scores were rising steadily. It can be said that when they attack, they will definitely score. This kind of robot-like computing power makes Liu Renji feel like this This is the ultimate in data tennis.

It's a pity that it is impossible to reunite with Qian as a doubles team now.

According to Liu Renji's analysis of his and Qian's strengths, he believed that if he and Qian joined forces, they would be [-]% sure of breaking through Bubuluo Fortress.

Of course, it's just about conquering the fortress, not winning the game directly.

As the strongest doubles team in the country, Tudou Xiongbing's tacit understanding has reached a very terrifying level. At the same time, the strength of the two of them can serve as the leader in some teams.

Such a powerful doubles combination cannot be defeated directly by simply solving the Fortress.

Ryoma has never played such a painful game. As a spectator, he can already feel the despair of his golden partner.

When the score reached 5:0, Tudou Xiongbing changed its previous extreme defense and chose to take the initiative to attack, suddenly changing the rhythm of the game, but catching the golden partner off guard.

If the two of them weren't relatively powerful, they might have been defeated directly, but the two of them couldn't sustain it for too long. The intensive attack was like a saturation attack, making it impossible to defend at all.

(End of this chapter)

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