Chapter 273 Stubbornness
For the next whole week, Kang Chi stayed in the laboratory even eating and sleeping, frantically attacking every entanglement theory that might have flaws.

Seeing that Kang Chi was becoming more and more careless, Chen Hai couldn't help but find Yan Hui and asked Kang Chi what research he was doing recently.

"It seems to be about quantum entanglement... This thing is too brain-burning, and I can't understand it."

"Well, how about you help me persuade him to have a proper balance between work and rest, so as not to destroy his body..."

"Why don't you persuade me?"

"I tried, but he wouldn't listen."

"Then my words will be even more useless. Don't forget that he is the boss."


Chen Hai couldn't help but feel helpless.

He is responsible for Kang Chi. If there is a problem with his body or mental state, the leader will definitely take action on him...

"I just have a rest today, so I came here to visit and relax."

"Look at it however you want, it's all waste paper anyway."

Ren Zhou nodded, then looked at the dense drafts carefully, then picked up one and read it carefully.

After watching the two people enter, Chen Hai very wisely did not come in, and the door was quickly closed.

"That's it. How about I take you around Dongyang?"

Ren Zhou briefly glanced at the manuscript on Kang Chi's desk and said, "Is it convenient for me to take a look?"

"Quantum communications and stuff like that."

"Mr. Ren, why are you here free?"

In fact, Ren Zhou came here this time because he heard about this incident from Chief Shen and felt that Kang Chi might have accidentally gotten into trouble, so he came over to take a look at the situation and share what Chief Shen mentioned to him last time. Drone aircraft carrier.

Quantum communication?

[Considering that |B> satisfies (σI+Iσ)|B>=0, that is, a spin singlet with a total angular momentum of zero, then (σI)|B>=-Iσ|B>, so...]

When he learned that Ren Zhou was coming to visit Kang Chi, Chen Hai immediately felt that he had found a savior and quickly explained Kang Chi's condition to him.

Engaging in quantum communication is a dead end.

"What have you been studying lately?"

"Then there's no need to trouble you. I've been to Dongyang several times before..."

Ren Zhou was a little surprised when he heard that it was not electromagnetic waves. Apparently Kang Chi and him thought of going together. This was a good thing, but also a bad thing.

Chief Shen had already informed Kang Chi over the phone that Ren Zhou did not support drone carriers, so when he found out through surveillance that it was Ren Zhou, he was somewhat surprised.

So he nodded directly and said: "I will try my best."

Fortunately, a visitor suddenly came to Pangu Base.

After the two rang the doorbell, they waited at the door of Kang Chi's laboratory for ten minutes before the door opened.

While Ren Zhou and Kang Chi were chatting, they were also looking at the laboratory, but after seeing the huge base outside just now, nothing seemed so shocking now...

Ren Zhou immediately raised his head and looked at Kang Chi: "Are you... studying Bell's inequality?"

"Well, for quantum mechanics, it's an important point."

"But hasn't it been proven untrue?"

"I know that the Nobel Prize in Physics the year before last was given to Aspe and his friends."

Although Kang Chi was calm on the surface, he was actually a little tangled in his heart.

Because once the Bell's inequality proved by these three experts does not hold, it means that the biggest window in the application field of quantum entanglement theory has been closed. And he hopes to find a crack in this dense window...

But for now, he still has no progress.

No matter from the perspective of mathematics or physics, Kang Chi could not find any flaws in this theory.

Of course, if you can't find any flaws, it may be that Kang Chi's attainments are not high enough...

However, Kang Chi was not frustrated by this. Although he did not know what level his theoretical attainments were, at least the information was very easy to understand.

Moreover, it was normal for him not to be able to find a flaw that even the top scholars in the world could find.

Perhaps, these are indeed the truth, and this road was blocked from the beginning.

Or maybe there's something wrong with their experimental data.

However, if there are problems with the experimental data, it will usually be quickly exposed by other people's repeated verification experiments. If the experiment cannot be repeated, it will only be shelved and cannot be defined as truth.

Ren Zhou nodded. After putting down the draft in his hand, he picked up a pile and started reading. After about half an hour, he stopped with a headache.

"So you are on Einstein's side and want to prove Bell's inequality?"

Although he was not a researcher in this field, and he could not understand most of what Kang Chi wrote, this did not prevent him from roughly guessing Kang Chi's research direction through those slightly understandable parts.

"I haven't thought about where to stand." Kang Chi explained, "The main reason is that if we can't find the hidden variable, we won't be able to use the quantum entanglement phenomenon for real communication."

"But they have proven that hidden variables do not exist. By doing this, you are challenging the truth. What we are most afraid of when doing research is getting into trouble. This is a complete waste of your life..."

Kang Chi shook his head: "But how do you know this must be the truth?"

"The truth used to be that the sky is round and the earth is round, but what happened later? Classical mechanics was the truth in the past, but after entering the microscopic world, it doesn't work. So we have to rely on quantum mechanics?"

"Actually, from this perspective, I personally may indeed be biased towards Einstein. The reason is not that the EPR paradox they proposed just meets my needs, but that it is more in line with his perspective and scientific point of view on the world. My philosophy is that I believe God can throw dice, but I also believe that no matter how complicated the results are, they must be regular. The end of science is metaphysics, but the end of metaphysics may not be science!”

Kang Chi's words immediately left Ren Zhou speechless.

In fact, many people say that Einstein was stubborn in his later years, which was mainly reflected in his dispute with Bohr and others.

It is because quantum entanglement violates Lao Ai's basic beliefs.

Bohr and others believe that the current quantum mechanics is complete. Two entangled quanta complete a ghostly interaction without any reason in between.

Lao Ai, on the other hand, believes that quantum mechanics is only a temporary step towards a future deterministic theory that does not have the randomness he hates and can provide a more logical and orderly explanation of how the universe works.

He believes that the corresponding changes that occur between entangled quanta must have a hidden variable that has not yet been discovered, and this hidden variable must satisfy local realism.

The two sides had many arguments about whether the dice was thrown by God, but no one could convince the other.

In fact, let's talk about stubbornness. Both of them are stubborn, including Kang Chi now.

Even from the perspective of scientists who usually don’t take their words seriously, Bohr, who insists that quantum mechanics is a complete theory, is the unreasonable person. It’s just that no one has been able to refute his theory.

So later, there was Bell's inequality proposed by Bell.

Bell was originally just a scholar in the field of equipment engineering working on particle colliders, and studying quantum mechanics was purely an amateur interest. However, the proposal of this inequality made him instantly famous and became a key figure in quantum mechanics.

If Bell's inequality can be proved to be true, then Einstein is right. There is indeed a hidden variable that can constrain and affect the direction of quantum spin.

If this is not true, then Bohr is right, and quantum entanglement is so 'unreasonable'.

Later, Aspe and three other R&D teams, through a large number of experiments and demonstrations, finally proved that Bell's inequality does not hold.

He even won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

At that time, Lao Ai's coffin board was probably almost unable to hold it down...

(End of this chapter)

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