Technological power starts with upgrading lenses.

Chapter 286: Holding a Military Exhibition

Chapter 286: Holding a Military Exhibition

"A great country values ​​weapons, a great country values ​​weapons!"

On the bus on the way back, the military bosses all had red faces and excitedly discussed the shocking scene just now.

The real Y-20S has not yet been produced, but they have already begun discussing how many aircraft to purchase.

The first thing to reach an agreement is to carry out major modifications to the 80 Y-20s currently in service, from four engines to two engines.

The replaced engine will not be wasted and can be used to develop a small transport aircraft to replace the old Yun-12 and fill the gap of small-scale troop deployment and low travel efficiency of high-level generals.

This improvement project alone will require 160 turbofan 30s, which will be enough for Datang Heavy Industries and XAC to be busy for a while.

Especially for Datang Heavy Industry, the pressure on production is still quite high.

However, this also brought a huge order to Kangchi.
The single selling price of Tongyong Electric's GE9X engine is about 4000 million US dollars, which is equivalent to about 3 million RMB.

Kangchi's quotation for the Turbofan 30 is also 3 million, but the performance is completely crushed, and the price/performance ratio is absolutely outstanding.

But even if the price/performance ratio is high, the purchase of engine replacement alone will still cost a real amount of 480 billion.

In fact, when they heard the quotation before the test flight, many leaders thought it was too expensive. After watching the first flight today, no one thought it was expensive anymore.

Of course, the headache is still a headache.

Not counting the cost of modification, the engine alone costs so much money. You can imagine how tight the military budget will be.
What's more, hundreds of real Yun-20S and ten Yun-30 Super Kunpeng will be needed later. XAC's initial quotations for them are 16 billion and 35 billion, and the initial estimate is about billion.

The large strategic transport aircraft smells really good, but it’s also really expensive!

The country's annual military expenditure is only 1.5 trillion. It must be very tight to suddenly spend such a large amount of military expenditure, and it can only be spread evenly over the next few years.

But the performance improvement of Yun 20S is so great that they can’t wait to use it immediately.

If we spread it out over several years, it would mean that we would modify and build dozens of aircraft every year.
If you get one point for several war zones, you may get single digits. Who can use it?

Thinking that if they don't pay, they won't be able to buy their beloved big plane, their hearts are itching.

But the question is, where does the money come from?
The Presbyterian House will grant more batches to some extent, but it will definitely be limited.

After all, military expenditure has a proportion to GDP. Excessive expenditure will not only affect economic development, but also put pressure on the outside world, thinking that China is going to engage in an arms race.

So I can only figure it out myself.

And this method is also very simple.

Selling arms!
Let others spend money to dress themselves up.

"Let's hold a military exhibition, call Pakistan Railway, Tiger, Camel, Liang Yi, etc., find a way to sell the previous Y-20, and directly build Y-20S in the future, and deliver one Y-20 for every two built give them."

"Is this...suitable?"

"What's not suitable? Old M's C17 can be sold, why can't our Yun 20?"

In fact, with the arrival of the Turbofan 30, the Turbofan 20 has been eliminated.

Putting aside the issue of whether it can be reversed, even if these countries are given the drawings and technology directly, they do not have the industrial chain to build it.

And those who can reverse it are Old M and the others.

But with their engine technology, there is no reason for reverse turbofan 20.

At the same time, directly selling Universiade is also the most direct way to show the strength of a big country. It can also win over a wave of international favorability and increase international influence.

So things were quickly agreed upon. In addition to the Y-20, helicopters that have been eliminated by Yinhe or are about to be eliminated can also be packaged and sold together.

After getting off the car, Chief Shen pulled Kang Chi aside and asked him privately: "How is your communication technology research going?"

"We have some clues, but we are not sure yet and need to conduct experimental verification."

" your company strapped for funds?"

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"You must need a lot of money to research and develop drone aircraft carriers, right? If funds are tight, I can help you apply and see if we can castrate the battery performance of Yinhe and sell it together."

"That's not necessary." Kang Chi shook his head and said,

"It will take a long time to finish your Yinhe order. Moreover, we also have a development plan for the commercial version of Yinhe, so we don't have to worry about overcapacity and sales. In addition, COMAC has also ordered a large number of civilian versions of its turbofans. 30 orders, my financial pressure is not great.”

Chief Shen couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Kang's family has a great cause and excellent technology, but I am unfounded."

"That's why I can protect these assets because you are strong enough... Speaking of which, this is what Mr. Cai said to me back then."

"Well, when he said this, I actually meant it as well. If our army is not strong enough, those oil bugs you made abroad may be robbed in minutes."

"That's why I transformed into an arms dealer."


Speaking of this, Chief Shen couldn't help but feel a little worried and said: "On the one hand, I hope you can come up with high-tech equipment, but on the other hand, I am a little scared... You are constantly changing our army's uniforms, and the military expenditure is simply too much."

"Haha, that's your business, but you can rest assured that the money I earn from you is basically used for research and development and production. The money eventually flows back to the economy, creating countless jobs and GDP, when GDP rises, your military spending will also increase.”

"We have never worried about this. Everyone knows that you never spend money recklessly, and even the input and output are a bit seriously... disproportionate."

"Isn't this a good thing?"

"Of course it's a good thing... Then I look forward to your new good news!"

Chief Shen gently patted Kang Chi on the shoulder, then turned and walked onto the plane.

Ten minutes later, the special plane took off back to Yanjing.
Kang Chi waited for about ten minutes and felt another supersonic flight...

After all, Dr. Kang’s time is precious and he likes to fly in fighter jets.
Is there any reason not to satisfy him?

After returning to Pangu Base, Kang Chi immediately entered the state and began to prepare for the formal double-slit experiment of quantum entanglement.

That night, he completed the installation and debugging of the entire experimental device.

Considering that the time was a bit late, and he was indeed a bit tired from running around for a few days, Kang Chi had no choice but to endure his curiosity and go to sleep first. Since he didn't set the alarm clock, he slept until after nine o'clock. The experiment officially started at noon the next day.

The whole experiment is actually very simple.

He just pressed a button, and in less than a second, the experiment was complete.

From the outside of the device, it looks like nothing is happening.

But if the experimental device runs as planned, in less than one second, the photon emitting device decays a pion, and then the photon passes through the electron double-slit interference gate, splits into two entangled quanta, and In the end, the two quantum traps manufactured by Kang Chi were locked up separately.

The next step is to use the detector in the trap to observe the quantum and see its spin direction.

(End of this chapter)

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