Simulate the future starting from swallowing

Chapter 104 The Sixth Floor of Tongtian Bridge

Chapter 104 The Sixth Floor of Tongtian Bridge

In the 145th year, you understood the small branch of change in the original law of time, and dead things accelerated.As long as you are willing, you can now communicate with the original laws of time and get recognition from the lowest level of laws.

In the same year, Ai Chen broke through to the Domain Lord level and chose to come to your side.

In the 153rd year, you completed all points tasks.

In the 155th year, you and Ai Chen spent ten years exchanging insights on the secret method every day.

Then you chose to return to the original secret realm and broke through the 16th floor of Tongtian Bridge and the original Tongtian Mountain at the domain lord level.

At this point, you have no worries and choose to break through to the World Lord level. The rewards for the two original Tongtian Mountains that you have passed will be credited to your account, and your points balance will soar by 31 billion.

You have finally gained enough points to allow the Four-Elephant Dragon clone to practice the Ice God General's Amplitude Secret Technique.

In the 160th year, you left the original secret realm and went to Tianchen Universe Kingdom to meet your teacher.

You are about to go to an external battlefield for training. According to the regulations of the Virtual Universe Company, you must undergo a life and death training, so all your clones must be dispatched, otherwise it will not be considered a real training for you.

Although you personally attach great importance to this experience, the Lord of Tianchen Kingdom knows that there is a great existence that has been following you secretly.

The life and death experience of a world lord-level member can actually be protected secretly by a great being who truly overlooks countless eras. You are definitely the number one in the history of the tribe.

Finally, your teacher gave you two important treasures, one is a soul defense treasure, and the other is a special field treasure.

The two heavy treasures are top-notch heavy treasures divided into multiple forms, and their value is comparable to the most common treasures.With your world lord-level power, you can completely activate the first level form, and no one will find out that it is a valuable treasure.

In the 161st year, you go to Haoyun Star, one of the eight major logistics planets in human territory. All humans going to battlefields outside the territory must undergo permission authentication on the logistics planet.

Because of your special situation, although you are only the ninth level of the world lord level, you will be certified as an elementary immortal god during the certification.

At the same time, you are required to accumulate more than 1000 billion military merits in foreign battlefields before you can regain your freedom. This is the highest amount required by the Immortal War Lord. Only the extremely powerful Immortal War Lord can have such high requirements.

You have the special ability to hide aura and domain-type treasures, and you can fully display abilities similar to the law field, and in most cases the secret will not be revealed.

You have been assigned to the third extraterrestrial battlefield. As an immortal god, you can choose to lead an army after joining the extraterrestrial battlefield, or you can choose to join the immortal elite team.

In the end, you choose to join the team of immortal gods. The captain is a strong man who reluctantly became a prince.

In the 164th year, you encountered an elementary lord-level alien race, and the captain barely held him back. At the critical moment, you used 30 times the amplitude, bursting out 3000 times the peak power of an ordinary realm lord, activating the powerful domain treasure, and cooperated with the captain to completely defeat him. Kill this alien feudal lord.

As the main force in killing the immortal princes, you have obtained 1000 billion military merits and are now free. However, you still choose to continue training in the squad.

In the 241st year, Luo Feng suddenly contacted you and said that Xu Xin had discovered a mysterious stone slab on the earth and asked if it was your treasure.

You told Luo Feng no, and asked about Luo Feng's current situation.

In the 413th year, you understood the first small branch of space change.

In the past 100 years, you have gained a certain reputation in the battlefield outside the territory, and you are called the Marquis of the Galaxy, because when you display your 'field', there is a vast and magnificent galaxy, which is considered to be immortal through the breakthrough of the law of light.

In the same year, you chose to say goodbye to your teammates and began to experience the battlefield alone outside the territory.

In the 433rd year, under the advice of Teacher Tianchen Kingdom, you began to create your own secret method.

In the 543rd year, you initially created a sword technique that carries the laws of time and space, called "Die Judgment". Teacher Tianchen Kingdom gave it an evaluation at the level of ordinary secret techniques.

In the 653rd year, you perfected the first sword of "The Age", and by perfecting the sword technique, you created the second technique, which is excellent among ordinary secret techniques.

With your attainments in law at the feudal level, you are able to create techniques that are close to the top level. Teacher Tianchen Kingdom greatly praises you.

In the 794th year, you created the third sword of "Date of Era", whose power is first-class among ordinary secret arts.

In the 943rd year, you were chased by a powerful man at the peak of his feudal lordship. The opponent's Divine Body Amplitude was able to explode nearly 1 times the power of the Realm Lord. You were no match for him.

In the 944th year, you were hunted for a whole year, and finally found an opportunity to release the clone of Wushen Chi.

The clone of the Five God Chi is born at the cosmic level. It will evolve when it breaks through the realm master level. When it enters adulthood, its genetic level reaches 678 times, which is very powerful among special beings.

The clone of Wushen Chi, which is nearly seven hundred times the genetic level, uses the innate secret method "Five Divine Powers". After the body's amplitude is a hundred times greater, it has [-] times the power of the Realm Lord. It can barely activate the power of the first form of the domain's heavy treasure, giving you the ability to kill The ability of the feudal lord's immortal essence.

Then, you started to hunt down this demon prince. The clone of Five Gods Chi possessed the secret method of teleportation, and it finally took half a year to successfully kill this demon prince.

Since then, you have become famous, and the entire outer battlefield knows that you have a powerful immortal life clone that is comparable to the king level.

In the 1004th year, you vaguely touched the threshold of the artistic conception of the law of space-time fusion.

In the 1546th year, you understood the small branch changes of the eight superior laws, and perfected the "Die Dao" sword technique to eight moves, which is the limit among ordinary secret techniques.

In the 2164th year, you understood the rudiments of the true meaning of time and space, and your legal attainments were comparable to those at the peak of a feudal lord. You unified the eight sword techniques of "The End of Time" into one, and created the sword technique "End of Time", truly stepping into the level of top secret skills.

In year 2231, you try to enter the inner area of ​​the outer battlefield to experience. Generally, only king-level immortals will set foot in this area.

Although you are a top player on the outside, with kings everywhere in the inner area, you can barely escape the level of the weak, so you mainly stay on the edge of the inner area.

In the 2734th year, your attainments in the two major laws have greatly increased, and you have understood more than twenty changes in higher laws. While perfecting "The End of Time", you also created the second top secret "The End of the World".

In the 2866th year, you got the news that Luo Feng broke through to the realm lord level this year, and during his period at the realm lord level, he also broke through the realm lord level primitive Tongtian Mountain. In one era, two people with at least tens of millions of epochs were born. It is very rare for a peerless genius to emerge.

At the same time, Luo Feng was also accepted as a personal disciple by the Lord of Chaos City and was practicing hard in the Chaos City of the Initial Universe.

In the 2941st year, although you acted very low-key, you were targeted by a king-level Zerg mother queen, who had hundreds of lord-level Zerg warriors under her command. You were hunted down in great embarrassment.

In the same year, you chose to leave the outer battlefield because you found that Wushen Chi, who only relied on more than 600 times the life gene, was nothing in the inner area of ​​the outer battlefield.

You decided to give birth to the second clone of the four-elephant dragon clone. You decided to give birth to a powerful special life with a thousand times life genes.

The clone technique of the Four-Elephant Dragon Clan is among the best in the entire peak race that possesses the clone technique. It can generally breed creatures with 15 times to 1500 times the genes of ordinary life.

As long as special beings reach a thousand times the number of genes, they are all super special beings and are almost unique in the universe.

After returning to the original secret realm, you will exchange all your gains over the years into points. The total points are nearly 100 billion, which is comparable to some weaker extreme kings.

Then you chose to sell the shares of Tiangong Group to Virtual Universe Company.

Over the years, the Tiangong Group has developed vigorously. It has developed very well in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom, Tianchen Universe Kingdom, Beiji Universe Kingdom where Luo Feng serves as the supervisor, and Yushen Universe where the Ai Chen clan is located. At the same time, it has developed well in the other 91 countries. A branch was opened in a higher space country.

In the end, Tiangong Group's evaluation plan was approved by a mysterious entity, and two plans were given, one for valuation based on 5000 billion Hunyuan units or 1000 billion points.

You chose the latter and sold 30% of your shares, earning 300 billion points, bringing the total points to 400 billion.

In the same year, you began to purchase various resources on a large scale to enhance the world inside the protocore of the Four Elephants Dragon. Only by expanding your own world to the limit can you breed special lives with more than a thousand times the life genes.

In the 3412th year, the prokaryotic world in your body finally expanded to its limit, 1.5 million kilometers.

This is 1.5 times the limit of the inner world of most of the pinnacle bloodlines of the universe. This is also the reason why the Four-Elephant Dragon Clan can breed more powerful clones.

In the same year, you had a phone call with Teacher Tianchen Kingdom. You wanted to give birth to a clone, preferably one with a thousand times genetic life or more.

After confirming that you are just the secondary clone that gave birth to the four-elephant dragon clone, Teacher Tianchen Kingdom asked you to wait for his news.

In the 3415th year, you got a branch of the World Lord-level World Tree. According to the calculations of the ethnic group, the life gene of the World Lord-level World Tree is about 1200 times, and your four-elephant dragon clone should be able to breed it.

On that day, you chose to give birth to the world tree clone, and finally managed to give birth to it successfully.

You breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was theoretically possible to breed a special life with 1500 times more genes, that was only theoretical.

Endless years ago, before the Dragon Tower Star was controlled by the human race, although the Four-Elephant Dragon, as the strongest dragon clan, had a venerable-level existence, no Four-Elephant Dragon had ever given birth to more than a thousand times more special life clones.

It takes nearly 3000 years to breed the World Tree clone. If you choose to use the Time Palace, it will be accelerated by 10 times, and the annual consumption will only be about 1 points.

Next, you choose to practice hard in the original secret realm, intending to create the third top-notch sword technique.

In the 3710th year, the World Tree clone was born. Its body was extremely huge. The diameter of the tree body was 120 million kilometers and it was as high as 6000 million kilometers. The diameter of the crown was more than 1 million kilometers. It was an absolute behemoth.

And the most important thing is that your affinity for the two superior laws of time and space has skyrocketed to a terrifying level.In the face of the two high-level law talents, World Tree can basically be said to be the number one in the universe. There may be other lives that surpass World Tree in the single high-level law talent, but the comprehensive law talent is almost the undisputed number one.

Especially the innate secret method of controlling time and space makes your understanding of the fusion of time and space countless times easier.

But here comes the problem. Practicing the secret method of amplitude with such a huge body consumes an extremely huge number of resources. According to your rough estimate, even if the amplitude of the body reaches 30 times, it will consume more than 10 trillion Hunyuan units of ice. resource.

You suddenly feel that you are completely broke.

In the 3866th year, you were in seclusion to create the secret method. Suddenly you received an invitation from Luo Feng, telling you that he planned to explore the outside world and asked you if you wanted to join him. You happily went to the appointment and planned to get some resources for the World Tree clone to practice the amplitude secret method.

In the 5041st year, you and Luo Feng achieved great fame on the battlefield outside the territory. In this year, Luo Feng created his own unique skill, Mingyue Ce.

Of course, you are not far behind. Over the years, you have understood more than 50 changes in higher-level laws. Even without relying on the prototype of the black hole artistic conception, you can break through the 17th floor of the Tongtian Bridge and approach the attainment of the king-level laws.

In the 5042nd year, you and Luo Feng plan to explore the Yanji Continent.

After several years of wandering in the Yanji Continent, you and Luo Feng obtained the inheritance of the indigenous people of the Yanji Continent, and the complete inheritance of the production and use of secret pattern weapons.

Although Luo Feng doesn't attach much importance to it, you know that this will be an important treasure for the rise of your Tiangong Group.

In the same year, you chose to say goodbye to Luo Feng, returned to the human realm, and began to develop the Tiangong Group.

In the 5356th year, you suddenly received an email from Luo Feng. Luo Feng bluntly said that he was accepting some kind of supreme inheritance and needed to go through a long test. If he has not entered the virtual universe after 6000 years, it means that he may have fallen. I hope you can take care of his family.

You were greatly surprised, and then asked to see the Lord of Chaos City to verify Luo Feng's current condition.

The Lord of Chaos City also received the email, but he tells you not to worry. This kind of inheritance that requires a life and death test is very common in the universe. Even if Luo Feng really falls, he will resurrect Luo Feng as long as he is not controlled by the soul.

In the 6904th year, you choose to use the 3000 years of world lord level initial universe enlightenment to come to the initial universe for latent cultivation.

In the 8901st year, this year, I fully understood the 51st time branch change and the 49th space law change. In terms of law attainment alone, I have been able to pass the 18th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, which is comparable to the immortal king.

For any superior law, there are as many as 10081 kinds of branch changes. Only by understanding 100 kinds of minimum branch changes can one be regarded as a king-level enlightenment. Only by understanding 1000 kinds of branch changes can one be considered a high-level king.

Only by understanding more than three thousand branch changes can it be possible to understand the mystery of a superior law, and be able to condense a divine body that is 10 times the power of a world lord, and reach the level of the peak king.

In the 9743rd year, you reorganized your understanding of the law, perfected the secret techniques "End of Time" and "End of World", and created the third sword technique "Origin of the Universe"

In the same year, after thousands of years, you chose to break through the overpass, killing the guards on the 17th and 18th floors, but were defeated on the 19th floor. Facing the true mystery of the upper law, you were no match.

Only understanding the prototype of the artistic conception of time and space, it can only be said that the changes in the upper laws are perfectly combined, but not completely coherent.

Only by truly understanding the artistic conception of time and space can the changes in completely unrelated laws of time and space be displayed in a coherent manner, and the power is comparable to understanding the mystery of a superior law.

Although you have never broken through the 19th floor, there are only two people who can compete with you among the realm master-level members in the entire original area in terms of law attainment.

Both of them are peerless geniuses, and they have practiced hard for hundreds of thousands of years, and their legal attainments are also very close to the 10th floor of Tongtian Bridge.

But in terms of real combat power, the two of them tied together are far inferior to you with the Yggdrasil clone.

In the 1th year, you were comprehending the 54th branch of the law of time and suddenly fell asleep and lost consciousness.

The game is over.


On the top of the mountain that pierced the sky, Zhao Chen, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Dead objects merge into the void and folds and changes..."

"Time trajectory distortion changes...time deprivation changes..."

Tens of thousands of years of memory and information contain nearly 1 years of world lord-level Zhao Chen's understanding of laws and secret skills.

World Lord-level Zhao Chen's thinking speed is tens of thousands of times that of the universe-level. After possessing the World Tree clone, his understanding of higher laws is hundreds of thousands of times more clear than that of the universe-level. His understanding and attainments have lasted for tens of thousands of years. , how terrifying that is.

In a short period of time, Zhao Chen's consciousness was completely enveloped by endless information.

In the world inside the body, an extremely dazzling light burst out from the soul that looked exactly like Zhao Chen, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a little sun.

The soul directly enters the limit of the speed of thinking. Every moment, every moment, Zhao Chen has to accept a huge amount of information and understanding of the law.

At this moment, the galaxy composed of Zhao Chen's mental power began to move crazily, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be on fire.

The operation of thoughts also consumes energy. Even with Zhao Chen's ninth-level cosmic telekinesis, the halo of the telekinesis galaxy dimmed in just a few minutes.

At the same time, Zhao Chen's body temperature began to rise in the outside world, and the energy consumed by the operation of his thoughts was actually very large.

During this process, Zhao Chen's whole temperament was changing. Under the influence of his independent personality, he no longer seemed so aloof, but instead became profound and calm.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhao Chen completely digested the memories and energy of the past tens of thousands of years, but he was still immersed in the majestic understanding of the law and could not recover for a long time.

"Master, master, this is Luo Xiaosi's communication request!"

Zhao Chen finally came back to his senses. He looked a little tired, as if he was mentally and physically haggard.

However, Zhao Chen's eyes were indeed unprecedentedly tranquil and profound, with clear pupils surging with clear light, giving people a sense of wisdom as deep as the abyss.

"Cosmic level, the understanding of the law on the 18th floor of Tongtian Bridge, if you tell it, it will probably scare people to death."

Zhao Chen let out a long breath, the clear glow and divine light in his eyes gradually became restrained, and his whole person became simple and unpretentious.

He no longer had the profound and sea-like temperament at the end of his life, nor the otherworldly feeling before, as if he was just an ordinary person.

"It seems that at the cosmic level, this time is my limit."

Cosmic-level deduction for 1 years is probably the limit. If it were really for 10 years, and for tens of thousands of years of enlightenment and cultivation based on World Lord-level laws, I am afraid that it would really exceed the limit of one's own endurance.

The state of mind does have certain blessings on all aspects of the will and soul, but it has almost no blessing on the speed of thinking.

The stronger the soul, the faster the thinking speed, and the more information can be received and understood in an instant.

"Get through Luo Feng's call."

After Zhao Chen finished speaking, Luo Feng's figure appeared on the video.

"Brother, I'm ready. When will we... eh?"

Luo Feng looked at Zhao Chen and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The feeling that Zhao Chen gave him now seemed to be no longer aloof and above all.

Luo Feng said uncertainly: "Senior brother, you seem to have changed a bit?"

"You have had an epiphany, and your mood and will have improved slightly. Do you plan to go to the Magic Mountain World?" Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Luo Feng nodded: "Senior brother, when should we set off?"

Zhao Chen groaned and said: "Wait a moment, I will return to the original secret realm next, and let the dragon clone go to the magic mountain secret realm with you to experience."

After making an agreement with Luo Feng, Zhao Chen ended the call.

One last look at the nine black holes at the end of the void. The artistic conception of the laws of time and space that was previously incomprehensible can now be traced.

"Quiet, pack up your belongings, let's go back to the original secret realm!"

"Good master! (^ω^)"

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 It’s a big chapter of more than 5000 words. I can’t stand it anymore and I’m going to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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