Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 1 Xue Baochai enters the mansion and delivers a letter to Li Weijian

Chapter 1 Xue Baochai enters the mansion and delivers a letter to Li Weijian
Dashun Zhenghe nine years.

It was already the end of the first lunar month, but it snowed again yesterday, so instead of getting warmer in the capital, there was a spring cold.

Just after noon, Jin Chuan led several maids to clean carefully.The smoke from the fumigation cage was steaming, and the room was filled with sandalwood.

Mrs. Wang was sitting on the bedside, twirling Buddhist beads in her hands. Her face was calm, but her heart was quite lonely.

Dongyue received a letter from her sister, and thanks to Jia Yucun's settlement of Xue Pan's lawsuit, Mrs. Wang felt a little relieved.Following my elder brother's promotion, he was promoted to a side vacancy, and he was worried about the lack of contact with his parents' family.My sister wrote that she wanted to come to Beijing as soon as possible, so Mrs. Wang calculated that it would be February before her sister and her family came to Beijing, right?
Just as he was thinking about it, the door curtain suddenly opened, and Xizizi from Lin Zhixiao's family came to congratulate him: "Madam, my concubine brought my brother and sister to Beijing with their family, and they got off the car outside the door."

Mrs. Wang immediately stood up, beaming with joy.After asking a few questions about Lin Zhixiao's family, he quickly ordered Jin Chuan and other maids to tell Sister Feng, Baoyu, Sanchun and others to go to Yimen to welcome her and her family.

After a while, Jia Lian went out to welcome her first. Sister Feng, Baoyu, Sanchun, and Daiyu, together with Aunt Zhao and Aunt Zhou, all arrived and followed Mrs. Wang out to welcome her.

Halfway through, Yuanyang walked quickly and said that the old lady had received the letter and asked Mrs. Wang to pick up Aunt Xue and lead the people to the old lady's place.

Mrs. Wang responded without hesitation, and when the group of people came out of the Neiyi Gate and greeted them in front of the Yimen, they saw several housekeepers happily ushering in two women, one old and one young.

The elder saw Mrs. Wang and came quickly, and Mrs. Wang also hurried to meet her.The two met each other and held hands. The sisters met each other in their old age, not to mention the mixed joys and sorrows, and they laughed and cried.

Aunt Xue wiped her tears and waved to the girl behind her: "Baochai, come and see Auntie."


Xue Baochai lowered his head in a low voice and was filled with happiness. Mrs. Wang hurriedly stepped forward to help her. She looked up and down. She saw that he was tall, gentle and graceful, with red lips that were not dotted, and green eyebrows that were not painted. He had a good color and was instantly Bu Te said: "Okay, okay, okay! I don't want to be so big in a flash."

After a pause, Mrs. Wang put away her smile and said in surprise: "Where's Pan'er?"

Aunt Xue said with a smile: "Pan'er is too old after all, how can he walk into the inner house carelessly? He is on his way to meet some masters at the moment."

Mrs. Wang was about to say something scolding when Wang Xifeng behind her smiled and said without saying anything: "Madam, aunt, if you want to talk to me later, we can talk to you later. It's cold outside... Besides, the old lady urged me twice. This time, I’m afraid I’ve been anxious for a long time.”

Mrs. Wang suddenly understood and said with a smile: "Yes, don't keep the old lady waiting. Sister, come with me quickly."

Mrs. Wang turned back and took Aunt Xue's hand and walked inside. Only then did Baoyu and Daiyu behind her get a clear look at Baochai.

Daiyu saw that Baochai's color was very good. She glanced at Baoyu beside her and saw that Baoyu's eyes were crazy again.Daiyu was annoyed and whispered: "Brother, why don't you ask the new sister if she has any jade?"

Baoyu came back to his senses, turned around and saw Daiyu looking at him sideways, with a sneer on her face. "My sister is really good at joking."

Daiyu said something just now, but it was Daiyu who was new here last year. When Baoyu saw her, he said, "I have seen this sister before." Then he looked at Daiyu carefully next to the old lady and asked 'But there is no jade'.

Daiyu replied: "I don't have that. I think that jade is a rare thing. How can everyone have it?"

After Baoyu heard this, he suddenly became crazy. He took off the jade and threw it away, causing a scene.

Seeing that Daiyu was unhappy, Baoyu didn't bother to see Baochai anymore, and only stayed with him to make Daiyu happy.

The group of people were waiting in a bustling manner, passing through the hanging flower gate. Mrs. Wang introduced Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai to pay homage to Jia Mu.Aunt Xue gave various favors and gifts.The servants met together. When Jia Mu saw Baoyu staring at Baochai like a monkey, she said, "My concubine is coming from afar. She is tired after the long journey, so why not go and have a rest first." Girl Feng ordered to go down and treat the concubine's wind. Banquet. These little ones are looking at making out, so why not just let them make out for a while."

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "Hey, our ancestors are still thoughtful. The old people in the Wei Tao Mansion all say that our ancestors were good at running the family when they were young."

Jia Mu laughed and scolded: "You are a scoundrel who is always making fun of you. Go ahead and stop hanging around me, an old lady."

Everyone stood up to leave. Mrs. Wang took her younger sister, Aunt Xue, to talk, and the younger ones also gathered together and chatted endlessly.

Mrs. Wang and Aunt Xue were walking to the east courtyard, and Mrs. Wang asked, "Is your journey going smoothly, sister?"

Aunt Xue's smile faded and she said, "There were some twists and turns. Fortunately, there was no danger."

"How do you say that?"

Aunt Xue sighed, with an expression on her face that suggested she could not bear to look back on the past.

But on the other side, several young people gathered together. Sanchun was asking around Baochai. Baoyu was sitting aside with Daiyu at first. Seeing the excitement there, he scratched his head and ears for a long time, and finally couldn't help but go over to join in the fun.

Tanchun had a cheerful temper. After asking about Jinling, he suddenly asked: "It's hard to travel in this first month. Fortunately, my sister and aunt had a smooth journey and got home safely."

Hearing this, Baochai looked slightly dazed on his face and said with a smile: "Peace and safety are true, but smooth sailing is not necessarily the case."

Baoyu squeezed his second sister Yingchun aside, leaned over and asked, "Sister Bao, how do you say this?"

Xue Baochai mused: "I just passed through Dezhou before, and I was attacked by water bandits at night..."

"Water bandit?" Everyone was shocked.

Baochai nodded and said: "A dozen water bandits came over in a small boat at night. They climbed on the bow and killed anyone they saw. Fortunately, a righteous man came to help and the danger was saved."

Speaking of this section, Baochai fell into a trance again, and the scene at that time vaguely appeared in front of his eyes.She peeked through the window lattice and saw the sound of fighting from the rear boat. Sailors and guards were carrying sticks and fighting with the thieves holding knives. Another small boat was approaching her official ship, and the thieves' long heads were visible under the moonlight. The knife glowed coldly.

Then there was a continuous crash of bowstrings, and the thief on the boat screamed and fell into the water.Baochai turned around and looked around, and saw a boat approaching at some point in the river. Under the lantern carried on the bow of the boat, a man stood facing the wind. The bowstring in his hand was trembling, and he shot out arrows one by one, hitting the thieves who tried to get closer. Falling into water.

Baoyu liked to hear such strange things the most, and kept asking: "What happened next? What happened next?"

Baochai said: "Later, the inspection department was alerted, and soldiers gathered around. The culprits fled after seeing that they could not do anything."

Baoyu was greatly disappointed: "Sister Bao really can't tell stories."

Tanchun on the side said: "Brother Bao's words don't make sense. It's clearly Sister Bao who is in danger. How can you just listen to it as a story?"

Baoyu suddenly understood and said no.

Tanchun's beautiful eyes flashed repeatedly. She admired such a hero the most in her heart, so she asked: "I don't know who the righteous man was... Sister Bao, did you ever thank that righteous man later?"

Baochai shook his head slightly: "That man went with the soldiers of the Inspection Department and never returned at dawn. The official ship couldn't wait, so my mother had to let the official ship set off." Tan Chun said it was a pity.Just at this moment, Lin Zhixiao's family came in a hurry, glanced at it, happily looked for Li Wan who had been sitting with him, handed him a letter, and said with a smile: "I heard the magpies chirping early this morning, please tell me I'm here." Unexpectedly, my concubine is in for a double happiness. Grandma, there is someone outside the door. They say they are relatives from Grandma’s hometown. This is the letter."


Li Wan reluctantly took the letter, opened it and looked at it, and he suddenly became happy.

Baoyu came over again and asked: "Sister-in-law, you are so happy, who is here?"

Li Wan stood up, pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "Brother Jian - my cousin."

"Cousin?" Baoyu suddenly lost interest when he heard it was a man.

Li Wan said happily: "My cousin is coming to the capital to take the Qiu Wei examination. Sister Baochai, I will go and greet him."

Baochai quickly stood up and said, "You're welcome, my sister-in-law will go on her own."

"Brother Bao, sisters, please stay with me for a little longer."

Without saying a word, Li Wan took two maids, Su Yun and Bi Yue, and hurried towards Yimen to welcome him.

But on the other side, Xue Pan, the stupid overlord, visited Jia Zheng and Jia She, and then went to Dongfu to visit Jia Zhen before returning with Jia Lian.

After entering the east corner gate, Xue Pan gestured and shook his head and said: "...the back boat carrying the goods was shouting for murder, and there were thieves paddling the boat towards this end, but my mother and sister were trying to stop me. At that time, I had to draw a knife and fight with all my strength."

"Yeah?" Jia Lian responded feebly. He had heard Xue Pan's words once from Jia Zheng, once from Jia She and Jia Zhen, and this was the fourth time after all.No matter how fresh the story is, it is no longer interesting now.

"At this moment, I heard the bow string crashing and crashing. I opened the window and looked over to follow the sound. Second brother, guess what?" Before Jia Lian responded, Xue Pan asked and answered: "I saw it thirty feet away. There is a righteous man in white with his bow and arrows ready, and a string of arrows in one hand. His arrows are not missed, and every arrow he shoots will definitely hit a thief..."

Jia Lian couldn't help but interjected: "That's a bit too much. It's so dark. How can you hit someone thirty feet away?"

"Well...even if it's not thirty feet, it's still ten feet. Just look at the white clothes...the white clothes..." Xue Pan suddenly stamped his feet in front of the Yimen, and Jia Lian took two more steps before stopping: "Brother Pan, why don't you gone?"

Xue Pan's eyes widened and he pointed far away: "Righteous soldier! That person is the righteous man in white that night! Righteous soldier, please don't leave!"

The stupid overlord started to chase him, but Master Lian quickly stopped him: "Brother Pan, wait a minute, you can't break into this inner house."

Xue Pan struggled twice, then suddenly smiled and said: "It's really effortless to get through the iron shoes and find nowhere. I was thinking about where to find the righteous man, but I didn't expect to bump into him in the house. Hahaha..."

Jia Lian, who was holding Xue Pan, turned to look at Yimen, and saw the man in white greeting Grandma Li Wan, talking briefly, and then followed her inside.Second Master Lian was wondering, who is this man?How did he get involved with his sister-in-law Li Wan?
Xue Pan shouted again, and the man finally heard the sound, so he stopped and looked back.From a distance, Mr. Lian couldn't see his face clearly. He only saw that the man seemed to be smiling, and then waved his hand in this direction.


Li Wan led the two maids with brisk steps, but after passing the Neiyi Gate, their steps gradually slowed down.There is a saying that people are more timid when they are close to hometown, but they are also timid when they meet old relatives and friends again.

A long-lasting memory came to mind. At that time, I was still in my boudoir, and my distant aunt brought a little person to see her. The person who looked like a beautiful woman was Brother Jian.

Eight years have passed, and I don’t know what Brother Jian, who used to pester me to call me Big Sister, looks like now.

As a woman in a boudoir, it is important not to leave the front door but not to leave the second door.Li Wan's widow is unemployed, so she is naturally not included in this list.But since her husband passed away, she has followed the rules of the girl's family and rarely goes out.

Turning around the hall, I saw a young man standing at the Yimen in the distance. He was dressed in white and stood tall, talking to the steward and the boy in front of the door.

After hearing the steward's instructions, the young man turned around, and saw a high nose, clear eyebrows, a fair and long face, and a gentle and delicate look with a hint of sharpness.

Li Wan came closer and called out tentatively: "Brother Jian?"

Li Weijian looked at Li Wan carefully, smiled and bowed his hands: "I haven't seen you for a few years, my eldest sister has been reduced."

Hearing these words, Li Wan's nose suddenly felt sore. He raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose and his eyes were red: "It's been so long, I didn't expect Brother Jian to be so old. Is everything going well at home? Is it going well on the road?"

"It's all good." Li Weijian said with a smile: "My uncle scolds me for being a deviant all the time. I really can't stay in Jinling, so I have no choice but to come and join my eldest sister."

Li Wan's father, Li Shouzhong, was the most old-fashioned person. It was also from Li Shouzhong that the women of the Li family only studied some women's schools and no longer read any other collections of classics.Now Shengshang Yuji has been in the field for nearly ten years, and he began to advocate practical learning a few years ago. This practical learning is naturally treasonous in Li Shouzhong's eyes, and it is no wonder that Li Weijian is always scolded by his uncle.

Li Wan knew his father's temperament, and thought of his mother and brothers and sisters in Jinling, and couldn't help but shed tears.

The maid Suyun on the side said: "Grandma, this outside is not a place for talking -"

Li Wan wiped his tears, but felt troubled in his heart.

Suyun continued: "Why don't we lead my brother aside to talk in the Nuan Pavilion now."

"Okay, you go and settle."

Suyun responded and hurried to Nuange to make arrangements.

Li Wan wiped away his tears and led Li Weijian inside: "Brother Jian, come with me. I have many questions to ask."

"But listen to big sister's orders."

Li Weijian followed Li Wan as he walked in, and faintly heard someone shouting "righteous man" from behind. He stepped back and saw two people outside the Yimen pulling together. The slightly stronger man stretched his neck and looked at him. I think it was this person who shouted.

Li Weijian wondered secretly whether this person was the nurse of the Xue family or someone from the side, so he waved to him, then turned around and took two steps to catch up with Li Wan.

Su Yun and Li Wan bit their ears, and Li Wan said in surprise: "Brother Jian, how come my concubine Pan brother calls you a righteous man and a benefactor?" Thinking of what Baochai said before, he saw Li Weijian again wearing a plain white robe. Li Wan became more and more surprised and said, "Could it be——"

"This is a long story."

(End of this chapter)

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