Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 108 The Peacemaker

Chapter 108 The Peacemaker

The space in front of Dengxian Pavilion is vast, and the stage is set up here.

Tables and chairs had been placed under the stage early. When Li Weijian heard the voices of people, he asked the second girl to welcome the spring first. He waited for a long time before Shi Shiran came out.

Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang, Aunt Xue, Youshi, and Wang Xifeng gathered together in one place. Daiyu, Baochai, and Sanchun were in another place. Baoyu was scurrying around like a monkey in two places; in another place, he only sat down. The two of them, one on crutches and the other on his arm, were Jia Qiang and Jia Rong, whom they had not seen for a long time.

A mother-in-law came over to guide us: "Fourth Master Jian, please sit down with Uncle Rong and Second Master Qiang first. The show is about to begin."


As Li Weijian was about to pass by, Hong Yu and Xiu Ying caught a glimpse of him and were about to step forward to serve him, but were stopped by Li Weijian with a wave of his hand.He walked straight over and said with a smile: "Brother Rong and Brother Qiang, are your injuries healed?"

Jia Qiang looked uncomfortable, but Jia Rong held up his hands as if nothing had happened and said, "Uncle Laojian is thinking about me. I'm afraid my nephew's arm will have to take care of him for a while."

Li Weijian was puzzled in his heart, and nodded and said: "That's right, if you have injured your muscles and bones for a hundred days, it is not easy to move around. If you are injured again, you must be careful not to get sick from sitting for days."

"What Fourth Uncle Jian said is, sit down quickly."

Li Weijian lifted up his robe and sat down. A gong was sounded, followed by a bang, and the drama began.He was not in the mood to watch the show, and only furtively looked at the two people around him.Jia Qiang wanted to save some face, but now she felt uncomfortable all over her body; but Jia Rong didn't know why, but she didn't seem to care at all?

The beating was so easy and completely unprovoked. The two brothers discussed it carefully afterwards, but Monk Zhanger was still confused.After the Xue family lost their royal business foundation, the two of them thought about it. Is it okay that everyone who dared to offend Li Weijian would not be left behind?Doesn't that mean that Li Weijian was behind the beating?
There is no basis for such speculation, but the two of them have different ideas.Jia Qiang left to live on his own and had no power at all. Even if he wanted to retaliate, Jia Rong would not dare to take revenge. At first, Jia Rong was filled with hatred, but when Li Weijian took advantage of the situation, the water company first made millions of taels of silver. Then he got on good terms with King Zhongyong and even became a disciple of Yan Xiyao.

Especially after becoming a disciple of Yan Xiyao, Jia Rong's little thoughts suddenly disappeared.He knew that he could no longer afford to mess with such a person. Not to mention him, even his father Jia Zhen would consider him.

This Jia Rong was beaten by Jia Zhen since she was a child, and her daughter-in-law was taken away by me. Her heart has long been distorted. On the one hand, her temperament is wanton and playful, and she especially likes women of higher seniority; on the other hand, she is fond of superiors and inferiors.

Now that Li Weijian has gained momentum, Jia Rong immediately turned his face.If Li Weijian has a horse with a high horse and a short stirrup in the future, I'm afraid this guy will jump out and add insult to injury, and settle old and new grudges together.

Li Weijian didn't know what Jia Rong was thinking, but when he saw his flattering face, he felt extremely disgusted in his heart. He just felt bored no matter how he looked at this bastard's face.

Because he had no intention of talking, he just looked at the stage babbling and singing opera excerpts, but his mind was already far away, and he didn't know where he went.

After a while, they were still singing on the stage, and a fragrant breeze blew around them.A dozen little maids brought melons and fruits to him like a stream of water, and then a beautiful shadow came to Jia Mu's table.

Qin Keqing said with a smile: "I was busy making arrangements just now, and now I have some free time. Does the old lady like it? If you have other thoughts, tell me, and I will go to make arrangements again."

Mother Jia smiled and said, "Brother Rong and your daughter-in-law, please stop being busy. They are all relatives, so there is no need for such outsiders. Come, sit down too, and let's watch the show together."

Qin Keqing agreed, moved his steps, and sat down next to You. He turned his head so that Wang Xifeng could speak in a low voice.

Li Weijian took a few glances, then turned to look at Jia Rong, only to see that this guy was gone.When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw that this guy had bent over and grabbed the maid's foot, and was playing with it recklessly.

The maid didn't dare to speak out, her face was red and her ears were red from holding it in, and she didn't dare to move.

Looking at Jia Qiang again, there is no strange color on her face. She must be used to it.Jia Qiang coughed, raised the teacup, and said, "Uncle Jian, my nephew will give you a cup of tea instead of wine."

"it is good."

When Jia Rong heard this, she reluctantly got out from under the table. There was no guilt on her face, and she said with a smile: "You can be considered a nephew. It was all my nephews' fault. Mr. Fourth Uncle." It’s a large amount, so don’t argue with us.”

"Oh, easy to talk about."

Li Weijian said this, but secretly thought in his heart that Jia Rong seemed to have no friendship with Qin Keqing.Yes, Qin Keqing is the eldest master Jia Zhen's favorite, I'm afraid Jia Rong will be wrong at first glance.

The chaos in Ningguo Mansion had nothing to do with him, Li Weijian just briefly explored it with the intention of gossiping.

After that, the opera excerpts came out one after another, and they were sung from noon to Shenshi, and then the banquet was served.The eldest master, Jia She, had just suffered a stroke and was currently recuperating. Mrs.The remaining Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen rushed over as soon as possible.

But Jia Lian didn't come today for some reason.

Jia Zhen caught a glimpse of Li Weijian and invited him to have a drink with him.Li Weijian couldn't refuse, so he had to get up and sit with Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen.

The like-minded Jia She didn't come, and sitting next to him was the rigid Jia Zheng. Jia Zhen couldn't do anything she wanted, so the table became a bit dull.On the contrary, it was the women and girls who were making a lot of noise and laughter through the screen.

For some reason, the congratulatory gift was suddenly mentioned, and the sisters mentioned it one by one. Xiangyun suddenly remembered that Li Weijian had betrayed him before, so he wondered: "Yes, what kind of congratulatory gift did Fourth Brother Jian send? Has Brother Ai ever seen it?" Already?"

Baoyu said: "Looking at the thick stack of books, I have never looked through them. My sister wants to know. I will find out when I look through them later."

Baochai glanced at the next table and saw Mrs. Wang looking at the general, so she smiled and said, "I know a thing or two."

Baoyu wondered: "How does Sister Bao know?"

"I just bumped into Fourth Brother Jian in the garden and said a few words, but he actually mentioned it."

"Oh? Come on, tell me, what exactly did Brother Jian give you?" Xiangyun urged.

Sister Bao covered her mouth and smiled brightly and said: "It's not unusual. Brother Jian asked Zhan Chong, the censor of the city, and got some annotations from Zhan Chong. Brother Jian said that Zhan Chong He was born in the top two ranks and has excellent skills. Brother Bao has read his annotations and knows that he will end up sooner rather than later."

Xiangyun curled his lips and said, "If you don't tell me what you're hiding, why do you think it's so strange? Fourth brother Jian is really good at telling people off."

As she finished speaking, she saw the standing Baoyu's face gradually becoming colder.Just as he was about to ask, Baoyu smashed the wine glass on the table: "What Zhan Yushi, the person who provokes the Yushi is just a national thief who is used to sneaking into the camp. His writing must be smelly. I am a very lively person." , won’t you be defiled after reading that stinky article?”

Maybe the voice was a little louder, but Jia Zheng heard it through the screen.After hearing what Baoyu said, how could Jia Zheng endure it?

Jia Zheng slapped the table and cursed: "Ignorant idiot! I have been talking about purity and turbidity all day long, so I learned some exquisite naughty things! Zhan Yushi is rich in knowledge and has written articles that most uncles would like to see. I applauded, but when I arrived at your place, I became a stinker!
In my opinion, you have changed your nature by asking to go to private school, and you will always make some progress.Now it seems that I was wrong.You are so naughty, I am afraid that every day you only play naughty in private school, and all the books of sages are read into the dog's belly!Come on, if that's the case, don't study anymore, just stay in the inner house and fool around, so as not to lose the face of my Jia family! "Jia Zheng's words were so serious that Baoyu was so horrified that he didn't dare to speak. Mrs. Wang hurried over and hugged Baoyu and said across the screen: "Master, please stop talking. Today is Baoyu's son. "

"Are you going to allow him to say such stupid things when you give birth to a child?"

Jia Mu couldn't sit still anymore, and she said with a crutch: "Have a good birth, I want to have a good time, I think it is an eyesore to the master. In this case, I won't do this childbirth in the future." , lest the master show his authority again."


Jia Zheng suddenly didn't know what to say. Jia Zhen quickly stood up and comforted him: "Second uncle, please say a few words. Brother Bao is still young. It will be fine when he gets older."

Jia Zheng was so depressed that he was trembling all over. He had long disliked Baoyu and wanted to teach him a lesson, but Jia's mother stopped him every time.So Shi Shiran sighed and sat down dejectedly.

After something like this happened, the fun of the banquet was naturally lost.

After singing another excerpt of the opera, Jia Mu excused herself from fatigue and led the people back.When Jia Mu was about to leave, Mrs. Wang, Wang Xifeng and others were naturally with her, so the lovely banquet broke up.

A group of orioles were going out, but Li Weijian accompanied Jia Zhen and Jia Zheng without moving. The two girls glanced at each other as they passed by during the Spring Festival, their eyes full of wonder, presumably because they were curious about why Li Weijian gave him a collection of contemporary essays; when Daiyu passed by He also looked over and frowned slightly, a little unhappy; Baochai also looked over when he passed by, and they looked at each other. Sister Baochai's face was as calm as lake water, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

When Yingying Yanyan passed by, Li Weijian stood up and poured wine for Jia Zheng, then he picked up the wine cup and said angrily: "But it's mine. It's not my fault that I sent Shi Wen away. Brother Bao wouldn't have said this." ."

Jia Zheng frowned and waved his hands: "What does this have to do with resurrection? It's all because that beast doesn't make progress!"

After saying this, Jia Zheng drank a glass of wine, stood up and said, "That's it for today." Then he flicked his sleeves and left in a depressed mood.

Jia Zheng was about to leave, so Li Weijian couldn't wait any longer, so he quickly said goodbye and followed Jia Zheng out of Ningguo Mansion in a car.

In the car, he saw that Jia Zheng looked depressed, so he comforted him: "Uncle Shi, don't worry about it. Brother Bao is still young. He will grow up when he gets enlightened in the future."

Jia Zheng snorted coldly: "How can we make progress with a stubborn stone? Don't mention him anymore. It's really unpleasant to talk about it."

After a while, the carriage entered Rongguo Mansion through the corner gate, and the two got out of the carriage. Jia Zheng walked along the road to Aunt Zhao's courtyard. Li Weijian waited in front of Yimen for a while until Hongyu and Xiuying arrived. , then led the two of them inside.

They had not gone far, and just as they were about to pass through the hall, Hongyu said, "Fourth Master, Second Master Bao has come out of the old lady's courtyard."

"Oh?" Li Weijian turned around and saw Baoyu walking quickly, followed by several maids.

He was able to enter the hall, and under the cover of night, Baoyu never looked at him.Seeing Baoyu passing through the hall, he thought to himself that he was going to Qishaizhai again.

It's getting late now, what are you going to do at Qixiezhai?Then it’s Xiren who is following suit, right?

He was deep in thought, and then walked towards his small courtyard.Just as he was about to reach the gate of the small courtyard, he suddenly saw a group of people coming out of the east corner gate. It was Baochai leading the maid Ying'er and others out.

Li Weijian's heart moved, and he immediately stopped and greeted with a smile: "Sister Xue, are you coming back from the old lady?"

"Yes." Baochai sighed: "I just said some words of comfort to Brother Bao in the room, but for some reason he got annoyed and led the maid away without caring."

Li Weijian said: "I just saw that Brother Bao seemed to have gone to Qixie Zhai."

Baochai said: "He is annoying me right now. When he loses his temper in the future, I will go look for him again."

Li Weijian nodded and said meaningfully: "Brother Xu Shibao was never angry with Sister Xue..."

Baochai raised his eyes and looked at it, and said, "How could you hide in Qixie Zhai at night if you weren't angry?"

"Brother Bao... you have grown up after all." After saying a few words, Li Weijian cupped his hands and said, "Sister, go slowly, I'm going back to rest first."

"Huh? Oh, Fourth Brother Jian, walk slowly."

Li Weijian led Hongyu and Xiuying into the small courtyard. Baochai stood there without moving for a long time.Li Weijian thought about Li Weijian's words over and over again in his mind. Baochai was wise early. He already knew about people's affairs at this moment. How could he not know what Li Weijian meant?
Baochai and Aunt Xue have been talking to each other in private these days, and the small selection is just illusory and cannot be expected for the time being; Baochai naturally understands what Aunt Xue means overtly and secretly.

As far as Baochai is concerned, she doesn't care how Baoyu plays with flowers and willows. She just wants to be Baoyu's wife, urge Baoyu to make progress, and earn a job for her, so that she can return to protect the Xue family.

However, there is also Daiyu in Jia Mu's room, who came a few years ago. She grew up with Baoyu, and their friendship is unmatched by others.

She thought for a while, then suddenly turned around and entered the east corner gate again.

Ying'er said: "Girl, where are you going?"

Baochai said: "Go back to the old lady's room. I just annoyed Brother Bao. Why don't I ask Sister Lin to help me with the matter. Otherwise, this matter will be a problem sooner or later."

That Ying'er wasn't stupid either. She knew what Baochai had in mind after just a few moments of thinking, so she smiled and said, "Girl, that's a good idea."

At this moment, the master and servant hurriedly walked towards Jia Mu's courtyard. At this moment, Jia Mu was already tired and was taking a nap in the courtyard.Baochai and Yuanyang exchanged words and then entered the room. After a while, they entered the blue gauze cabinet and saw Daiyu holding a book and studying it.

Hearing the footsteps, Daiyu put down her book and wondered, "Why is Sister Bao back again?"

Baochai came over and said with a smile: "I don't know what to do. I think I just annoyed Brother Bao, but I don't want to be angry. I'm afraid that the more I say, the more I will make a mistake. Why don't I come here to find Sister Lin? I want Sister Lin to be a good friend." Peacemaker, help us make peace so that we don’t get separated again when we meet in the future.”

Daiyu was surprised and said: "Sister Bao actually asked me to be the peacemaker?"

Baochai smiled and said, "Sister Lin and brother Bao grew up together. Your words are the most effective. If not you, who else can I find?"

(End of this chapter)

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