Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 111 The elder is a good man!

Chapter 111 The elder is a good man!

After all, you are living under someone else's roof, and no matter how close your grandmother is, she can't compare to your biological parents.

When did she and Baoyu fall out in the past? Regardless of whose fault it was, wasn't it because Daiyu was always angry in the end?Grandma would only comfort her afterwards, but those words sounded more like she was protecting her grandson.

If such grievances accumulate over time, doesn’t it mean that we are overly worried?The past was so miserable and vivid in her mind, and now she saw this situation again, it felt like a thorn in Daiyu's heart.

While he was thinking about it, several imperial doctors came first with medicine boxes. Three or five people gathered around Baoyu to diagnose, and a young one was singled out to look after Li Weijian.

Li Weijian let go, and the doctor looked at it and said, "It doesn't matter, there was a break. The bleeding has stopped now, just bandage it."

Seeing the imperial doctor take out a roll of beige gauze from the medicine box, Li Weijian's eyelids twitched and he quickly stopped and said: "Physician Wang, since there is no bleeding, is it okay if I don't bandage it?"

Doctor Wang paused and said, "That's logically the case, but it's better to bandage it properly to avoid bumping again..."

"No, bandaging is not conducive to scab formation, so let's leave it at that."

Li Weijian stood up from the chair, and Imperial Physician Wang had no choice but to retract his hand.Over there, an imperial doctor pinched the person. Baoyu had already woken up, but he was staring at the ceiling as if he didn't recognize the person.

Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang cried for a long time, and then Baoyu slowly spoke: "What happened to me?"

Li Weijian saw it and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and secretly said that his acting skills are good.This is because he knew he was in trouble, so he just pretended to have amnesia.

Li Weijian turned around and saw Daiyu looking at him. He said, "Since nothing happens, I'll go back and deal with it first." He pointed to his shoulder: "It always looks bad when it's stained with blood."

"Brother Jian, please go quickly."

Li Weijian walked to Jia Mu and said, "Old lady——"

Jia Mu looked back and saw blood on his shoulder, then she said, "Is it okay, brother Jian? Has the imperial doctor seen him?"

Li Weijian smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just a broken skin. It won't bleed now. Old lady, if there's nothing else to do, I'll go back and take care of it first."

"Go quickly, I won't keep you."

Jia Mu didn't know what to do. Li Weijian said good things, but she offended Baoyu and was hurt by Baoyu later.In the final analysis, it was Baoyu who was at fault, but when it came to Baoyu, Jia Mu naturally ignored her parents.

Mrs. Wang didn't have such thoughts, she just glanced over with a cold expression, not knowing whether she should be upset or not.Li Weijian's words hit her right, but they made Baoyu go crazy again, but it turned out that Li Weijian had good intentions.

Li Weijian cupped his hands and immediately led Hongyu out of the main room.Before he could take more than two steps, he ran into Wang Xifeng and Ping'er, who were rushing in. They were shocked when they saw the blood on half of Li Weijian's face.

Wang Xifeng said in shock: "Didn't you say that Brother Bao is sick? How did Brother Jian do this?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a hole. Second sister-in-law, I'll go back and deal with it first, so I won't talk to second sister-in-law anymore."

"Hey, have you ever seen the imperial doctor?"

"Have seen it."

Wang Xifeng then stepped aside and watched Li Weijian leave quickly. She turned around and looked at Ping'er, feeling puzzled.When he entered the main room, he saw that Baoyu had already moved to the Nuan Pavilion, and was taken care of by Mrs. Wang and a group of maids.Wang Xifeng went to take a look and asked the imperial doctor, and then she felt relieved.

Turning around to talk to Jia Mu, she asked about the situation just now, but Jia Mu only sighed and said, "Baoyu, the living king of hell, doesn't care when he gets angry. Fortunately, Brother Jian protected Yu'er. Otherwise, this vase If my son goes down, how can my Yu'er bear it?"

Wang Xifeng said a few words of comfort on her face, but secretly thought to herself that Li Weijian was not a vegetarian. He had suffered a big loss this time, and he was afraid that he would make up for it later.There's going to be another turmoil in this house!

But he said that Li Weijian walked quickly all the way, and when he arrived at his small courtyard, several maids saw him. They were frightened and hurriedly came up to express concern.

Dai Xiangling would only look over with concern, holding the handkerchief and not knowing what to do; Xiu Ying was so angry that she was afraid that Li Weijian would kill Baoyu at the first order; Qingwen was even more distressed and burst into tears. After getting the handkerchief wet, Li Weijian wiped it carefully. After the blood stains were removed, he saw an inch-long gash above his right breast.

"Then why is Second Master Bao so careless?" Qingwen wiped her tears and said, "It's a pity that I only scratched my scalp. If I scratched my face, what will Fourth Master do next?"

Li Weijian joked: "It won't look good if your face is scratched?"

Qingwen said: "A cut in the face will delay the fourth master from becoming an official." After a pause, he said: "The fourth master is not short of money now. If he can't become an official, then I... we will guard the fourth master. Move out and live behind closed doors, and no longer suffer from this irrelevant and cowardly attitude!"

"Well, it's coming soon." Li Weijian said, "My house can be packed up in two months, and we will move there after autumn."

Xiu Ying asked from the side: "Sir, what does that mansion look like?"

"It's hard to say. I'll tidy it up when I get back. I'll take you to have a look."

While they were talking, the maid from outside called out: "Fourth Master, Grandma is here!"

Li Weijian wanted to get up to greet him, but Qingwen held him down firmly and said, "The Fourth Master is injured and is sitting peacefully. I went to greet him. I don't think the eldest lady will take issue with him."

Before she could leave, Hong Yu greeted her out early, and in a moment she led Li Wan, who was in a hurry, into the main room.

"big sister--"

Li Weijian greeted with a smile. He hadn't changed his clothes yet. Li Wan caught a glimpse of the blood stains on his shoulder and walked over with a livid face: "Where's the injury? Quickly let me see!"

After Li Wan attended class that day, he accompanied the princess Li Mengqing to do nurturing for a while, and didn't turn around until around the time of Shen Shi.Just now they were having dinner in the room. First they heard that Baoyu had lost his temper and fainted due to the fuss. He quickly changed his clothes and went to observe. Halfway through, he heard that Li Weijian was injured!
How could Li Wan bother to look at Baoyu?He immediately turned around and hurried towards the northeast upper courtyard.

"It's not a problem, it's just a hole."

Li Weijian tilted his head slightly, and Li Wan saw the wound above his right ear.She reached over with her heart-wrenching hand, and slightly touched the edge of the wound, causing Li Weijian to duck away with a hiss.

Li Wan was so distressed that he said with red eyes: "Does it hurt? Baoyu does it too, how could it be so indifferent? I just listened to it, why did it start making a fuss?"

"Sister, please sit down quickly. This is my's my fault for talking too much."

After Li Wan took his seat, Li Weijian briefly explained the whole story of the future.After hearing this, Li Wan became more and more angry and frowned: "Brother Jian said all good things, and it's not to hurt him. Why should he get angry and hit people? No, I'll go find the old lady to reason with you!"

Li Weijian hurriedly grabbed Li Wan and said: "Sister, forget it, you don't know that the jade is the old lady's eyeball." Li Wan was so anxious that he shed tears: "Even if it's an eyeball, it has to be Be reasonable!"

Li Weijian laughed "ha" and was speechless.But Li Wan suddenly realized that in this huge Rongguo Mansion, there were some unreasonable rules and etiquette.

Because she pondered for a while, she said after a while: "That's all. After two days, I'll go and beg the old lady to let brother Jian move out. Our surname is Li, not Jia. It's not good to keep relying on him. Let’s go.” After a pause, he added, “Is your house sorted out?”

Li Weijian said: "I'm afraid it will take another two months. It doesn't matter. It's the same if I move to Xiangshan Villa. It's still clean."

Li Wan pondered, summing up the gains and losses.She has always been a good-natured person who doesn't care about anything and only cares about Jialan under her knees.Unexpectedly, Li Weijian came here. He was worried about how well she was doing, and made many plans. Not to mention that he even planned to be hired by a female gentleman from the prince's palace.

Trapped in the inner house, the world is narrow, but once you find out, everything is wide.During these days traveling to and from the palace, Li Wan felt much better and his face became rosier, because he felt more and more grateful for Li Weijian, who was closer than his own brother.

If Baoyu hit Jia Lan by mistake, Li Wan would be angry, but he would mostly make peace with it; but when Li Weijian was involved, she was a little angry!
But after thinking about it, Li Weijian is now only thirteen or fourteen years old. Although he looks very calm, he still lacks age and experience.If you just move out and live alone, without any mature elders to look after you, how can you take care of the family business?Moreover, Li Weijian was about to die in autumn, so he couldn't let his mind wander to miscellaneous things.

Because Li Wan sighed and said: "Forget it, let's talk about it after autumn. From now on, brother Jian will be in the courtyard to make a living in Wenshu. Don't hang around there if you have nothing to do."

Li Weijian smiled and agreed.

Just as he was about to say something else, the maid outside reported that the eldest wife and the second girl were here together.

Hearing this, Li Wan lost his temper and muttered: "Why is she here again?"

Li Wan was very worried about the previous plot against Li Weijian, and he really didn't want to see Mrs. Xing.

The visitor was a guest and an elder, so Li Weijian had no choice but to go out with Li Wan.

Just when they arrived at the door, they saw Mrs. Xing carrying Yingchun to the courtyard. When she saw Li Weijian, Mrs. "

Li Weijian responded accordingly, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "It's just a minor injury. I didn't expect the labor lady to come and see me."

Mrs. Xing came closer and said, "They are all relatives. Brother Jian is a heretic when he says this. Oh, Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law is here too."

Li Wan said a polite greeting and then the group entered the house.After sitting down, Li Weijian glanced over and met Yingchun's concerned eyes.

He nodded slightly, and when he saw Li Wan looking over at Yingchun, he quickly lowered his eyes, looking at his mouth through his nose, and his heart through his mouth.

Before the maid could serve the tea, Mrs. He was also very angry after hearing this, saying that he would have to be restrained if Mr. Xun Er said something later, and he could no longer allow Baoyu to be so wanton!"

Um?Is the old man recovering from his stroke?

Li Weijian said: "I'm ashamed that Uncle Shi suffered a stroke. Because he has been unable to escape for the past two days, I have never gone to see him. I wonder how Uncle Shi is doing now?"


I just heard the news, especially when I heard that brother Jian was hurt, and the elder slapped the table.Brother Jian, don’t worry, this tone will definitely come out to you! "

Li Weijian declined a few words and said nothing else.I secretly thought to myself that Jia She and Mrs. Xing would usually stir up trouble if nothing happened, but now they had the opportunity to make trouble even if it wasn't directed at themselves.

The second master, Jia Zheng, is an old-fashioned man who wants to save face... How could he have been treated like a vase in vain?Hey, look, I have fun again today.

It's a pity that Li Weijian now has to stay in his room to recuperate from his injuries, so he doesn't have the pleasure of witnessing it with his own eyes.

As far as Li Weijian is concerned, although the elder is a bit greedy, although he refuses to repay his debts, and although he always wants to cheat him out of his money, doesn't he succeed in all these things?Then he is a good person!

But it was said that the eldest master, Jia She, had half of his face dull, walked out of the study outside his home, and headed all the way to Jia Zhengwai's study.

As soon as Mrs. Xing left, Jia She couldn't sit still.The treasures in the Baoyu family looked like anything. Jia She thought he could clearly see what they were.

The old lady is being unfair to the eldest brother, and her filial piety is too great, so the eldest man should bear with it.But that Wang family actually planned to seize Dafang's family property, which is unbearable.

Normally there is no opportunity to stir up three points, let alone now that there is a ready opportunity!
Because the elder Jia She couldn't help but sigh, this Li Weijian was not only slippery, but he was also good at looking at it, including the fact that he handed over the knife twice in a row.Well, let's discuss it carefully with Brother Jian later. If the debt is counted as a betrothal gift, then Yingchun will not be unable to marry him.

After thinking about it, Jia Zheng's study room was right in front of him.

A young man came up to greet me, and the elder said with a cold face: "Is my brother here?"

"Here, the master is about to go back for dinner."

The eldest master, Jia She, responded and walked into the outer study, regardless of whether the boy informed him or not.

The boy hurriedly greeted him. Jia Zheng was flipping through a book. Hearing this, he put it down, stood up and greeted him, "Why are you here, brother?"

"Do you know everything about what happened next?"

Jia Zheng said with a smile on his face, slightly embarrassed: "It's Baoyu who's causing trouble again, which worries me. It doesn't matter, that beast has made a scene and has woken up now."

The eldest master, Jia She, looked at Jia Zheng for a long time. Jia Zheng said anxiously: "Is there something else that I don't know about?"

Jia She said, "Are you afraid that Ignorance Baoyu threw a vase at the Lin family girl, but was blocked by Brother Jian?"

"Ah?" Jia Zheng really didn't know.Just now, the boy said that Baoyu had passed out after some nonsense, but he didn't say anything else.

"Fortunately, brother Jian stopped him. This beast, I will definitely do it one day -"

Jia She waved his hand: "Don't wait until tomorrow. Brother Jian's head was smashed, good guy...his head and face were covered with blood. If I were you, I would just beat him to death for such a bastard. !”

Jia Zheng's expression suddenly changed.A few days ago, the eldest girl in the palace sent a message, asking Qian to make friends with Li Weijian, saying that this person was very favored by the saint, and that he would be a big help to the Jia family in the future, so he must not offend him.As a result, the beast turned around and beat him up!
Jia Zheng never asked why Li Weijian, who had practiced martial arts, was beaten by Baoyu instead. He suddenly became furious, slapped the table and shouted: "What a bastard! He has learned to hit people without being taught a lesson for a few days! Come on, let's beat him!" Bring me the treasure jade!"

(End of this chapter)

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