Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 115 If I were just a child

Chapter 115 If I were just a child

Li Weijian pointed to the gauze on his head and said with a smile: "It was opened."

"Ah? Who is it? So brave!"

The general caught a glimpse of Li Weijian, dragged his dark tail over and rubbed Li Weijian's trousers, but was pushed away by Li Weijian.

"Who else could it be? Of course it's the one who was born with a jade in his mouth."

Yan Fengzhen said in anger: "Can you bear this? If it were me, I would definitely fight back."

Li Weijian smiled and said nothing. No matter how capable he was, he was just a scholar at the moment, with hundreds of thousands of dollars extra on his body.Where can I do whatever I want?
Yan Fengzhen looked at the general who ran to the corner and said, "You cat is dragging a gun and hanging a seal. How can you kick it with your feet?"

"It just caught a mouse yesterday."

Yan Fengzhen was puzzled: "So what?"

Li Weijian said leisurely: "Brother Jingwen, has he forgotten the great epidemic ten years ago?"

Yan Fengzhen blinked, turned around and ran in: "Get water quickly, I want to clean my hands!"

Li Weijian was immediately overjoyed. After Yan Fengzhen had been scrubbed and Hongyu served him tea, the two of them took their seats in the hall.

Li Weijian said: "If you have nothing to do, I will go to the Three Treasures Hall. After all, are you looking for me?"

"Hey, those who know me are coming back to life!" Yan Fengzhen cupped his hands and said, "It's still about the rifled bed. Now three barrels are broken and one is broken. The government is complaining, saying that the cost of throwing is too high, and begging me to improve. Rifled bed. I closed my door and thought about it for a few days, but really came up with nothing, so I came to seek help for resurrection."

After a pause, seeing that Li Weijian was indifferent, Yan Fenzhen said: "At least this new fire gun is also part of the resurrection, why are you so careless about it?"

Li Weijian said cheerfully: "Brother Jing Wen, do you think I should be interested in you? I have just set up a water company, and I am still being hated by others. It is time to hide one's capabilities and bide one's time. It is really not appropriate to be in the limelight anymore."

"Here, how about -" Yan Fengzhen couldn't finish his sentence.At least he wanted to save some face, but he couldn't completely take credit for Li Weijian's achievements.

Li Weijian smiled and said: "Brother Jing Wen, don't worry. Nowadays, various machine tools are driven by human power or animal power. The rotation speed is uneven, and the thickness of the drilled barrel will naturally be different. In my opinion, Brother Jing Wen might as well Wait, it’s not too late to make calculations when you have new motivation.”

"How long do we have to wait?" Yan Fengzhen had obtained the title a long time ago, and now he is so interested in it purely out of love.Suddenly a look of enlightenment appeared on his face, he looked at Li Weijian and said, "Resurrection is talking about your steam engine?"

"Well, it depends on Master Chen's skills."

Calculating that there will be more than ten days until two months, I don't know how well Mr. Chen has built the steam engine.

Yan Fengzhen nodded first, then frowned and said: "But the saint is urging the beginning of spring to deliver ten thousand new fire guns..."

Li Weijian wondered: "What does the inner government's mission have to do with Brother Jingwen?"

Yan Fengzhen was immediately speechless.At this moment, a steward came from outside, called the door, and then sent word that someone was waiting outside to see him.

Li Weijian was extremely confused and immediately came out to ask the person in charge, only to learn that it was Fu Shi who wanted to see him.

Li Weijian immediately couldn't laugh or cry. He thought Fu was in a hurry and sought medical treatment. He asked to come to the doctor regardless of whether it was useful or not.He had only met Fu Shi once, and he knew very well that this man was a follower of the crowd, so how could he help?
So I told the person in charge that he was entertaining guests at the moment and couldn't see anyone else.The steward accepted the order and said with a smile: "This Fu Shi has offended the two masters. It's better that Fourth Master Jian doesn't want to see him. The younger one can't bear to beg, so he just spreads the word. In this way, the younger one will Go and kill it.”

Li Weijian returned to the main room, where Yan Fengzhen was impatiently sipping tea. When he saw him returning, he asked, "Who is it?"

"It's irrelevant...Brother Jing Wen, do you remember Fu Shi?"

"Huh?" Yan Fengzhen suddenly became happy and said, "He has a good name, so he came to you because of his influence?"

Li Weijian lifted up his robe and sat down and said, "Have you ever looked for Brother Jing Wen?"

"Yes, it was really annoying to see the sky blocking the door of my house in the first half of the month. I haven't been here for the past few days, and I didn't expect to come back again. This guy, hehe-" Yan Fengzhen sneered and said to That Fu Shi was extremely disdainful.

The two talked for a long time, and Yan Fengzhen suddenly muttered: "If we have some free time these days, why don't we go to the front and back seas?"

Going sightseeing?This doesn't seem to be Yan Fengzhen's mood. Logically speaking, if he had free time, the second young master would rather spend time in the study drawing some mechanical drawings. Why did he suddenly want to travel around?
He pondered and looked over. Yan Fengzhen's face turned red and he said, "Le Yan said she was really bored at home and asked me to go out for a walk."

Ganqing couldn't stand the wind beside her, so Li Weijian smiled and said, "Okay, the heat is getting stronger these days, so it's time to go to the waterside to escape the heat. How about making plans for the day after tomorrow?"

"it is good."

After the two of them discussed it, Yan Fengzhen lingered for a while before leaving.

As soon as Yan Fenzhen left, Li Weijian called Wu Haiping, went to the stables to discuss with the man in charge, and ordered two carriages for future travel.Wu Haiping spent a lot of money, parting with two taels of silver, and everyone promised with a smile on his face, saying that he would be ready the day after tomorrow, let alone mentioning it.


The next day, Aunt Xue and Mrs. Wang's sisters had breakfast together early in the morning. They were about to come out of Mrs. Wang's Courtyard around noon. They turned onto the road and bumped into the eldest lady who had returned from nowhere. Mrs. Xing.

Due to the short time and Mrs. Wang's relationship, although the two had never become enemies, they were just acquaintances.At that moment, Aunt Xue greeted Mrs. Xing, chatted for a few words, and then left.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Xing got so interested that she talked to Aunt Xue for a while, which made Aunt Xue feel strange, so Mrs. Xing said goodbye and left.

Returning to Lixiangyuan, Baochai was tying his knot and stood up to greet him. Aunt Xue immediately asked him to sit down.Aunt Xue also sat down and said with a smile: "My son, guess who I met just now?"


"The eldest lady. Somehow, she pulled me and talked for a long time."

Baochai paused, raised his eyes and asked, "What did the eldest lady say?"

Aunt Xue said: "What else can I say? I'm just talking with Baoyu. I'm afraid Baoyu will be useless in the future if he makes such nonsense. She also said that since Baoyu is impatient to read the Four Books and Five Classics, why not give it a try as soon as possible Practical learning. If you get something, you may become the second thrifty brother."

Baochai's heart moved and she said: "This is serious." She thought about it while typing: "Now that Chen Shoufu is in charge of the cabinet, the saints attach great importance to practical learning, and there are very few practical scholars. If Brother Bao pays attention, If you learn it, you may have a bright future in the future!"

Aunt Xue blinked: "So, did the eldest lady say good things?"

Baochai said: "The words are good, but the thoughts behind them are not necessarily clear." Aunt Xue frowned slightly, and after a while she figured out the reason, and said: "Since she has bad thoughts, she can pretend that she has never heard of them." .”

Baochai said, "No matter what she thinks, her intentions are always good. Mom will mention it in front of my aunt when she has time."

Aunt Xue thought for a moment, then silently helped Baochai tie the knot.After a while, Tongxi and Tonggui came back with lunch boxes, which were just for the mother and daughter. Aunt Xue went to rest in the inner room, but Baochai came out of Lixiangyuan and headed towards Rongqing Hall to look for it.

The Xue family spent a lot of money on Xiaoxuan, but the eunuch in charge never gave an accurate answer, because the mother and daughter were discussing it in private, so they had to prepare with both hands.

It would be great if Xiao Xuan succeeds. With his status raised, he might be favored by other noble disciples except Baoyu in the future. If Xiao Xuan fails, with the current white body of the Xue family, there will be no other candidate except Baoyu.

Because during this time, Baochai went to look for Baoyu and play tricks when he got free time. Baochai knew in his heart that Baoyu treated Daiyu differently from others.After all, they grew up from a young age, and their affection is deeper than that of others.Therefore, if she wants to marry into the Rongguo Mansion, then Daiyu will be Baochai's number one enemy!
During these days, Baochai was playing naughty with Baoyu while thinking about how to deal with it.It happened that Brother Jian was injured that day. Looking at Daiyu's nod, the two of them seemed to have some tacit understanding?
If Daiyu's thoughts turn to Brother Jian, wouldn't she lose her most important enemy?

After thinking about it, I entered Jia Mu's courtyard and asked Yuanyang. Yuanyang said, Baoyu delayed it for a few days and finally went to private school with Qin Zhong today. Daiyu accompanied the old lady for a long time and talked for a long time. I went to the back floor to read a book.

Baochai thanked the mandarin duck, turned around the main room, crossed the flower hall, and arrived at the back downstairs in a blink of an eye. He heard the playing of piano strings in the distance, and then saw Daiyu leaning over to play the piano strings behind the second floor window, and the sound of the piano was vaguely faint. wisps of sadness.

When Baochai arrived at the door, Zicuckoo greeted him. After saying a few words, he led Baochai upstairs.

"Girl, Miss Bao is here to get naughty with you."

When the sound of the piano stopped and Baochai went upstairs, he saw Daiyu coming over with surprise.

"Why do you think of being naughty to me today?"

Baochai smiled and said angrily: "What's more, I have been setting the rules for a long time. Seeing my hard work, grandma felt kindhearted and allowed me to play the piano as fast as possible during the afternoon. Is Sister Lin playing the piano just now?"

Daiyu asked Baochai to sit down, and she also sat down and said, "After reading Huizi's idle book, I changed my mood to pass the time."

"Sister Lin is so elegant, I can't compare to her."

Daiyu only smiled and said nothing, perhaps in her heart, Baochai was not as elegant as her.

After chatting for a while, Baochai suddenly said: "Yes, has Sister Lin ever visited Fourth Brother Jian these days?"

Daiyu said: "I took a look once in the middle. I looked at it and thought it was great. I haven't been there for the past two or three days."

Baochai smiled and said: "Then just come with me and have a look. Sister Lin also knows that I don't have time on weekdays, so I want to visit Brother Jian, but it's not good for me to be alone, so I came to involve Lin." Where’s my sister?”

Daiyu was puzzled, thinking that Baochai had not only gone to Fourth Brother Jian's courtyard once or twice, so why was she worried now?

She was thinking like this, but she said angrily: "It's a lie that you dare to be naughty with me, but it's true that you want to keep me company."

Baochai pushed her gently with her hand and begged, "Sister Lin, please just accept this."

Daiyu was so pestered that she couldn't do anything about it, and it was not interesting for a while. She also thought about what Brother Jian said two days ago that he would compose a poem when she came back next time, so she said: "Okay, don't shake it anymore. I just rely on you."

The two girls joked for a while, Daiyu packed up, and then followed Baochai towards Li Weijian's small courtyard in the northeast.

After having a cup of tea, Xueyan went to call the door. When the two of them entered the courtyard, they saw Li Weijian coming out of the main room to greet them.

He cupped his hands with a smile and said, "Why are Sister Lin and Sister Xue here? Come in quickly, the sun is very hot right now."

As the three of them walked in, Baochai said: "I have been busy these days, but now I finally have time. I just wanted to come and see Fourth Brother Jian. I don't know if Fourth Brother Jian's injury has healed."

Li Weijian turned his head while walking and pointed with his finger: "I'm healed this morning, see? You can't even see the scar if you don't look carefully."

Daiyu caught a glimpse of the red mark on his ear, and her heart suddenly tightened.It was not because Li Weijian used his body to block the vase that day, he was afraid that he would be disfigured by now.

She was grateful in her heart, but she couldn't say anything in her mouth. She only looked at Li Weijian with eyes that looked like weeping but not crying.

Facing those eyes, Li Weijian's eyes paused for a moment before leading the two of them inside.

The guests and the host sat down, and the three of them chatted for a while. Baochai was thinking about a way to escape when he suddenly saw the general walking slowly in from outside the door.

Baochai's face suddenly showed joy: "Ah! What a handsome cat!"

As he spoke, he stood up and chased after him, hugging the general who had an incomprehensible expression in his arms.After a while, Baochai finally said, "I've wanted to raise a cat or a dog since I was a child, but my mother just didn't allow it. Fourth brother Jian and sister Lin, you guys chat first, and I'll tease you a lot."

Daiyu wondered, Baochai likes cats and dogs?Baoyu already had a pug, so why didn't Baochai look after him?
Daiyu only had doubts in her heart, but Li Weijian was convinced.After thinking about it for a while, Sister Bao actually had the idea of ​​​​helping her to connect with Daiyu?Ha, this is interesting.

Baochai took the cat and went to the side to play, and only Li Weijian and Daiyu were left at the table.After asking Daiyu about her daily life these days, Li Weijian was about to say something else when Daiyu asked, "Have you finished the poem that Fourth Brother Jian said last time?"

"Sister Lin, wait a moment."

Li Weijian stood up and went into the study. After a moment, he returned with a piece of paper in his hand.He handed it over with a smile and said: "This is a graffiti, please don't laugh at Sister Lin."

"Fourth brother Jian is too modest."

Daiyu unfolded the paper and saw a rare word written in cursive script:

The wisteria turns into a waterfall by the window, and the sun sets on the gable wall.

My thoughts have turned to dust, I am walking in the pavilion and corridor, and my eyebrows are lightly frowning.

The wind covers my face, my eyes are slightly closed, and my thoughts are in the clouds.

If life is just a child, why would spring breeze and hundreds of flowers be jealous?

Waiting to read the last sentence, Daiyu's heartstrings trembled and suddenly became sour.

'If life were just a child, why would the spring breeze and the flowers be jealous? 'Yes, if you had always been a child, why would you be so troubled?

(End of this chapter)

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