Red Mansion Huacai

Chapter 137 Concubine

Chapter 137 Concubine
Li Weijian took two steps to lift Fu Qiufang up, took his hand and said warmly: "Have you had any food just now?"

He glanced at the table inside and saw that the dishes on it were neatly arranged and had not been touched.

Fu Qiufang smiled and shook his head, and Li Weijian scolded: "I told you to use some first. It's not a trivial matter to starve your stomach."

Turning to look at the two maids, Bao Xia and Lian Qiu, Li Weijian found two silver barley grains, handed them to the two maids and said, "You have been busy all day. I don't need your service now. Go down and have a rest."

That piece of silver barley is one tael of silver, and there is a bat engraved on it, which means to bring good luck, just like the bat hanging upside down on the lintel.

The two maids happily accepted it, bowed to Li Weijian again, and then withdrew with a smile.

Li Weijian couldn't stand the sweltering heat, so he pulled down the crown of his hat and said, "I've been restrained for a long time, so you should relax a little."

Fu Qiufang heard the words but did not make any move. Li Weijian then thought about it, put on his hat and crown again with a smile, and said: "That's right, you have to drink Hexin wine first."

He led Fu Qiufang to the table and poured two cups of wine with his own hands. The wine cups were connected with red lines. The two of them looked at each other and drank half of the cup first, then switched to each other's cups and drank the whole cup in one gulp.In this way, the ceremony can be considered complete.

Fu Qiufang came over with a smile and undressed Li Weijian.Li Weijian immediately felt a lot more relaxed as the red wedding clothes came off.Turning around, he saw that Fu Qiufang had also taken off her wedding clothes, wearing a dark-white bellyband and an amber jacket on the outside.

Although the bellyband covered the inside, it could not cover the beautiful scenery of the mountains. Li Weijian glanced at it, and Fu Qiufang's cheeks turned red. She lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Master, first, let's use some food and wine."

"it is good."

The two sat next to each other at the table. Li Weijian had already eaten at the banquet, so he only moved his chopsticks slightly and was busy serving Fu Qiufang.

Knowing that he was feeling uneasy, Li Weijian didn't look at it and only talked about interesting things from the past two days.

"Jia Yun has been on bad luck recently. He went to buy bricks and tiles outside the city, but he was attracted by the kiln owner's daughter. He lost the sachet in front of him."

Fu Qiufang asked: "Then what?"

"Then... Jia Yun disliked the girl for being unruly, so she turned away and looked for a brick kiln again."

Fu Qiufang said: "It will be difficult to get along with him from now on. Jia Yun handled it right."

"King Zhongyong didn't know where he found out that you were here. Yesterday, you clamored to come and ask for a wedding drink."


"Fortunately, Dr. Liang persuaded me to stop, saying that it was inappropriate for etiquette."

"It's okay, it's okay." Fu Qiufang was a little scared.

Li Weijian said: "Fortunately, the prince didn't come, otherwise it would have been a lot of trouble."

Fu Qiufang said angrily: "Your Majesty gave me face, why is it that I still don't feel satisfied?"

"It's good to live at home and be affordable. It's better to avoid the shame." After a pause, he added: "Xiang Ling told me that day that she admired Qiu Fang's poetic talent very much and said that she would like to worship you as her daughter when she had free time. division."

Fu Qiufang quickly refused: "I only know a few words, how could I teach Xiang Ling? Isn't this misleading? Besides, it's not easy for her to go back and forth."

"Yes, let's put this matter aside for now."

While chatting casually, Fu Qiufang's anxiety calmed down slightly.After the food and wine, perhaps because she drank two glasses of wine, her face turned red, like two red clouds floating on her cheeks.

Li Weijian felt more and more that the girl in front of him was lovely, so he couldn't help grabbing her hand and gently taking her into his arms. Then he stood up and hugged Fu Qiufang, who was breathing more and more rapidly, and walked towards the bed.

The night is getting darker, the red candles are swaying, and the veil is falling.

Li Weijian leaned in front of Fu Qiufang, and she closed her eyes nervously.Li Weijian did not act in a hurry, and only reached out his hand to gently caress Fu Qiufang's face.

Touching the red lips with your finger and kissing them briefly, you can feel that 'the rouge is dyed with beautiful red makeup, and the half-open lips still contain the fragrance of jasmine'.

He took off a pair of embroidered shoes with his hand, and when he grasped the rhombus feet, they looked like "a dragon with gold dots and green phoenix as its head, setting off the lotus and the double jade hooks."

Fu Qiufang couldn't bear the itch and hurriedly shrank.Then he suddenly struggled to get up and found a plain place under the pillow to lie down on.Just now, she half-opened her charming eyes and said shyly: "Master, please have mercy..."

Li Weijian stepped forward with a smile on his face.

There are poems here to prove it: Fairy is charming and beautiful, her flesh and bones are equal, and her heart is drunk with green yin.The deep love leads to the meeting in Taoyuan, and the beauty of the beauty is reflected in the willow leaves.A spring springs from the cave, and butterflies fall in love among the flowers.It is obvious that it is difficult for you and me to tell the difference. God has given us a perfect match in this world.


Rongguo Mansion, Sister Feng's Children's Courtyard.

When Xu was approaching, Ping'er was waiting for Wang Xifeng to wash his feet.The maid outside said: "Second Grandma, Second Master is back."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Jia Lian coming in.Xu Shi had just finished drinking, and when he saw Wang Xifeng's pair of feet, Jia Lian licked the corners of his mouth, and his heart suddenly swayed.

Wang Xifeng looked at it and snorted: "Which fox is this coming back from? You didn't get any meat, but you made yourself a mess."

Jia Lian was startled and said, "Young Master Hu Yan, I told you yesterday that brother Jian invited me to have a drink today."

"Yes, I almost forgot. Yesterday, I forgot to ask you, why did Brother Jian treat you to a drink?"

Jia Lian Shi Shiran sat down on the bedside, next to Sister Feng and said, "Brother Jian is taking a concubine today."

Wang Xifeng didn't take it seriously and said, "Which maid did brother Jian carry?"

Jia Lian said happily: "None of them." Seeing Wang Xifeng look over, he said: "You have seen that girl too."

"Have I seen it?"

"Something happened to her brother just now."

Wang Xifeng frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly raised the door and said, "Fu Qiufang? How could it be her?"

Jia Lian couldn't help but said with envy: "So Brother Jian is so lucky. Fu Qiufang's beautiful face is really——"

Wang Xifeng snorted coldly and said angrily: "Hey, Second Master Lian is envious of brother Jian? Do you want me to find a concubine for you?" Jia Lian was about to agree, but then thought about it and sneered. "I'm just talking, why are you talking about me again?" He caught a glimpse of Ping'er squatting to wash Wang Xifeng's feet, and vaguely caught a glimpse of that soft glow through his bellyband. He couldn't help but feel a little excited and said, "If you really If you have a good heart, it would be better to lift Ping'er up."

Wang Xifeng sneered and said: "Second Master is thinking about Ping'er again? I don't think it would be better if I hid out and gave this bed to you, how about that?"

"What are you talking about?"

Ping'er said angrily: "Second Master and Second Grandma quarrel, and they take me with them every time they have sex. You go and quarrel, I went to rest earlier."

After wiping twice, Ping'er picked up the basin and got up and left.

Without Ping'er, Jia Lian coaxed him a lot, and finally he was able to coax Wang Xifeng.After Jia Lian washed up, the two lay on the bed and talked.

Jia Lian said: "I have been busy today, so I have done a good job selling Brother Jian. During the dinner, Brother Jian said that there will be a deal to issue shares in a few days. Don't spread this matter to anyone, let's keep it private If you scrape together some money, you may be able to make a lot of money within a year and a half!"

"Hey, this is a good thing. You have done something serious." It was a rare compliment to Jia Lian. Thinking of Li Weijian, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Jian has really made a fortune... just a few days ago Months?"

Wang Xifeng couldn't help but think of Fu Qiufang. As Li Weijian's concubine, Fu Qiufang would no longer have to worry about money, right?It's pitiful that she, the young lady in charge of the Rongguo Mansion, has to compare every penny every day, calculating over the few taels of silver.

Elsewhere in Rongguo Mansion, Tanchun and Xichun were still young and had already gone to bed.

On the contrary, she hadn't fallen asleep just before the Spring Festival, and she was standing by the candlestick sewing the final pieces of the purse.

Jia Lian has been tight-lipped these days because the news about Li Weijian taking concubines has not been spread until now.Si Qi vaguely heard the news, but did not tell Yingchun.

Xiuju came back with hot water, but she listened to what the servant said and hurriedly told Yingchun when she came back.

"Girl, I heard that Fourth Master Jian took a concubine today."

Yingchun's heart trembled, and the embroidery needle suddenly pierced the belly of her finger, revealing a little red bead on it.Siqi saw this and quickly scolded: "You are making such a fuss, you are seriously scaring the girl!"

After licking the embroidered orange, Si Qi turned to Yingchun and said, "Girl, you——"

Just as he was thinking about how to comfort him, Yingchun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's fine, it's not good that he's always depressed like this..."

Si Qi blinked and rolled his eyes secretly.The second girl is good at everything, but her temper is too soft.If it were her, if she heard that her lover had taken a concubine first, there would have to be a scene. How could it be so easy to expose her?Looking at the second girl again, she feels a little relieved?
I really don’t know what the second girl is thinking!
Yingchun had another thought in her heart.Her heart is entirely devoted to Li Weijian. She has been in Rongguo Mansion since she was a child. From top to bottom, from Jia She, Jia Zheng to Jia Lian and Baoyu, who is not greedy for sex?

Even before brother Lian got married, all the maids around him were combed.That is to say, the second sister-in-law Lian had a fierce temper and used various methods to drive out all the maids. Only then did the second brother Lian become pure around her.

Therefore, she only had a slight taste in her heart.I also thought that Li Weijian would go too far every time these times. The second girl has also been a little obsessed with it recently, and I am afraid that they will not be able to help it in the future... That is simply unimaginable!
That kind of thing... we have to talk about it after we get married.Now that Li Weijian has taken a concubine, he is not as depressed as before. I think he will be more restrained, right?

Siqi realized that he had expressed his feelings wrongly, and he was relieved. He saw Xiuju holding the basin and was stunned, and immediately scolded: "Why don't you wait for the girl to wash her feet? If you dare to neglect the girl again, watch your skin carefully!"

Xiuju pursed her lips and did not dare to speak. She waited for Yingchun to wash her feet in a muffled voice.



The cloud bun is hanging down, and Baochai is picking off the top of her head in front of the mirror.Aunt Xue was looking through the account books.

Feeling dizzy and impatient, Aunt Xue threw away the account book and sighed with a grimace: "The shopkeeper is becoming more cunning and cunning. This month's profit is only slightly the same as last month."

Baochai put down the hairpin, turned around and comforted her: "Mom, don't be impatient. It will take my brother ten days or half a month to return. Then he will take care of the business."

Aunt Xue sighed: "I don't trust even Pan'er. You also know your brother's character. The people below him can coax you with sweet words and good words, and you can get confused in just a few words. Fortunately, there is still the water affairs guy, so he can count on it. Next year, our family’s income should be slightly higher than last year.”

Just now when Li Weijian was mentioned, Baochai's maid Ying'er came in a hurry. She met Li and said, "Madam, girl, I just heard from Sister-in-law Liu that Fourth Master Jian didn't come back today, so he was picking up someone outside." Concubine’s room.”

Aunt Xue wondered: "Brother Jian took a concubine? Why didn't you hear about this before?"

Ying'er said: "That's not all! Fourth Master Jian is really good at hiding it. Madam, guess what girl is the concubine that Fourth Master Jian has taken?"

"Whose family?"

Ying'er said: "Fu Shi's sister, Fu Qiufang!"

"Fu Qiufang?" Aunt Xue couldn't remember who it was.

Baochai had seen her that day, so she casually said, "I have seen Miss Fu. She is quiet and elegant. Brother Bao praised her as a 'beautiful lady'."

"It's her." Aunt Xue didn't care. She thought for a moment and suddenly smiled and said: "How can this man not be lustful and lustful? I asked Xiangling before, and she also said that Brother Jian never wanted her, ha, Looking at it now, I'm afraid Xiang Ling didn't tell the truth. How many of us are there? Brother Jian turned around and picked up someone six or seven years older than him, tsk tsk."

Baochai's face was like a flat lake, and he didn't know what he was thinking.After Aunt Xue said it, Baochai said: "It's always a happy event. Tomorrow I will go to the warehouse to find a few things and send them as gifts to Fourth Brother Jian."

Aunt Xue frowned when she heard this, but said nothing else.After Tongxi agreed, Aunt Xue said: "I have to send gifts, son, about that matter...should I find an opportunity to talk to Brother Jian?"

But Baochai shook his head and said, "It's better not to mention it yet. I'm afraid it's hard for me to do that kind of charity due to my illness."

Aunt Xue said with a bitter face: "My son, don't give up. The man in the palace never said that he would die, there is always a chance or two. Brother Jian has a deep friendship with King Zhongyong. If he proposes I can’t say that this kind of praise can be said from my last mouth——”

"Mom -" Baochai stopped Aunt Xue's words and said, "Our family has offended Fourth Brother Jian several times before. He is already generous by not caring about it. How can he help?"

Aunt Xue then said sarcastically: "It's just some minor disagreements between relatives, what's the big deal? I see that brother Jian is a man of measure. After talking about these days, I'm afraid he has long been forgotten." ?”

Baochai just shook his head when he heard this.

Fourth Brother Jian's tolerance...maybe some, but it's just extremely weird.There are some things that he doesn't care about, and there are some things that he will always plan for.

Until now, Sister Bao has never figured out why Li Weijian helped her separate Baoyu and Daiyu.Li Weijian has a soft spot for Daiyu?It doesn't seem like it.

Just when he entered the mansion, Li Weijian took more care of Daiyu because of Lin Yansi's instructions.The two of them met only a few times after that. Besides, Daiyu was still young at her age. No matter how lustful Li Weijian was, he wouldn't have developed feelings for Daiyu at this time, right?
Also, why does Li Weijian always have some vague... malice toward Baoyu?Could it be because of Daiyu?

Unexpectedly, in private, he had frequent contacts with the second girl during the Spring Festival... I really couldn't be sure of Li Weijian's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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